Tree-Ring Research is the peer-reviewed journal of the Tree-Ring Society. The journal was first published in 1934 under the title Tree-Ring Bulletin. In 2001, the title changed to Tree-Ring Research.

The Tree-Ring Society and the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona partnered with the University Libraries to digitize back issues for improved searching capabilities and long-term preservation. New issues are added on an annual basis, with a rolling wall of five years.


Contact the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at editor@treeringsociety.org.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • A Computer Program for Simulating Cambial Activity and Ring Growth

    Stevens, Donal W.; Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona (Tree-Ring Society, 1975)
    This paper describes an interactive computer program which simulates daily cell growth and differentiation in a single radial file of tree cells. The growth processes are controlled by 22 model parameters, half of which are constants, the remainder time-dependent. The program user specifies the constants and the form of the time variations desired. The program computes daily values for the time-dependent parameters, and applies these values to the calculation of cell diameters, cell division, cell wall thickness, and ring width for each day of the growing season. Output is in tabular and graphical form. The tabular listing consists of the cell diameter at each position in the radial file, and for the xylem it also prints cell wall thickness and a relative density for each cell. The graphical output plots cell diameter, wall thickness, and relative density vs. file position. The program was designed primarily as an instructional tool and has been used for this purpose with good results. Because of its flexibility it has potential for research, and some possibilities for such use are discussed.
  • An Objective Method to Identify Missing or False Rings

    Wendland, Wayne M.; Center for Climatic Research, The University of Wisconsin (Tree-Ring Society, 1975)
  • Selecting and Characterizing Tree-Ring Chronologies for Dendroclimatic Analysis

    Fritts, Harold C.; Shatz, David J.; Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona (Tree-Ring Society, 1975)
    A widely spaced grid of tree-ring chronologies most suitable for dendroclimatic analysis of western North America is selected objectively on the basis of 1) numbers in the sample, length in years, and site locations, 2) statistical characteristics of the chronologies, and 3) correlation of chronologies with those on neighboring sites. The chronology statistics are then analyzed to characterize the quality of the selected set. The procedures used in this study are recommended for future climatic analysis to assure objectivity in the selection of quality tree-ring data and to allow comparisons of the statistics for new chronologies to the established data sets.
  • Dendrochronology of Oak in Southern Sweden

    Bartholin, Thomas S.; Laboratory of Quaternary Biology, The University of Lund (Tree-Ring Society, 1975)
    Tree-ring investigations on samples from modern oaks in the Swedish southwest region of Scania show that the area is a dendrochronological unit and that a chronology for the province is similar to a chronology for southern Denmark.
  • A Technique for Examining Non-Climatic Variation in Widths of Annual Tree Rings with Special Reference to Air Pollution

    Nash, Thomas H., III; Department of Botony and Microbiology, Arizona State University; Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona (Tree-Ring Society, 1975)
    A new technique is developed for examining non-climatic variations in widths of annual tree rings. For each tree core, the technique involves making an adjustment for regional climate as inferred from a regional chronology based on surrounding sites. The technique is applied to two stands in Gila County, Arizona, where air pollution is potentially a limiting factor on tree-ring growth. For the stand closer to the pollution sources, a marked decrease in tree-ring widths minus climate is evident during the period 1908 to 1920. Although this decrease coincides with a period when two smelters were operating nearby, air pollution cannot be definitively identified as the cause of the decrease in ring widths.
  • Tree-Ring Research in the Netherlands

    Eckstein, D.; Brongers, J. A.; Bauch, J.; Institute for Wood Biology, University of Hamburg; State Service for Archaeological Investigations, Amersfoort, the Netherlands; Institute for Wood Biology, University of Hamburg (Tree-Ring Society, 1975)
    Two independent local tree-ring chronologies of oak in the Netherlands are described. Chronology I contains recent wood, wood from mills, and paintings. This chronology begins in A.D. 1973 and goes back to 1385 and is thought to be from inland areas of the Netherlands and the adjacent German area. Chronology 11 is built up from paintings and sculptures and ranges from A.D. 1623 to 1140; the origin of the wood is presumed to be from a coastal site in the Netherlands.