Particle Film Technologies: Pest Management and Yield Enhancement Qualities in Lemons
Citrus Research ReportAbstract
Surround WP and Snow were evaluated for their ability to manage citrus thrips populations in lemons on the Yuma Mesa, and their impact on lemon yield, fruit quality, and packout. Both Surround and Snow effectively controlled citrus thrips and prevented fruit scarring. Surround produced higher yields than either Snow or the commercial standard at the first harvest (#9 ring). There were no differences in yield among treatments for the second (strip) harvest, nor were their any differences in total yield. These data suggest that Surround may increase fruit earliness or sizing. There were no statistical differences among any of the treatments in fruit size frequency or quality for any of the harvests, and there was no apparent benefit from applying an additional application of Surround or Snow post thrips season solely for quality, fruit size, or yield enhancement. The activity of Surround does not appear to be adversely affected by the inclusion of the insecticides Danitol, Baythroid, Carzol, or Success, nor do these insecticides appear to be adversely affected by Surround. Foliar fertilizers did not appear to adversely affect the activity of Surround when tank mixed. However, there is some evidence that Surround may negatively affect the absorption of Fe and Mn when tank mixed with Zn, Fe, Mn lignosulfonate, but this data is not conclusive. The addition of a non-ionic surfactant appears to enhance the on-leaf distribution of Surround over light petroleum and paraffin based oils, but long term efficacy is not affected.Series/Report no.
AZ1331Series P-137