Coyote Papers: Volume 02 (1981)
Coyote Papers is a publication of the Linguistics Circle, the Graduate Student Organization of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona.
ISSN: 2770-1662 (Online)
ISSN: 0894-4539 (Print)
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Acknowledgement, Preface, Introduction, and References (Coyote Papers 2, 1981)University of Arizona Linguistics Circle (Tucson, Arizona), 1981
Paradigmatic Structures and Word FormationIn this paper I will propose an organization of the lexicon in which all verb stems are arranged according to their meaning and the number of NP arguments they subcategorize. I will take data from Japanese to show that this organization, which I will refer to as paradigmatic structures, makes predictions about meanings associated with morphological derivatives. I will in particular look at the causative morpheme sas to illustrate this. I will further show that the paradigmatic structures are part of a larger system that provides a general constraint on all word formation processes.
A Categorial Treatment of Scrambling in JapaneseIn generative studies of Japanese, the term 'Scrambling' has been used to account for the intuitively obvious relationship bebween sentences like (la) and (lb). (1) a. John-ga (subj) Bill-o (obj) mi-ta. (see-past) b. Bill-o (obj) John-ga (subj) mi-ta. (see-past) 'John saw Bill.' The phenomenon has presented linguists with an interesting problem. especially in conjunction with treatments of other linguistic phenomena (e.g., Case - Marking, Reflexivization, etc.). This paper presents a categorial treatment of Scrambling in a simplex sentence. The basic framework has been taken from Montague's Universal Grammar (1970) and Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English (1973). The purpose of this paper is two -fold. It attempts to provide (i) a categorial syntax capable of directly generating scrambled variants of a canonical form, and (ii) a semantic account for the truth functional meaning equivalence among variants. While a direct generation approach is not new (e.g., Whitman (1979), Hale (1980), Farmer (1980), Chomsky (1980), Ostler (1980), etc.), there is yet no universally accepted analysis that offers a rigorous semantic account.
Anaphora in Japanese: Kare and ZibunIn this paper I will present a preliminary examination of two forms that participate in anaphoric relation in Japanese, i.e., reflexive zibun 'self' and pronominal kare 'he'. As such, the objective is not so much to argue for or propose definite solutions to the problems any of them may pose, as to clarify the nature of the problems involved. Section 1 examines two properties which have been ascribed to zibun, one having to do with c- command relation as suggested by Hasegawa (1981a), and the other, the widely held subject- antecedent condition. Additionally we will also see how discourse factors affect the interpretation of zibun. Section 2 deals with kare in connection with Oshima's (1979) Disjoint Reference analysis of it, as well as to Chomsky's (1979a) Binding Theory.