Teacher Education and Beginning Teachers' Teaching Practices:An Observational Study of First-year Teachers
Zhang, JizhiIssue Date
Good, Thomas L.Darrell Sabers
Committee Chair
Good, Thomas L.Darrell Sabers
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The University of Arizona.Rights
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The purpose of this study was to examine whether first-year teachers' teaching practices improve across time and to identify whether school level (elementary, middle, and high) influences new teachers' teaching practices as measured by the observation instrument. Also, the study examined the relationships between first-year teachers' teaching practices, teacher education, school level, and school SES.The current research included two studies. Study One was carried out in the academic year 2003-2004, and Study Two in year 2004-2005. Both studies involved collecting teaching practices data through observations by trained researchers. Study One data were based upon observations of 113 first-year teachers and Study Two involved 139 first-year teachers. A correlational analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between first-year teachers' teaching practices and school SES. A mixed (2x3x2) Analysis of Variance model was employed to analyze how first-year teachers' teaching practices are influenced by types of teacher education, school level, and school SES.The study found that the majority of beginning teachers not only showed a desirable normative level of teaching practices, but also continued to teach at that level and made improvements as measured by the end of year teaching performance measure.Three main themes were found in this study: (1) Changes in first-year teaching practices across time were not correlated with school SES. (2) Elementary school teachers were observed to be more effective in Classroom Management practices. (3) There were significant interaction (time by teacher education and school level) effects on new teachers' teaching practices in Study Two. The results indicated that the study of teacher education requires a complex design. Different types of teacher preparation paths might suit in different contexts.Type
textElectronic Dissertation
Degree Name
PhDDegree Level
doctoralDegree Program
Educational PsychologyGraduate College