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dc.contributor.authorDillon, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorSweeney, Marian
dc.contributor.authorMaguire, Martin
dc.contributor.editorAlty, James L.en_US
dc.contributor.editorGuest, S.en_US
dc.contributor.editorDiaper, Danen_US
dc.identifier.citationA Survey of usability evaluation practices and requirements in the European IT industry 1993, :81-94 People and computers VIIen_US
dc.description.abstractThis item is not the definitive copy. Please use the following citation when referencing this material: Dillon, A., Sweeney, M. and Maguire, M. (1993) A survey of usability evaluation practices and requirements in the European IT industry. In. J. Alty, S. Guest and D. Diaper (eds.) HCI'93. People and Computers VII. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Abstract: The present paper reports on a survey of current practices in usability engineering and requirements for support within European I.T. organisations. Responses were obtained from 84 individuals working in nine European countries. The data were analysed in terms of four themes: respondents' background, their interpretation and appreciation of the concept of usability, current practice with regard to usability evaluation, problems and requirements for support in conducting usability evaluation. Results suggest widespread awareness but only superficial application of Human Factors methods in Industry.
dc.publisherCambridge: Cambridge University Pressen_US
dc.subjectCognitive Scienceen_US
dc.subjectHuman Computer Interactionen_US
dc.subjectHypertext and Hypermediaen_US
dc.subject.otherUsability engineeringen_US
dc.subject.otherUsability evaluation toolsen_US
dc.subject.otherIndustrial surveyen_US
dc.subject.otherIndustrial practiceen_US
dc.subject.otherUsability laboratoriesen_US
dc.subject.otherHCI guidelines and standardsen_US
dc.titleA Survey of usability evaluation practices and requirements in the European IT industryen_US
dc.typeConference Paperen_US
dc.identifier.journalPeople and computers VIIen_US
html.description.abstractThis item is not the definitive copy. Please use the following citation when referencing this material: Dillon, A., Sweeney, M. and Maguire, M. (1993) A survey of usability evaluation practices and requirements in the European IT industry. In. J. Alty, S. Guest and D. Diaper (eds.) HCI'93. People and Computers VII. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Abstract: The present paper reports on a survey of current practices in usability engineering and requirements for support within European I.T. organisations. Responses were obtained from 84 individuals working in nine European countries. The data were analysed in terms of four themes: respondents' background, their interpretation and appreciation of the concept of usability, current practice with regard to usability evaluation, problems and requirements for support in conducting usability evaluation. Results suggest widespread awareness but only superficial application of Human Factors methods in Industry.

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