Vegetable ReportAbstract
Preemergence herbicide treatments metolachlor (Dual®) and pendimethalin (Prowl®) gave better than acceptable weed control ( >85 %) of prostrate and tumble pigweeds, puncturevine, common purslane, and groundcherry in cantaloupes. Preplant incorporated treatments provided less than adequate control of pigweeds and groundcherry. Bentazon (Basagran®) applied postemergence gave good control of pigweeds but groundcherry control was marginal. Napropamide (Devrinol®), trifluralin (Treflan®), and DCPA (Dacthal (D) caused cantaloupe stand reduction and injury. Bensulide (Prefar®) and Basagran® were safe when applied on cantaloupes.Series/Report no.
Series P-100370100