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dc.contributor.authorHiggins, Susan E.
dc.contributor.authorWelsh, Teresa
dc.identifier.citationHiggins, S. E. and Welsh, T. (2009). The tenure process in LIS: A survey of LIS/ISen_US
dc.description.abstractThis survey addressed the experience of receiving tenure through the personal narratives of Directors of Library and Information Science Schools in the USA. Fifty-five respondents were asked to rank the emphasis of the variables operating in tenure based on their experience. Participants agreed that the granting of autonomy via tenure was an opportunity to exercise academic freedom. With tenure came the responsibility to contribute as a citizen of both the institutional and disciplinary communities of the profession. The most prominent factor in determining tenure and promotion decisions for LIS faculty is demonstration of research productivity through peer reviewed publications: articles, books and conference proceedings. Teaching and service are also important components of academic life. It was found that collaboration underpinned collegiality and created an environment conducive to research. In turn, the stability and collegiality of a tenured position made the institution work as a teaching and learning environment.
dc.publisherAssociation of Library and Information Science Educationen_US
dc.subjecthigher educationen_US
dc.subjectprofessional developmenten_US
dc.subjectquality of working lifeen_US
dc.titleThe Tenure Process in LIS: A Survey of LIS/IS Program Directors
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Southern Mississippi School of Library and Information Scienceen_US
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Education for Library and Information Scienceen_US
html.description.abstractThis survey addressed the experience of receiving tenure through the personal narratives of Directors of Library and Information Science Schools in the USA. Fifty-five respondents were asked to rank the emphasis of the variables operating in tenure based on their experience. Participants agreed that the granting of autonomy via tenure was an opportunity to exercise academic freedom. With tenure came the responsibility to contribute as a citizen of both the institutional and disciplinary communities of the profession. The most prominent factor in determining tenure and promotion decisions for LIS faculty is demonstration of research productivity through peer reviewed publications: articles, books and conference proceedings. Teaching and service are also important components of academic life. It was found that collaboration underpinned collegiality and created an environment conducive to research. In turn, the stability and collegiality of a tenured position made the institution work as a teaching and learning environment.

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