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dc.contributor.authorArunachalam, Subbiah
dc.contributor.authorJayashree, B.
dc.identifier.citationMapping Fish Research in India 2000-09, 79(5):613-620 Current Scienceen_US
dc.description.abstractFish and aquaculture research in India has been mapped using data from six databases. About 460 papers, roughly 5.5% of the world output, come from India every year, of which 82% are journal articles. Close to 70% of journal articles have appeared in 113 Indian journals. Less than a third of the journal articles are published in journals indexed in SCI. About 61% of publications are contributed by government laboratories and over 25% by academic institutions. Government laboratories publish most of their work in low impact and low visibility journals and academic institutions in journals of medium impact. However, even those papers appearing in better-rated journals are not cited well. Kochi, Chennai, Mumbai and Mangalore are the cities and Tamil Nadu and Kerala are the states contributing large number of papers.
dc.subjectScholarly Communicationen_US
dc.subjectCitation Analysisen_US
dc.subject.otherjournal classificationen_US
dc.subject.otherarticle distributionen_US
dc.subject.otherinternational collaborationen_US
dc.titleMapping Fish Research in Indiaen_US
dc.typeJournal Article (Paginated)en_US
dc.identifier.journalCurrent Scienceen_US
html.description.abstractFish and aquaculture research in India has been mapped using data from six databases. About 460 papers, roughly 5.5% of the world output, come from India every year, of which 82% are journal articles. Close to 70% of journal articles have appeared in 113 Indian journals. Less than a third of the journal articles are published in journals indexed in SCI. About 61% of publications are contributed by government laboratories and over 25% by academic institutions. Government laboratories publish most of their work in low impact and low visibility journals and academic institutions in journals of medium impact. However, even those papers appearing in better-rated journals are not cited well. Kochi, Chennai, Mumbai and Mangalore are the cities and Tamil Nadu and Kerala are the states contributing large number of papers.

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