The Cotton Report is one of several commodity-based agricultural research reports published by the University of Arizona.

This report, along with the Forage and Grain Report, was established by Hank Brubaker, Extension Agronomist, after seeing a similar report published by Texas A&M University in the mid-1970’s.

The purpose of the report is to provide an annual research update to farmers, researchers, and those in the agricultural industry. The research is conducted by University of Arizona and USDA-ARS scientists.

Both historical and current Cotton Reports have been made available in the UA Campus Repository as part of a collaboration between the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the University Libraries.

Other commodity-based agricultural research reports available in the UA Campus Repository include:
Citrus Reports | Forage & Grain Reports | Sugarbeet Reports | Turfgrass Reports | Vegetable Reports


Contact CALS Publications at pubs@cals.arizona.edu, or visit the CALS Publications website.

Contents for Cotton Report 1995

Recent Submissions

  • Telone II® and Temik® Efficacy on Rootknot Nematodes in Cotton

    Husman, S.; McClure, M.; Lambeth, J.; Dennehy, T.; Deeter, B.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Field studies were conducted at four western Maricopa County commercial sites in 1994 to determine whether Temik 15G® would suppress rootknot nematode at low to moderate populations. Three of the experiments were on Upland D +PL 5415 with the fourth on Pima S-6. Sites were chosen based on pre- season sampling with individual field populations ranging from 0.005 (low) - 3.6 (high) rootknot nematode juveniles per cubic centimeter (cc) of soil volume. Each study consisted of four treatments with six replications. The following treatments were used at all test sites: (1) Untreated check, (2) 5 lbs. Temik 15G at planting, (3) 5 lbs. Temik 15G at planting, 15 lbs. Temik 15G sidedressed at pinhead square, (4) 5 gal. Telone 11® pre-plant. Sampling for thrips and lygus was conducted at all test sites to provide insight regarding yield effects resulting from control of insect versus those due to suppression of nematode. There were no significant yield differences between the untreated check and either Temik treatment. However, significant yield increases were measured with Telone versus all treatments at all locations. Insect pressures were minimal in all cases. Temik 15G did not suppress nematode damage at any population level.
  • The Use of Fungi to Prevent Aflatoxin Contamination of Cottonseed in the Yuma Valley

    Cotty, P. J.; Silvertooth, Jeff; USDA, ARS, Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LA (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    A strain of Aspergillus flavus that does not produce aflatoxins was applied to soils planted with cotton at the Yuma Valley Agricultural Center in order to assess strain ability to competitively exclude aflatoxin producing strains during cotton boll infection and thereby prevent aflatoxin contamination of cottonseed. In both 1989 and 1990, the atoxigenic strain displaced other infecting strains during cotton boll development. Displacement was associated with significant reductions (75% to 82% in 1989, and 99% in 1990) in the quantity of aflatoxins contaminating the crop at maturity. Although frequency of infected locules differed between years, in both years displacement occurred without increases in the amount of developing boll infection. Currently, an Experimental Use Permit is being sought from the EPA for tests on commercial acreage
  • Cotton Leaf Curl Virus, A Threat to Arizona Cotton?

    Nadeem, Athar, 1955-; Xiong, Zhongguo; Nelson, Merritt; Silvertooth, Jeff; Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arizona (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    A serious virus disease of cotton in Pakistan is distantly related to cotton leaf crumple in Arizona. It is much more destructive on cotton than leaf crumple, and has never been found in the western hemisphere. Cotton leaf crumple in Arizona causes only modestly damaging midseason infections, while leaf curl, has had a major impact on the crop in Pakistan. Modern transportation and the increasing movement of living plants in global trade has resulted in them recent introduction of a similar disease of another crop to the western hemisphere.
  • 1994 Cottonseed Treatment Evaluations

    Norton, E. R.; Silvertooth, J. C.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Cottonseed was treated with several fungicide treatments in an effort to protect the seed and seedling from disease. Seed germination and vigor was evaluated in three Arizona locations; Maricopa, Marana, and Safford. Stand counts were taken on two separate dates after emergence at both Safford and Marana and once at Maricopa and percent emergence was calculated. Among the three locations two, Marana and Safford, showed significant differences among treatments. Treatment number 5 placed first at both locations where significant differences were found. The untreated control placed last in the ranking at both Marana and Safford for all dates of sampling.
  • Evaluation of Soil Conditioners and Water Treatments for Cotton Production Systems

