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dc.contributor.advisorElson, J. M.en_US
dc.contributor.authorDeSandre, Lewis Francis.
dc.creatorDeSandre, Lewis Francis.en_US
dc.description.abstractA rigorous analysis based upon the extinction theorem is presented to study anomalous resonance effects from single- and multilayer-overcoated, low-efficiency diffraction gratings. Anomalously high diffraction efficiency at resonance results from the coupling of the incident beam into guided waves that can be propagated within the composite structure. Both the traditional characteristic matrix technique and a recursive or R-matrix propagation technique are presented. The R-matrix propagation algorithm was found to be stable numerically, and computational results agree favorably with both experimental and other theoretical work. Numerical results are presented in order to investigate the influence of certain parameters (i.e., groove depth and shape and the number of high- and low-index overlayers) on the diffraction efficiency at resonance. In this analysis, a wavelength of 0.6328 μm and grating period of 0.7 μm were chosen so that only a -1 diffracted order other than the specular is reflected from the gratings. Perfect transfer of the grating relief to the film boundaries does not occur in all instances; it depends on the grating and film characteristics together with the conditions during deposition. Investigated in this work is the effect of nonreplication of the grating profile at film interfaces on anomalous diffraction; a transition from trapezoidal profile at the grating substrate to a rounded relief at the top surface of the multilayer structure is assumed. For the cases studied, it was found that nonreplication has the effect of reducing the strength of the resonance outcoupling. Finally, experimental results on anomalous resonance effects for multilayer-coated gratings are presented. Good agreement with computational results was attained.
dc.publisherThe University of Arizona.en_US
dc.rightsCopyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author.en_US
dc.subjectDiffraction gratings.en_US
dc.subjectDiffractive scattering.en_US
dc.titleExtinction theorem analysis of diffraction anomalies in overcoated-gratings.en_US
dc.typeDissertation-Reproduction (electronic)en_US
dc.identifier.oclc703427721en_US of Arizonaen_US
dc.contributor.committeememberMacleod, H. Angusen_US
dc.identifier.proquest9010474en_US Sciencesen_US Collegeen_US
dc.description.noteThis item was digitized from a paper original and/or a microfilm copy. If you need higher-resolution images for any content in this item, please contact us at
dc.description.admin-noteOriginal file replaced with corrected file August 2023.
html.description.abstractA rigorous analysis based upon the extinction theorem is presented to study anomalous resonance effects from single- and multilayer-overcoated, low-efficiency diffraction gratings. Anomalously high diffraction efficiency at resonance results from the coupling of the incident beam into guided waves that can be propagated within the composite structure. Both the traditional characteristic matrix technique and a recursive or R-matrix propagation technique are presented. The R-matrix propagation algorithm was found to be stable numerically, and computational results agree favorably with both experimental and other theoretical work. Numerical results are presented in order to investigate the influence of certain parameters (i.e., groove depth and shape and the number of high- and low-index overlayers) on the diffraction efficiency at resonance. In this analysis, a wavelength of 0.6328 μm and grating period of 0.7 μm were chosen so that only a -1 diffracted order other than the specular is reflected from the gratings. Perfect transfer of the grating relief to the film boundaries does not occur in all instances; it depends on the grating and film characteristics together with the conditions during deposition. Investigated in this work is the effect of nonreplication of the grating profile at film interfaces on anomalous diffraction; a transition from trapezoidal profile at the grating substrate to a rounded relief at the top surface of the multilayer structure is assumed. For the cases studied, it was found that nonreplication has the effect of reducing the strength of the resonance outcoupling. Finally, experimental results on anomalous resonance effects for multilayer-coated gratings are presented. Good agreement with computational results was attained.

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