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dc.contributor.authorHusman, Stephen H.
dc.contributor.authorOttman, Michael J.
dc.contributor.editorOttman, Michaelen_US
dc.description.abstract'Solum' barley was planted in four large acreage demonstration studies in Maricopa County from 1990 -92. In two of the four demonstrations, a single fruit set cotton production strategy was implemented resulting in a double crop/rotation in the same year. Barley yields were 4672, 4460, 4305, and 4721 pounds per acre respectively. These yields were accomplished with 13 -20 acre inches per acre of water both from irrigation and rainfall sources. All demonstrations resulted in a positive net return of from 150 to 200 dollars per acre. In addition, physical soil characteristics such as tilth, water holding capacity, and intake rate were significantly improved. A cotton yield of roughly two bales per acre was measured in one location with the 1992 yield to yet be determined.
dc.publisherCollege of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeries P-92en_US
dc.subjectAgriculture -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectGrain -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectForage plants -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectBarley -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectWheat -- Arizonaen_US
dc.title'Solum' Barley as a Low Input and Profitable Rotation Optionen_US
dc.identifier.journalForage and Grain: A College of Agriculture Reporten_US
html.description.abstract'Solum' barley was planted in four large acreage demonstration studies in Maricopa County from 1990 -92. In two of the four demonstrations, a single fruit set cotton production strategy was implemented resulting in a double crop/rotation in the same year. Barley yields were 4672, 4460, 4305, and 4721 pounds per acre respectively. These yields were accomplished with 13 -20 acre inches per acre of water both from irrigation and rainfall sources. All demonstrations resulted in a positive net return of from 150 to 200 dollars per acre. In addition, physical soil characteristics such as tilth, water holding capacity, and intake rate were significantly improved. A cotton yield of roughly two bales per acre was measured in one location with the 1992 yield to yet be determined.

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