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dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Endang Sri Rusmiyati
dc.contributor.authorHasibuan, Zainal A.
dc.contributor.editorKhoo, C.en_US
dc.contributor.editorSingh, D.en_US
dc.contributor.editorChaudhry, A.S.en_US
dc.identifier.citationIdentification of technology trend on Indonesian patent documents and research reports on chemistry and metallurgy fields 2006, :581-586en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this study are: to identify technology trends by identifying core topics, prominence topics, and emerging topics; and to assess the overlap between research and development and patents on chemistry and metallurgy fields in Indonesia during 1993-1997. The technology trends are determined by measuring subject and keyword development on those fields. Co-words analysis is employed to measure the technology categories. The objects of this study are granted patents section C according to International Patent Classification (IPC) and research report documents which was collected from CD ROM of research reports on chemistry and metallurgy fields published by PDII-LIPI. Subjects analysis of patent document are measured based on the number of subclass in chemistry and metallurgy fields using IPC code of patent documents. Subjects analysis of research reports are measured based on the number of subclass in chemistry and metallurgy section using DDC21 system of research report documents. Co-words analysis is measured based on the co-occurrence frequencies of the keywords ap-peared in the research documents. The results showed that overlapping subject and keyword of patent documents and research report documents on chemistry and metallurgy fields in Indonesia during five years (1993 to 1997) was on the organic chemistry, especially on dyes and extraction. Another important subject in patent documents was human necessity, especially on pesticides, drugs, and detergents. The largest subject on research activities period was on food technology, especially on coconut oils, palm oils, and storage. Technology categories on research report documents show that there were no core top-ics of research activities in Indonesia during five years (1993 to 1997). The prominence topics were only on 1993 and 1996 namely fermentation process, storage processes, and drying apparatus. There were core topics, prominence topics and emerging topics on patent documents.
dc.publisherSchool of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological Universityen_US
dc.subjectScience Technology Studiesen_US
dc.subject.otherTechnology trenden_US
dc.subject.otherPatent documentsen_US
dc.titleIdentification of technology trend on Indonesian patent documents and research reports on chemistry and metallurgy fieldsen_US
dc.typeConference Paperen_US
html.description.abstractThe aims of this study are: to identify technology trends by identifying core topics, prominence topics, and emerging topics; and to assess the overlap between research and development and patents on chemistry and metallurgy fields in Indonesia during 1993-1997. The technology trends are determined by measuring subject and keyword development on those fields. Co-words analysis is employed to measure the technology categories. The objects of this study are granted patents section C according to International Patent Classification (IPC) and research report documents which was collected from CD ROM of research reports on chemistry and metallurgy fields published by PDII-LIPI. Subjects analysis of patent document are measured based on the number of subclass in chemistry and metallurgy fields using IPC code of patent documents. Subjects analysis of research reports are measured based on the number of subclass in chemistry and metallurgy section using DDC21 system of research report documents. Co-words analysis is measured based on the co-occurrence frequencies of the keywords ap-peared in the research documents. The results showed that overlapping subject and keyword of patent documents and research report documents on chemistry and metallurgy fields in Indonesia during five years (1993 to 1997) was on the organic chemistry, especially on dyes and extraction. Another important subject in patent documents was human necessity, especially on pesticides, drugs, and detergents. The largest subject on research activities period was on food technology, especially on coconut oils, palm oils, and storage. Technology categories on research report documents show that there were no core top-ics of research activities in Indonesia during five years (1993 to 1997). The prominence topics were only on 1993 and 1996 namely fermentation process, storage processes, and drying apparatus. There were core topics, prominence topics and emerging topics on patent documents.

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