Now showing items 1-20 of 1561

    • Making Change Happen in the Middle

      Robert Farrell; Lehman College, City University of New York (2013)
      This paper seeks to provide library managers with a theoretical framework for thinking about how change is effected by those in middle management positions. Starting from the principles that change takes place within socio-culturally bounded contexts and is most successful when approached indirectly, two scenarios characteristic of many situations requiring change middle managers commonly face are then put forward. Following each scenario, a possible solution or path towards change is advanced in order to provide the reader with models for putting into practice the theoretical ideas presented. A methodology that combines theoretical frameworks and practical scenarios is adopted in order to ground theory in practice and thereby lead readers toward what might be called a “praxis” of change making.
    • Design and Development of Multimedia Based User Education Program: The Advantages of YouTube

      Ram, Shri; Paliwal, Nitin; Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (KBD Publication, 2012-10-26)
      User education is one of the essential activities of the library to optimize the use of library services. This paper discusses the use of multimedia based videos for the promotion of library services and activities with the help of emerging trends and technologies and the power of Web 2.0 especially YouTube. Through this paper, it is tried to demonstrate the procedural aspects of promoting user education through developing multimedia based user education program and utilizing the services of YouTube as media of marketing and communication at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India.
    • Linked-OWL: A new approach for dynamic linked data service workflow composition

      Ahmad, Hussien; Dowaji, Salah; Damascus University (Webology, 2013-06-01)
      The shift from Web of Document into Web of Data based on Linked Data principles defined by Tim Berners-Lee posed a big challenge to build and develop applications to work in Web of Data environment. There are several attempts to build service and application models for Linked Data Cloud. In this paper, we propose a new service model for linked data "Linked-OWL" which is based on RESTful services and OWL-S and copes with linked data principles. This new model shifts the service concept from functions into linked data things and opens the road for Linked Oriented Architecture (LOA) and Web of Services as part and on top of Web of Data. This model also provides high level of dynamic service composition capabilities for more accurate dynamic composition and execution of complex business processes in Web of Data environment.
    • Critical Thinking is a Life Relevancy: A Hospitality Management Student Case Study

      Berger, Monica; New York City College of Technology Library, City University of New York (Haworth, 2008)
      This article describes a library workshop for freshman hospitality management students enrolled at New York City College of Technology, CUNY, which features a focus on critical thinking. An active learning experience uses an element of surprise. Students evaluate the website of a bankrupt company where information about the company’s situation is hidden or not present. When the instructor guides the class to find unbiased information from newspapers, many students begin to think critically about sources.
    • Scholarly monographs on rock music: a bibliographic essay

      Berger, Monica; New York City College of Technology Library, City University of New York (Emerald Group Publishing, 2008)
      Purpose: This article is an overview of scholarly monographs on rock music from 1980 to the present. It provides an overview to the literature for practical purposes of collections development as well as giving the reader insight into key issues and trends related to a interdisciplinary topic that attracts scholars from many disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Design/methodology/approach: This bibliographic essay, focusing on works related to American culture and of a general nature, includes an overview and historical background; a discussion of how music and ethnomusiciological scholars approach the topic; geographic approaches; literature on four key icons (Elvis, Dylan, Springsteen, and Madonna); American studies; subcultures and genres; other methodologies; and concludes by discussing notable recent works. Findings: The scholarly literature on rock incorporates a wide variety of approaches and methodologies. Many music-related scholars appropriate methodology from other disciplines and some non-music-related scholars use the formalistic analysis of music scholars. Authenticity is a major theme in the literature on rock. Originality/value: This essay covers the widest range of monographs on the topic, providing insight into not only the key scholars but also the diversity of approaches to the topic. The historical approach to the literature gives the reader a sense of how the academic discourse on rock has evolved. This essay is of interest to librarians, scholars of rock music, and others concerned with how American scholarship in the humanities and the social sciences has grown since the advent of cultural studies.
    • Mapping chemical science research in India: A bibliometric study

