Performance of Postemergence Herbicides for Cantaloupe Weed Control
Vegetable ReportAbstract
Halosulfuron applied alone gave marginal to good control of common lambsquarters and common purslane, respectively, but did not provide control of the pigweeds. Acceptable control of 85% of the limited population of purple nutsedge was observed. Rimsulfuron applied alone gave good control of the pigweeds, lambsquarters, purslane, and marginal control of nutsedge. Weed control was effective until the late season evaluation at 9 WAT. The combination of halosulfuron and rimsulfuron gave similar results of the rimsulfuron applied alone, however, nutsedge control was not evaluated due to insufficient populations. Halosulfuron treated melons showed the least injury among all of the herbicide treatments applied alone. Rimsulfuron caused marginally unacceptable injury at 18% compared to flumetsulam, thifensulfuron, MKH-6561, and flufenacet which caused unacceptable injury ranging from 20 to 68%.Series/Report no.
AZ1292Series P-131