Forage & Grain Report 1996: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-23 of 23
1995-1996 Alfalfa Yields of Five Varieties Planted Octobert 1994 on the Colorado River Indian Tribes ReservationFive alfalfa varieties (CUF 101, SW 14, SW8210, Pioneer 5888, and a grower selection primarily from CUF 101 and noted as Baldwin Select) were planted in October, 1994, into large plots (0.75 acres) to obtain actual field harvest data. Eight harvests were taken during 1995, and seven thus far in 1996. Varietal hay yields were very similar in 1995 until mid summer, when area soil temperatures reached above 100 °F at the four inch depth for a period of about 6 weeks. During the summer months of both years Baldwin Select significantly outyielded other varieties tested. Statistical differences in accumulated hay yields were noted beginning in August 1995 and have continued during 1996. Baldwin Select was the highest yielding variety during 1995 (103.3% of CUF 101), followed by CUF 101 and Pioneer 5888, both which averaged 1.16 tons /acre per harvest. SW 14 and SW 8210 yielded about 550 total lbs /acre less than CUF 101 during 1995. Baldwin Select has also been the highest yielding variety in 1996 thus far, yielding 113.6% of CUF 101. SW 8210 has been second (107.6% of CUF 101), followed by SW 14 (102.7% of CUF 101), with CUF 101 and Pioneer 5888 again being almost equal in yield at 1.14 tons /acre per harvest. For 1995- 1996 combined, Baldwin Select has yielded 108.2% of CUF 101, followed by SW8210 (101.9% of CUF 101). CUF 101, Pioneer 5888 and SW 14 are very similar in overall tonnage. Alfalfa varieties have been very similar in relative feed value when tested. Yellowing from Empoasca spp. leafhoppers was greatest during the 1995 -1996 winter on varieties with fall dormancy ratings of 9 or greater. Baldwin Select has yielded $121 /acre more hay than CUF 101, and SW8210 has yielded $44 /acre more hay than CUF 101 thus far in this trial.
Silage Corn Variety Trial in Greenlee County, 1995Five yellow corn hybrids were compared for silage yield at the Lunt dairy in Greenlee county. Silage yields, several agronomic variables and nutritional variables are also reported. Funks G4673B was the highest yielding hybrid in the trial with a silage yield over 33 tons per acre and net energy of lactation value over 13,000 megacalories per acre.
Sudangrass Variety Evaluation at La Paz County, 1996 (Preliminary)Two common (Piper and Sweet Sudan), four hybrid sudangrass (NK Trudan 8, Cargill HS 35, and Germaine's G 555), and three sorghum-sudangrass hybrid (DK SX 17, TE Haygrazer II, and Pioneer 877F) varieties are currently being evaluated for hay yield and quality at four cuttings in large field plots located at Quail Mesa Farms in southwest La Paz County. Preliminary results from the first two hay cuttings are presented showing that of the nine sudangrass varieties examined in this study, Piper, Cargill HS 35, and NC+ 200 sudangrass varieties had superior hay tonnage and quality. However, we need to determine if this pattern of hay tonnage and quality can be maintained over at least four hay cuttings. The sorghum-sudangrass hybrids produced relatively poor quality hay, and had relatively high prussic acid levels at the second cutting.