      Gunasekaran, Subbiah; Sadikbatcha, M; Sivaraman, P; CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi 630 006, India (NISCAIR, New Delhi, India, 2006-06)
      Chemical sciences research in India has been mapped with data collected from the CD-ROM version of Chemistry Citation Index [publication year : 2002]. Roughly, 4.5% of the global R&D output in chemical sciences was contributed by Indian in 2002. Indian researchers published 6186 papers from 569 journals and 12 non-journal sources. More than 45% of these papers appeared in journals with an impact factor less than 1.000. Around 2% of the papers were either published in journals with no impact factor or not indexed in JCR 2003. The average impact factor for journal articles during this period is 1.359. While 26% of papers published by Indians were in US journals, the percentages for Indian and UK journals were 21 and 20%, respectively. Among Indian journals, the Asian Journal of Chemistry (IF 0.211) took the major chunk of 269 papers, while the Journal of Indian Chemical Society (IF 0.275) and the Indian Journal of Chemistry B (IF 0.492) carried 224 and 209 papers, respectively. In all, 563 institutions contributed 6199 papers in 2002. Of these papers, 68% were contributed by 10% of Indian institutions. The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore ranks first with 345 papers. This is followed by the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad with 263 papers. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai with 259 papers and the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune with 246 papers come in the third and fourth places, respectively. The largest contributions came from Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata. In terms of states, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal are major contributors. About 16% of the papers had international collaboration (with as many as 53 county ies). Major collaborating countries in chemical sciences were the US, Germany, Japan and Great Britain.
    • Impact factors of Indian open access journals rising

      Gunasekaran, Subbiah; Arunachalam, Subbiah; CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi 630 006, India; Centre for Internet and Society, #194, 2nd C Cross, Domlur 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560 071, India (Current Science Association in collaboration with Indian Academy of Sciences, India, 2012-10-10)
    • Web-based Digital Resources for Small Animal Medicine Professionals

      Rathinasabapathy, G; Rajendran, L; Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (e-Science World, 2009)
      The Internet which is also known as ‘Information Superhighway’, ‘Global Information Infrastructure’, ‘Cyberspace’, ‘Hyperspace’ etc., connects millions of computers in a web and makes almost immediate communication possible, irrespective of the location of its users. The Internet provides huge resources that are useful for veterinary and animal science professionals and the amount of accessible veterinary medicine information is increasing rapidly. Ideally, this could provide a formidable opportunity for Veterinarians to exchange and process veterinary medicine information with colleagues around the world from their desktop. Though the Internet offers virtually unlimited amount of information related to small animal medicine and surgery and provides a number of tools to access, it is useful in at least three aspects related to veterinary medicine and surgery viz., communication, education and research. This paper attempts to profile such important digital knowledge resources useful for small animal veterinary medicine professionals.
    • A Scientometric Study on Buffalo Research in India and Pakistan: A Profile based on CAB Direct Online

      Rathinasabapathy, G; Rajendran, L; Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (e-Science World, 2010)
      This paper intends to observe and compare the R&D output on ‘Buffaloes’ by the researchers in India and Pakistan. The chosen study period is 55 years (1955-2009) and CAB Direct Online is the source database for this research. During the period (1955 – 2009) a total of 9,096 and 706 publications were published by the scientists of India and Pakistan respectively on buffalo research and India is the top producing country with 9,096 papers (92.80%) followed by Pakistan with 706 papers (7.20%). The average number of publications published per year by India and Pakistan were 165 and 12 respectively. The spurt in the literature output of India and Pakistan were reported during 2001-2009 and 1991-2000 respectively. The study also reports the most preferred journals and most productive authors in India and Pakistan. This study also provides an inventory and scientometric dimensions of publications on buffalo research by India and Pakistan.
    • Mapping of World-wide Camel Research Publications: A Scientometric Analysis

      Rathinasabapathy, G; Rajendran, L; Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (e-Science World, 2013)
      This paper analyses publication output in the field of camel research as indexed in CAB Direct Online database covering the period 1963 – 2012. It reports on India’s comparative strength in world science and technology (S&T) output in this field. It is observed that a total of 4,923 publications were published during the year 1963 to 2012 as per CAB Direct Online. The average number of publications published per year was 98 papers. The highest number of papers i.e. 256 was published in the year 2012. The spurt in literature output was reported during 2000-2012. India is the top producing country with 354 papers (7.19%) followed by Egypt with 284 papers (5.76%). The top five most preferred journals by the scientists were: Journal of Camel Practice and Research with 641 papers (13.02%) followed by Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal with 193 papers 3.92%), Indian Journal of Animal Sciences with 186 papers (3.77%), Indian Veterinary Journal with 164 papers (3.33%) and Revue d’Ejevage et de Medecine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaus with 92 papers 1.87%). The top medium of communication is journal article with 4,164 papers (84.58%) followed by conference papers with 209 papers (4.25%). English was the most predominant language used by the scientists for communication with 4496 papers (91.32%). The prolific author is Gahlot, T.K. who contributed 173 papers (3.51%) followed by Faye, B. with 108 papers (2.19%).
    • Open Source Software for Creation of Digital Library: A Comparative Study of Greenstone Digital Library Software & DSpace