    Unruh, B. L.; Silvertooth, J. C.; Sanchez, C. A.; Norton, E. R.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Advanced technologies to produce synthetic polymers such as polyacrylamide (PAS, and polymaleic anhydride (PMA) have produced products which may be economically feasible alternatives to traditional treatments such as gypsum in the desert Southwest. In 1994 three field studies were initiated, two identical studies were located in the Yuma Valley and one at Paloma Ranch. At Yuma Valley the experiments included 0, 1, and 2 tons gypsum/acre, over which, various soil-applied treatments were made; including, a check, soluble PMA (Sper Sal™), and PAM (Hydro-Growth™). Upland cotton 'DPL 5461' was grown in both Yuma Valley studies. At Paloma Ranch, Upland 'DPL 5415' planted. Prior to planting, two gypsum applications were made at 0 and 2 tons/acre. Also included as treatments were various methods and rates of Sper Salt™. No differences among treatments were detected in either of these locations relative to crop yield. At Paloma Ranch there were some early-season differences in soil crusting among the various soil amendment treatments, however, these differences dissipated as the season progressed and did not result in lint yield differences.
  • Effect of Soil and Foliar Applied Potassium on Pima and Upland Cotton at Two Arizona Locations

    Galadima, A.; Silvertooth, J. C.; Unruh, B. L.; Norton, E. R.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Due to increasing emphasis and interest being placed on cotton (Gossypium spp.) fiber quality as well as yield benefits associated with potassium (K) fertilization, two studies were conducted in 1994. These studies with those before them were aimed at assessing the agronomic necessity of K fertilization in Arizona cotton production. The locations of the trials included Maricopa Agricultural Center (Casa Grande sandy loam) and Safford Agricultural Center (Pima clay loam). At the Safford location, both Upland (G. hirsutum L., var. DPL 90) and Pima (G. barbadense L., var. S-7) cotton were planted with treatments that included both soil and foliar K applications. The trials at Maricopa Agricultural Center included four foliar K applications over the growing season on Pima (G barbadense L., var. S-7) cotton. The results of the experiments at both locations indicated no lint yield responses to K fertilization by either Upland or Pima cotton.
  • Nitrogen Management BMPs Parker Valley Demonstration

    Watson, J.; Winans, S.; Sheedy, M.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    A nitrogen management demonstration was conducted in the Parker Valley in 1994. Grower nitrogen application practices were compared with nitrogen application recommendations based upon pre plant soil samples plus petiole nitrates and plant mapping data. The only significant difference in amounts applied occurred in May, with grower applied rates exceeding recommended rates. Grower rationale for the application was logical, however, it being dependent upon the uncertainty of irrigation timing in June.
  • Evaluation of a Feedback Approach to Nitrogen and Pix Application

    Silvertooth, J. C.; Norton, E. R.; Unruh, B. L.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    A single field experiment was conducted in 1994 at Maricopa, AZ to compare a scheduled approach (based on stage of growth) versus a feedback approach (based on vegetative status) to both nitrogen (N) and mepiquat chloride (PIX™) applications on Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). PIX feedback treatments were based upon fruit retention (FR) levels and height: node ratios (HNRs) according to established baselines. Scheduled PIX applications were made for a total of 1.0 pt./acre over two applications, with feedback PIX treatments receiving a single 0.5 pt./acre application near peak bloom (approx. 2200 heat units after planting (HUAP), 86/55 °F threshold) Scheduled applications of fertilizer N totaled 225 lbs. N/acre from four applications and feedback N treatments received a total of 135 lbs. N/acre from three 45 lb. N/acre applications. Treatments consisted of all combinations of scheduled or feedback applications of both N and PIX. The highest lint yields were from a treatment receiving feedback N and PIX and a treatment receiving scheduled N and PIX, which were not significantly differencent (P ≤ 0.05) from one another. From a practical standpoint, however, these treatments were very different in terms of the magnitude in differences of fertilizer N and PIX required to produce comparable yields.
  • Nitrogen Management Experiments for Upland and Pima Cotton, 1994

    Silvertooth, J. C.; Norton, E. R.; Unruh, B. L.; Navarro, J. A.; Clark, L. J.; Carpenter, E. W.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Three field experiments were conducted in Arizona in 1994 at three locations ( Maricopa, Marana, and Safford). The Maricopa and Safford experiments have been conducted for six consecutive seasons, with consistent plot locations; the Marana site was initiated in 1994. The purposes of the experiments were to validate and refine nitrogen (N) fertilization recommendations for both Upland and Pima cotton. The experiments each utilized N management tools such as pre-season soil tests for NO₃⁻-N, in-season plant tissue testing (petioles) for N fertility status, and crop monitoring to ascertain crop fruiting patterns and crop N needs. Results at each location revealed a strong relationship between the crop fruit retention levels and N needs for the crop. This pattern was further reflected in final yield analysis as a response to the N fertilization regimes used. The effects of N fertility levels have been consistently evident in crop maturity and its relationship to lint yields.
  • Susceptibility of Arizona Populations of Lygus Bugs to Acephate (Orthene®) and Bifenthrin (Capture®)

