Tree-Ring Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 1-2 (1962)
Tree-Ring Research is the peer-reviewed journal of the Tree-Ring Society. The journal was first published in 1934 under the title Tree-Ring Bulletin. In 2001, the title changed to Tree-Ring Research.
The Tree-Ring Society and the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona partnered with the University Libraries to digitize back issues for improved searching capabilities and long-term preservation. New issues are added on an annual basis, with a rolling wall of five years.
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Recent Submissions
Tree-Ring Bulletin, Volume 24, Issues 1-2 (January 1962)Tree-Ring Society, 1962-01
Site 1060, A Basket Maker III Pithouse on Chapin Mesa, Mesa Verde National ParkA Basket Maker III pithouse excavated in 1959 provides a cluster of tree-ring dates which terminate at A.D. 608. Features in the structure are typical of pithouses from the same time period in the area, with a northsouth orientation and a large southern antechamber having an inclined entranceway. Atypical features include a low bench encircling the main room and the presence of small adobe pellets at the bottom of each of the four post holes.
Dates from the Site 1060 Pithouse, Mesa Verde National ParkSeven charcoal tree-ring specimens from Site 1060 yielded dates with the range A.D. 544-608. It is concluded that outside A.D. 608 most nearly represents the time of construction of the pithouse.
The Relevance of Dendrographic Studies to Tree-Ring ResearchThe annual increment growth measured by dendrographs on three different species is essentially a linear function of tree-ring width. The bark increment remains more or less constant. Records from dendrographs can therefore be employed in studying the environmental and physiological determinants of ring width.
Tree-Ring Dates for Cutting Activity at the Charcoal Kilns, Panamint Mountains, CaliforniaGrowth-ring studies were made on material from 28 pinyon (Pinus monophylla) stumps, cut in the late 1800's, near Charcoal Kilns, Panamint Mountains, Death Valley National Monument, California. Comparative material for tree-ring dating of the stumps consisted of increment borings from adjacent pinyon, limber pine (Pinus flexilis), and bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata); and from cross sections of two recently cut pinyon stumps and of numerous stems of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) . Cutting in the period 1876-1879 is indicated by tree-ring dating for 26 trees presumed to have been utilized as material for the nearby Charcoal Kilns.