      Randhawa, Sukhwinder (Red Flower Publication Pvt. Ltd., 2012-12)
      Softwares now-a-days have become the life line of modern day organizations. Organizations cannot think of doing their tasks effectively and efficiently without softwares. The extremely competitive environment, zero deficiency and enhanced productivity has made it mandatory for the organizations to carefully choose the appropriate software after comprehensive needs assessment. Softwares simply their tasks and saves a lot of precious time which can be utilized in managing other important issues. Libraries also need softwares if they want to create a parallel digital library with features which we may not find in a traditional library. There are several open source softwares available to create a digital library. For this, firstly the library professionals should be aware of the advantages of open source software and should involve in their development. They should have basic knowledge about the selection, installation and maintenance. Open source software requires a greater degree of computing responsibility than commercial software. Digitization involves huge money to create and maintain and the OSS appears to be a means to reduce it. Among these, DSpace and Greenstone are becoming more popular in India and abroad. This paper deals with the comparison of these two popular OSS from various points of view. The comparative table may help the professionals who are planning to create a digital library.
    • Open Source Library Management Softwares

      Randhawa, Sukhwinder (2013-05)
      Open source software are those which permit execution, copy, read, distribution and improvement of the software without any restrictions. Library Management Software (LMS), is an enterprise resource planning system for a library, used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed. Commercial library management software are very expensive. Therefore, open source library management system can be appropriate alternatives for automatic library systems. This paper discusses features of open source library management software, criteria of selection of best open source library management software, their, advantages and limitations. Open source library management software is a solution to reduce that cost. The paper describes in brief about the feature of some of the open source library management software like Koha, NewGenlib, Evergreen, SENAYAN, ABCD, and BiblioteQ.
    • Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization

      Urade, Hemlata S.; Patel, Rahila; Department Computer Science & Engineering, RCERT, RTMNU Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India; Department Computer Science & Engineering, RCERT, RTMNU Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India (IJCSN, 2012-02-15)
      In this paper the concept of dynamic particle swarm optimization is introduced. The dynamic PSO is different from the existing PSO’s and some local version of PSO in terms of swarm size and topology. Experiment conducted for benchmark functions of single objective optimization problem, which shows the better performance rather the basic PSO. The paper also contains the comparative analysis for Simple PSO and Dynamic PSO which shows the better result for dynamic PSO rather than simple PSO.
    • Effectively Visualizing Library Data

      Phetteplace, Eric; Chesapeake College (American Library Association, 2012-12-20)
      As libraries collect more and more data, it is worth taking some time to analyze the data we collect and effectively present it. This article details how to use visualization to investigate trends and make compelling arguments with data.
    • Other People's Money: Adapting Entrepreneurial Techniques to Build Capital in Challenging Economic Times

      Farrell, Robert; Lehman College, City University of New York (2013-04-23)
      Drawing on the “predator” model of ntrepreneurship put forward by Villette and Vuillermot in their 2009 book “From Predators to Icons,” this article argues that challenging economic times reveal that self-funded, collaborative information literacy models have in many cases unsustainably overstretched staff and budgets. In such circumstances, it is necessary for librarians to shift to an entrepreneurial approach that seeks profitable opportunities funded by parties other than the library in order to build capital for current and future instructional services. Following Villette and Vuillermot, the article seeks to refute a cultural myth that sees the entrepreneur as someone who is first and foremost a “do-gooder” or marketer of helpful products, and it also advocates that librarians adopt a view of the entrepreneur as one who preys on unexploited, lowcost/high-profit opportunities to leverage “other people’s money” to build capital for later innovation. The article considers the economics of information literacy and library instruction programs, provides historical context for what has come to be known as the “collaborative imperative,” points to the economic shortsightedness of many collaborative and “embedded librarian” partnerships, and details six examples from information literacy programs that model successful entrepreneurship of the sort argued for.
    • Design and Development of Multimedia Based User Education Program: The Advantages of YouTube