    Dennehy, T. J.; Cramer, G. C.; DeBolt, J.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Adult lygus bugs were collected from alfalfa fields in 6 different cotton producing areas of Arizona. The standardized, glass vial method was used to estimate susceptibility of the collected populations to the organophosphate insecticide, acephate (Orthene®), and the pyrethroid, bifenthrin (Capture®). Overall, lygus from throughout the state were very susceptible to bifenthrin. However, some populations were significantly less susceptible to bifenthrin than were others. Lygus populations with greater than 20% survivorship of 100 μg/ml vial bioassays with bifenthrin should be monitored to provide early warning of future problems with pyrethroid resistance. Resistance of lygus to acephate appeared to be widespread but not uniform in Arizona. While some populations had individuals surviving exposure to vial treatments of as high as 10,000 pg/ml acephate, other populations had no survivors of 1,000 pg/ml treatments. Lygus populations with survivors of 10,000 pg/ml vial bioassays should be considered highly resistant to acephate. Our findings illustrate that resistance levels are often unique from farm to farm, even within the same region. To preserve the long-term usefulness of acephate, where possible, cotton growers should consider using it no more than once or twice per season, on any given field.
  • Bioassay Results in Field Persistence of Two Pink Bollworm Parasitic Nematodes

    Lindegren, J. E.; Henneberry, T. J.; Forlow Jech, L. J.; Burke, R. A.; Silvertooth, Jeff; USDA-ARS, HCRL, Fresno, CA; USDA-ARS, WCRL, Phoenix, AZ (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) and S. riobravis Cabanillas, Poinar and Raulston applied in the field at the rate of 1 billion nematodes /acre equivalent persisted in the soil for 63 and 6 days, respectively. Persistence of S. riobravis in the field may offer the potential for introduction and permanent establishment of this nematode for pink bollworm (PBW), Pectinophora gossvpiella (Saunders), control in southwestern cotton growing areas.
  • Establishment of a Whitefly Resistance Documentation and Management Program in Arizona

    Dennehy, T. J.; Simmons, A.; Russell, J.; Akey, D.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Adult whiteflies were collected from six regions of Arizona and evaluated for susceptibility to fenpropathrin (Danitol®), acephate (Orthene®) and endosulfan (Thiodan®), and mixtures of fenpropathrin+acephate curl fenpropathrin+endosulfan. Strong indications of resistance to fenpropathrin, acephate and the fenpropathrin +acephate mixture were documented in some areas of the state. With all populations evaluated endosulfan was consistently the most toxic of the insecticides evaluated (singly) and was highly toxic in mixtures with fenpropathrin. Whitefly resistance to pyrethroid insecticides and especially mixtures of pyrethroid+organophosphate insecticides could have serious ramifications for the prevention of sticky cotton in Arizona. To combat further development of pyrethroid resistance cotton growers will need to reduce the number of pyrethroid treatments made per season.
  • Host Preference of Silverleaf Whitefly and Factors Associated with Feeding Site Preference

    Chu, C. C.; Hennberry, T. J.; Cohen, A. C.; Silvertooth, Jeff; USDA-ARS, Western Cotton Research Laboratory, Phoenix, AZ (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Silverleaf whitefly (SLW), Bemisia argentifolii, Bellows and Perring, preferred cantaloupe to cotton, broccoli and lettuce in field and greenhouse studies. In the absence of cantaloupe, SLW preferred cotton to broccoli and lettuce. In the field, more eggs and fewer nymphs were found on broccoli than on cotton. Differences in the relative abundance of vascular bundles per unit of leaf area between the four plant species may partly account for differences in oviposition site selection. Vascular bundle volume/unit of leaf tissue volume was 50% greater in cantaloupe than in cotton and broccoli, which in turn were significantly greater than in lettuce. Most SLW on cotton leaves are found on underside leaf surfaces. Distances from top and underside leaf surfaces to the nearest vascular bundles in cotton leaves were 131 and 60 tun, respectively, in the present studies.
  • Silverleaf Whitefly: Honeydew Sugars and Relationship to Sticky Cotton

