Insecticide Rotation and Pre-Petal Fall Applications for Citrus Thrips Management
Under low citrus thrips pressure and cool temperatures, Alert, Baythroid, Carzol, Success and Acetamiprid applied at petal fall were all effective control agents. Mid-season applications of Baythroid and Danitol were also effective but appeared to be slightly inferior to Success and Alert in residual control. Despite the prolonged blooming and petal drop period experienced during this trial, plots receiving pre-petal fall applications of Acetamiprid did not produce higher quality fruit than treatments where applications began following petal fall. The fact that thrips densities were low during this period may be the reason. Before pre-petal fall insecticide applications can be deemed useful and economically justifiable, evaluations must be made at higher thrips infestation levels.Series/Report no.
AZ1178Series P-123