      Ram, Shri; Paliwal, Nitin; Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (KBD Publications, 2013-04-23)
      User education is one of the essential activities of the library to optimize the use of library services. This paper discusses the use of multimedia based videos for the promotion of library services and activities with the help of emerging trends and technologies and the power of Web 2.0 especially YouTube. Through this paper, it is tried to demonstrate the procedural aspects of promoting user education through developing multimedia based user education program and utilizing the services of YouTube as media of marketing and communication at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India.
    • Policies Based Intrusion Response System for DBMS

      Nayeem, Fatima; Vijayakamal, M.; Dept of CSE, JNTU H, Sridevi Womens Engimeering College Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India; Dept of CSE, JNTU H, Sridevi Womens Engimeering College Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India (IJCSN, 2012-12-01)
      Intrusion detection systems play an important role in detecting online intrusions and provide necessary alerts. Intrusion detection can also be done for relational databases. Intrusion response system for a relational database is essential to protect it from external and internal attacks. We propose a new intrusion response system for relational databases based on the database response policies. We have developed an interactive language that helps database administrators to determine the responses to be provided by the response system based on the malicious requests encountered by relational database. We also maintain a policy database that maintains policies with respect to response system. For searching the suitable policies algorithms are designed and implemented. Matching the right policies and policy administration are the two problems that are addressed in this paper to ensure faster action and prevent any malicious changes to be made to policy objects. Cryptography is also used in the process of protecting the relational database from attacks. The experimental results reveal that the proposed response system is effective and useful.
    • Actionable Knowledge Discovery using Multi-Step Mining

      DharaniK; Kalpana Gudikandula; Department of CS, JNTU H, DRK College of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India; Department of IT, JNTU H, DRK Institute of Science and Technology Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India (International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN), 2012-12-01)
      Data mining is a process of obtaining trends or patterns in historical data. Such trends form business intelligence that in turn leads to taking well informed decisions. However, data mining with a single technique does not yield actionable knowledge. This is because enterprises have huge databases and heterogeneous in nature. They also have complex data and mining such data needs multi-step mining instead of single step mining. When multiple approaches are involved, they provide business intelligence in all aspects. That kind of information can lead to actionable knowledge. Recently data mining has got tremendous usage in the real world. The drawback of existing approaches is that insufficient business intelligence in case of huge enterprises. This paper presents the combination of existing works and algorithms. We work on multiple data sources, multiple methods and multiple features. The combined patterns thus obtained from complex business data provide actionable knowledge. A prototype application has been built to test the efficiency of the proposed framework which combines multiple data sources, multiple methods and multiple features in mining process. The empirical results revealed that the proposed approach is effective and can be used in the real world.
    • Perceptions Towards On-line Banking Security: An Empirical Investigation of a Developing Country`s Banking Sector, how secure is On-line Banking

      Bongani Ngwenya; Khanyisa Malufu; Dean, faculty of Business, Solusi University Bulawayo, +263, Zimbabwe; Department of Computers and Information Systems Solusi University, Bulawayo, +263, Zimbabwe (IJCSN, 2012-12-01)
      The increase in computer crime has led to scepticism about the move made by the banks to introduce on-line banking. Some view this as a noble move which has made the banking system more efficient, reliable and secure, while others view it as a risky and insecure way of banking. The aim of this study was to assess whether on-line banking in the developing countries is secure or not. The researcher chose a descriptive-quantitative research design. Data was collected using a self constructed questionnaire. Convenience sampling and stratified random sampling techniques were used to select the main subjects of the study. Generally on average there was no significant difference between the perceptions of management bank personnel and non-management bank personnel on the security of on-line banking. The study recommends further future studies on the security of on-line banking in developing countries based on the perceptions of the customers themselves, who are using on-line banking services, the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security and also a study of the latent dimensions of on-line banking security as extracted by factor analysis, how they differ from elements of information security as derived from the theoretical framework and literature.
    • Staffing by Design: A Methodology for Staffing Reference

      Ward, David; Phetteplace, Eric; University of Illinois; Chesapeake College (Taylor & Francis, 2012-08-10)
      The growth in number and kind of online reference services has resulted in both new users consulting library research services as well as new patterns of service use. Staffing in person and virtual reference services adequately requires a systematic analysis of patterns of use across service points in order to successfully meet fluctuating patron needs. This article examines an assessment methodology for examining patron use of in person and virtual reference services, and designing variable staffing models which balance the observed needs of each mode of communication and patron type.