    Henneberry, T. J.; Hendrix, D. L.; Perkins, H. H.; Forlow Jech, L.; Burke, R. A.; Silvertooth, Jeff; USDA-ARS, Western Cotton Research Laboratory, Phoenix, AZ; USDA-ARS, SAA, Clemson, SC (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    In cotton plots heavily infested with silverleaf whitefly (SLW), Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring, amounts (mg /g of lint) of sugar (fructose, glucose and sucrose combination) on lint from tagged bolls, varied but showed a general trend to increasing amounts with increasing time of exposure (days) for 52 days. Minicard lint stickiness ratings responded in a similar manner and all values were above acceptable thresholds. Lint from harvested mature open bolls that were exposed on trays suspended in the interior of SLW infested cotton plots showed increasing amounts of sugar and higher minicard ratings after 6 days. Amounts of sugar and minicard ratings were drastically reduced following rains of 1.5 inches.
  • Chemical Control of the Sweetpotato Whitefly in Cotton

    Watson, T. F.; Tellez, M. A.; Peña, M.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Various registered and experimental insecticides were evaluated for sweetpotato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) control in several field experiments at Yuma, Arizona in 1994. Best controls were obtained with insecticide mixtures, particularly a pyrethroid and an organophosphate, rather than with individual materials. Results of these experiments indicate that severe population densities can be controlled using insecticide combinations, even though sustained use of these insecticides would probably lead quickly to the development of resistance.
  • Community-wide Implementation of Samplin and Action Thresholds for Whiteflies in Cotton

    Diehl, J. W.; Ellsworth, P. C.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Sampling and decision-making plans for managing sweetpotato whiteflies were implemented within 8,000 acres of cotton within the Laveen-Tolleson area of central Arizona. On the average, thresholds utilized for the first whitefly treatment were lower than those recommended, but subsequent treatments were made at about recommended thresholds.
  • Comparative Analysis of Two Sampling Methods for Estimating Abundance of Adult Bemisia tabaci in Cotton

    Naranjo, S. E.; Flint, H. M.; Henneberry, T. J.; Silvertooth, Jeff; USDA-ARS, Western Cotton Research Laboratory (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    The leaf turn method and the black pan method, two sampling methods for estimating the abundance of Bemisia tabaci (Strain B) on cotton, were compared over a two year period in Maricopa and Phoenix, AZ Both methods were highly correlated with the density of immature stages prior to the use of insecticides, but more poorly correlated after insecticide use began. The two methods were highly correlated with one another, however, leaf turn counts were better predictors of immature infestation. The leaf turn method was also much less variable between individual samplers than the black pan method. Finally, in terms of cost-efficiency it takes, on average, 71% less time to estimate population density with an acceptable precision using the leaf turn method. Based on these criteria, the leaf turn method is a more reliable and efficient technique for estimating adult abundance.
  • Evaluation of a Leaf-turn Method for Sampling Whiteflies in Cotton

    Diehl, J. W.; Ellsworth, P. C.; Naranjo, S. E.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    Plans for sampling sweetpotato whiteflies in cotton were evaluated within 8,000 acres of cotton within central Arizona. These plans were found to be a practical and efficient way to track whitefly populations. In general they should add about 8 minutes to a pest sampling regime. Neither time of day nor sampler experience were found to have a significant effect on the number of whiteflies counted. Therefore, this method provides a common currency for growers, PCAs and others to compare whitefly numbers among fields and through time.
  • Practical Considerations of Precision Guidance and Weed Control in Cotton

    Thacker, Gary W.; Coates, Wayne E.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    This paper offers practical advice to growers interested in precision guidance technologies. Various types of guidance systems are described, along with their potential applications and benefits in a farming operation. Also discussed are some of the techniques which can be employed with precision guidance, including mechanical removal of weeds in the row, improved nutsedge control, and precision herbicide applications.
  • Precision Guidance Techniques to Reduce Weed Competition and Production Costs in Cotton

    Thacker, Gary W.; Coates, Wayne E.; Silvertooth, Jeff (College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1995-03)
    The objective of this project is to evaluate the benefits of precision guidance systems as a means of using tillage to kill weeds, and to confine herbicide applications to narrow bands. In cotton, a precision guided close cultivation with a directed spray of MSMA significantly reduced a purple nutsedge stand early on. However this reduction was not significant by the end of the season. For controlling woolly morningglory, the use of a precision guided cultivator equipped with in -row weeding devices resulted in much lower numbers of morningglory weeds, although the differences were not significant at the 95% confidence level. The guidance system kept the implement precisely aligned to the drill rows at a higher speed than was possible with the cooperator's non - precision cultivator. This higher productivity more than offsets the cost of the guidance system and the in-row weeding devices.

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