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dc.contributor.authorKopec, David M.
dc.contributor.authorGilbert, Jeffrey J.
dc.contributor.editorKopec, David M.en_US
dc.description.abstractSulfentrazone herbicide was applied to bermudagrass turf, prior to overseeding at 0.125, 0.250 and 0.375 lbs. AI/A. Sulfentrazone did not inhibit emergence of perennial ryegrass when applied two days before overseeding. Plots ranged from 92-100% cover (of perennial ryegrass) from December to the end of March (last evaluation). Turfgrass color was noticeably less at the 0.375 lb. AI/A rate, but not significantly different from that of the lower rate application treatments. Pre-emergence weed control based on non-overseeded controls ranged from 51-100% across Sulfentrazone treated turfs, from December 1996 to late March, 1997. The percent reduction in Poa annua due to overseeding (comparison of non-overseed vs. overseed controls) was 90%, 61% 67% and 65% in December, January, February and March, respectively. Initial screening shows favorable activity for Poa annua control, especially at the 0.375 lb. AI/A rate. Further evaluation is needed to assess Poa annua suppression from Sulfentrazone and its potential interaction with overseeding, before cultural management programs can be devised for Poa annua control in an overseed program.
dc.publisherCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeries P-126en_US
dc.subjectAgriculture -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectTurfgrasses -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectTurf management -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectPlants, ornamental -- Arizonaen_US
dc.titleThe Potential use of Sulfentrazone for Poa annua Pre-emergence Control at Overseedingen_US
dc.identifier.journalTurfgrass, Landscape and Urban IPM Research Summaryen_US
html.description.abstractSulfentrazone herbicide was applied to bermudagrass turf, prior to overseeding at 0.125, 0.250 and 0.375 lbs. AI/A. Sulfentrazone did not inhibit emergence of perennial ryegrass when applied two days before overseeding. Plots ranged from 92-100% cover (of perennial ryegrass) from December to the end of March (last evaluation). Turfgrass color was noticeably less at the 0.375 lb. AI/A rate, but not significantly different from that of the lower rate application treatments. Pre-emergence weed control based on non-overseeded controls ranged from 51-100% across Sulfentrazone treated turfs, from December 1996 to late March, 1997. The percent reduction in Poa annua due to overseeding (comparison of non-overseed vs. overseed controls) was 90%, 61% 67% and 65% in December, January, February and March, respectively. Initial screening shows favorable activity for Poa annua control, especially at the 0.375 lb. AI/A rate. Further evaluation is needed to assess Poa annua suppression from Sulfentrazone and its potential interaction with overseeding, before cultural management programs can be devised for Poa annua control in an overseed program.

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