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dc.contributor.authorSheedy, Mike
dc.contributor.authorWatson, Jack
dc.contributor.editorSilvertooth, Jeffen_US
dc.description.abstractA field trial was conducted at the Maricopa Agricultural Center to observe the effects of four irrigation efficiencies (65%, 75%, 85%, and 95%) on the lint yield produced from two upland cotton varieties (DP 5409 and SG 125). Nitrogen requirements for the crop were determined using pre- season soil samples and in season petiole samples in conjunction with crop monitoring data collected at weekly intervals. AZSCHED was used as a guide to the irrigation timing and amount of water applied during the season. This year there was a lint yield response to the different irrigation efficiencies, and a slight difference in yield between the two varieties. Lint yields were significantly lower in the 95% irrigation efficiency plots. Lint Yields ranged from 1448 # lint /acre (SG125 at 75%) to 1220 # lint/acre ( DP5409 at the 65% irrigation efficiency).
dc.publisherCollege of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)en_US
dc.subjectAgriculture -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectCotton -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectCotton -- Irrigationen_US
dc.titleIrrigation Efficiencies and Lint Yields of Upland Cotton Growth at the Maricopa Agricultural Center, 1997en_US
dc.identifier.journalCotton: A College of Agriculture Reporten_US
html.description.abstractA field trial was conducted at the Maricopa Agricultural Center to observe the effects of four irrigation efficiencies (65%, 75%, 85%, and 95%) on the lint yield produced from two upland cotton varieties (DP 5409 and SG 125). Nitrogen requirements for the crop were determined using pre- season soil samples and in season petiole samples in conjunction with crop monitoring data collected at weekly intervals. AZSCHED was used as a guide to the irrigation timing and amount of water applied during the season. This year there was a lint yield response to the different irrigation efficiencies, and a slight difference in yield between the two varieties. Lint yields were significantly lower in the 95% irrigation efficiency plots. Lint Yields ranged from 1448 # lint /acre (SG125 at 75%) to 1220 # lint/acre ( DP5409 at the 65% irrigation efficiency).

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