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dc.contributor.authorKopec, David M.
dc.contributor.authorGilbert, Jeff J.
dc.contributor.authorPessarakli, Mohammad
dc.contributor.authorEvans, Phillip
dc.contributor.authorVentura, Bo
dc.contributor.authorUmeda, Kai
dc.contributor.editorKopec, David M.en_US
dc.description.abstractCommon bermudagrass often struggles with spring transition, when overseeded the previous fall with turf-type perennial ryegrass. Select herbicides were applied once on an overseeded common bermudagrass baseball field, on either an early May, or late May application in both 2003 and 2004 summer in order to evaluate their performance as an aid in spring transition. The same treatments were applied to the same plots in the two year study. The sulfonyl urea products of Tads or foramsulfuron 'Revolver', rimsulfuron 'Tranxit', trifloxysulfuron 'Monument', caused noticeable necrosis to the perennial ryegrass, which lasted up to 30 days after application, as the common bermudagrass became re-established. The other s.u. product of chlorsulfuron 'Manor', was similar to pronamid 'Kerb', which did not cause as much necrosis as the other products. However, both 'Manor' and 'Kerb' had lesser effects on transition as did the other products. This was generally true in both years. The greatest amounts of necrotic turf (percent plot straw values) occurred 30 days after application, regardless if products were applied the first week in May ('early'), or when applied the last few days of May ('late'). The e herbicide treatment main affect was significant for most turfgrass responses when herbicides were applied 'early'. This was true in both years of the study. In year 1 (2003), the 'late' application of herbicides were less effective in enhancing transition, but in year 2 (2004) the treatment affect was significant for enhancing the removal of ryegrass and enhancing the re-introduction of the underlying bermudagrass. The 'early' application program did allow for a longer bermudagrass summer season, (before the next fall overseeding) , which is deemed helpful in promoting good bermudagrass turf growth before the next overseed season Perennial ryegrass will last long into midsummer, when left untreated.
dc.publisherCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeries P-141en_US
dc.subjectAgriculture -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectTurfgrasses -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectTurf management -- Arizonaen_US
dc.subjectPlants, ornamental -- Arizonaen_US
dc.titleResponse of Common Bermudagrass Sports Turf to Select Herbicides Used for Spring Transition Enhancementen_US
dc.identifier.journalTurfgrass, Landscape and Urban IPM Research Summaryen_US
html.description.abstractCommon bermudagrass often struggles with spring transition, when overseeded the previous fall with turf-type perennial ryegrass. Select herbicides were applied once on an overseeded common bermudagrass baseball field, on either an early May, or late May application in both 2003 and 2004 summer in order to evaluate their performance as an aid in spring transition. The same treatments were applied to the same plots in the two year study. The sulfonyl urea products of Tads or foramsulfuron 'Revolver', rimsulfuron 'Tranxit', trifloxysulfuron 'Monument', caused noticeable necrosis to the perennial ryegrass, which lasted up to 30 days after application, as the common bermudagrass became re-established. The other s.u. product of chlorsulfuron 'Manor', was similar to pronamid 'Kerb', which did not cause as much necrosis as the other products. However, both 'Manor' and 'Kerb' had lesser effects on transition as did the other products. This was generally true in both years. The greatest amounts of necrotic turf (percent plot straw values) occurred 30 days after application, regardless if products were applied the first week in May ('early'), or when applied the last few days of May ('late'). The e herbicide treatment main affect was significant for most turfgrass responses when herbicides were applied 'early'. This was true in both years of the study. In year 1 (2003), the 'late' application of herbicides were less effective in enhancing transition, but in year 2 (2004) the treatment affect was significant for enhancing the removal of ryegrass and enhancing the re-introduction of the underlying bermudagrass. The 'early' application program did allow for a longer bermudagrass summer season, (before the next fall overseeding) , which is deemed helpful in promoting good bermudagrass turf growth before the next overseed season Perennial ryegrass will last long into midsummer, when left untreated.

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