Tree-Ring Research is the peer-reviewed journal of the Tree-Ring Society. The journal was first published in 1934 under the title Tree-Ring Bulletin. In 2001, the title changed to Tree-Ring Research.

The Tree-Ring Society and the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona partnered with the University Libraries to digitize back issues for improved searching capabilities and long-term preservation. New issues are added on an annual basis, with a rolling wall of five years.


Contact the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at editor@treeringsociety.org.

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Recent Submissions

  • Tree-Ring Dates from the Navajo Land Claim II. The Western Sector

    Stokes, M. A.; Smiley, T. L. (Tree-Ring Society, 1964-06)
  • Comparison and Analysis of Modern and Prehistoric Tree Species in the Flagstaff Area, Arizona

    Stein, Walter T. (Tree-Ring Society, 1964-06)
    Presented in this article are the dates of specimens collected from the Western Sector of the Navajo Land Claim. Of the 1283 specimens processed, 482 were dated. This is a dating percentage of 38 percent. All but one of these dated specimens were Pinus edulis Englm. The Western Sector has been divided into four areas; from west to east they are (1) Havasu Canyon, (2) Navajo Mountain, (3) Lower Little Colorado, and (4) Chinle. Indices for all areas except the Chinle are presented.
  • New Method of Surfacing Wood Specimens for Study

    Bowers, Nathan A. (Tree-Ring Society, 1964-06)
    The types of wood identified from tree -ring specimens of 78 archaeological sites in the area of Flagstaff, Arizona were analyzed for changes through time. The sites span a period from Basketmaker III through Pueblo III times. Most of the specimens are from constructional materials. The wood identifications were also compared with the tree types growing on the sites today (1960). The analyses show that there is a great uniformity of types of wood used and the relative percentages of the various woods throughout the time span. This uniformity exists regardless of the location of the site geographically, or in relation to the modern tree distribution. Only the sites constructed during Pueblo I times are different. This group is restricted to the present ponderosa pine limits, and they did not yield a single specimen of either juniper or oak, both of which are found in all the other time divisions. Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, piñon pine and Populus sp. occur in relatively consistent percentages throughout the time span, despite the change in dwelling type from pithouses to pueblos. Since the Indians used trees other than those closest at hand for building purposes, they had to haul large quantities of wood from the areas where the trees grew. Distances to the nearest places where the wood types can be found today are as much as 15 miles from the sites. Some strong motivation must have inspired so great an expenditure of effort, but the reason is not apparent.