Evaluation of Oils, Insecticides and Insect Growth Regulators for Control of Sweetpotato Whitefly on Muskmelon and Watermelon
Rethwisch, Michael D.Tellez, Tony
Tellez, Alphonso
Tellez, David
Shaw, Mary
Galarza, Alex
Lastra, Luis
Issue Date
Agriculture -- ArizonaVegetables -- Arizona
Watermelon -- Arizona
Watermelon -- Insect control
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Vegetable ReportAbstract
Five insecticides, four oils, one soap, and two insect growth regulators were evaluated for control of sweetpotato whitefly on muskmelons and watermelons in 1990. Best control (> 80%) was noted from the insect growth regulators at 11 days post treatment, but declined thereafter. Oils as a class provided some control but not all oils provided similar results. Insecticides tested did not provide adequate control and resulted in increased whitefly egg and nymph numbers at 11 days post treatment.Series/Report no.
Series P-93370093