Interaction of Cotton Varieties and Rhizoctonia solani: Effects on Resultant Plant Populations, 2005
Eight varieties were evaluated under field conditions for resultant plant populations after field infection with Rhizoctonia solani. Highest plant populations were noted in Delta and PineLand 454BR, followed by three other Delta and PineLand (DPL) varieties. Stoneville and Phytogen cotton varieties had reduced plant stands compared to DPL varieties at approximately 30 days after planting. DPL 454BR, which had the highest plant population, also had earlier growth and establishment than other varieties which is thought to have helped plant survival. Although all seed was treated with multiple fungicides, seed of DPL varieties was treated with several fungicide active ingredients (thiram, tridimenol) not present on seed from other varieties. Comparative increased stand on DPL varieties may be in part due to plant genetics as well as fungicide. Stand loss was noted in all varieties however. Data indicate that in-furrow application of fungicides or applications to small cotton plants may be necessary for heavier soils under cool and moist early season growing conditions in the low desert.Series/Report no.
az1409Series P-145