Effects of Synergistic Additives to Standard Defoliation Materials in Both Upland and Pima Cotton
Two separate defoliation experiments were conducted during the 2004 growing season in an effort to evaluate the effectiveness of commercially available harvest preparation materials alone at full label rates and to also evaluate these materials at reduced rates with the addition of various synergistic chemicals designed to enhance the effectiveness of commercially available harvest prep materials. The studies were conducted at the University of Arizona Safford Agricultural Center on both Upland (cultivar DP555BR) and Pima (cultivar DP340) cotton. Plots were planted on 20 April and 27 April for the Upland and Pima, respectively. Plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications and treatments included Ginstar at recommended rates and Ginstar at reduced rates with the addition of three chemical enhancement materials (A, B, and C). Sodium chlorate was also included at a full rate and at reduced rates with the three enhancement materials. A control, not receiving any harvest prep material was also included for a total of eleven treatments. Treatments were imposed on 15 October and evaluations were made on 27 October and 4 November. Estimations on percent leaf drop, regrowth control, and open boll were made. Lint yield was estimated by harvesting the center two rows of each plot and sub-samples were collected for fiber quality analysis. Results indicated that the most effective treatment for both Upland and Pima trials was Ginstar at the full rate. Reduced rates of Ginstar in combination with the enhancement chemicals of B and C also provided good defoliation results. The chemicals that were designed to enhance the efficacy of the commercial harvest prep materials appeared to have an antagonistic affect with the sodium chlorate. Defoliation effectiveness decreased with the addition of chemicals A, B, and C to sodium chlorate. No statistical differences were detected among lint yield or any of the fiber quality parameters in any of the treatments of both the Upland and Pima trials.Series/Report no.
az1366Series P-142