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dc.contributor.authorNorton, E. R.
dc.contributor.authorBorrego, H.
dc.contributor.editorTronstad, Russellen_US
dc.contributor.editorNorton, E. Randyen_US
dc.description.abstractA defoliation experiment was conducted during the 2005 growing season in an effort to evaluate effectiveness of the Ginstar™ defoliant alone and in combination with Cotton Quick™. This study was conducted at the University of Arizona Safford Agricultural Center on Upland (cultivar DP655BR). Plots were planted on 22 April. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications and treatments that included Ginstar™ at 6 and 8 oz./acre rates and Ginstar™ at the 6 and 8 oz./acre rates in combination with various rates of Cotton Quick™ (1.5, 2, 3, and 4 pts/acre). A control, not receiving any harvest prep material was also included for a total of eleven treatments. Treatments were imposed on 3 October and evaluations were made on 14 October and 26 October. Estimations on percent leaf drop, regrowth control, and open boll were made. Lint yield was estimated by harvesting the center two rows of each plot and sub-samples were collected for fiber quality analysis. Plots were harvested on 26 October in an attempt to evaluate the boll opening effectiveness of the Cotton Quick™ material. Results indicated increased leaf drop in lower Ginstar™ rates with the addition of Cotton Quick™. Measurements of open boll percentages did not indicate any increase with the addition of Cotton Quick™ however, lint yield and fiber quality parameters would demonstrate otherwise. Lint yield slightly increased in all treatments receiving Cotton Quick™ while fiber micronaire decreased in Cotton Quick™ treatments. This would indicate a blending of less mature bolls opened with the addition of Cotton Quick™ with those already opened. Percent lint also increased in all treatments receiving Cotton Quick™.
dc.publisherCollege of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeries P-145en_US
dc.subjectAgriculture -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectCotton -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectPhysiology and growth regulatorsen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of Commercial Harvest Aid Products in Arizona Upland Cotton Production Systemsen_US
dc.identifier.journalCotton: A College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Reporten_US
html.description.abstractA defoliation experiment was conducted during the 2005 growing season in an effort to evaluate effectiveness of the Ginstar™ defoliant alone and in combination with Cotton Quick™. This study was conducted at the University of Arizona Safford Agricultural Center on Upland (cultivar DP655BR). Plots were planted on 22 April. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications and treatments that included Ginstar™ at 6 and 8 oz./acre rates and Ginstar™ at the 6 and 8 oz./acre rates in combination with various rates of Cotton Quick™ (1.5, 2, 3, and 4 pts/acre). A control, not receiving any harvest prep material was also included for a total of eleven treatments. Treatments were imposed on 3 October and evaluations were made on 14 October and 26 October. Estimations on percent leaf drop, regrowth control, and open boll were made. Lint yield was estimated by harvesting the center two rows of each plot and sub-samples were collected for fiber quality analysis. Plots were harvested on 26 October in an attempt to evaluate the boll opening effectiveness of the Cotton Quick™ material. Results indicated increased leaf drop in lower Ginstar™ rates with the addition of Cotton Quick™. Measurements of open boll percentages did not indicate any increase with the addition of Cotton Quick™ however, lint yield and fiber quality parameters would demonstrate otherwise. Lint yield slightly increased in all treatments receiving Cotton Quick™ while fiber micronaire decreased in Cotton Quick™ treatments. This would indicate a blending of less mature bolls opened with the addition of Cotton Quick™ with those already opened. Percent lint also increased in all treatments receiving Cotton Quick™.

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