Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, Volume 17 (1987)
Proceedings of the Hydrology section of the Annual Meeting of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. Full text manuscripts of work presented. Research related to water resources, water management, and hydrologic studies primarily focused regionally on southwestern US.
Volume 17. Proceedings of the 1987 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Association, Hydrology Section - Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science and the Arizona Hydrological Society.
April 18, 1987, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
Contact anashydrology@gmail.com.
Recent Submissions
Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the Southwest, Volume 17 (1987)Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 1987-04-18
A Risk Analysis Approach to Groundwater Quality Management in the Upper Santa Cruz BasinPotential groundwater contaminant sources in the upper Santa Cruz basin include copper mines, irrigated agriculture, and urban wastewater. Risks to human health are posed by groundwater contaminants. Analysis of these risks provides useful information to decision makers for comparing groundwater quality management alternatives. Alternatives include preventing the input of contaminants at their sources, preventing migration of contaminants in groundwater to withdrawal points, removal of contaminants at the points of groundwater withdrawal, relocation of withdrawal points, importation of water, and compensation for those who suffer damages. The framework for risk analysis is composed of hazard identification, hazard estimation, risk estimation, and identification and evaluation of risk response alternatives. Potential contaminants identified range from inorganic ions to complex organic molecules. Hazards have been estimated in terms of fate of potential contaminants in the environment and their toxicity. Risks to groundwater quality and human health in time and space are described with the use of a groundwater contaminant transport model. Because information for the analysis is incomplete, the estimation of risks is not without uncertainties. Major uncertainties remain in data on contaminant concentrations and toxicology of contaminants. The results of the risk estimation, including the uncertainties, may be used to evaluate the groundwater management alternatives.
Minimizing the Effects of Cement Slurry Bleed-Water on Water Quality SamplesSome groundwater monitor wells produce water quality samples with anomalously high pH measurements. In some of these wells it is obvious that these water quality samples are affected by the bleed-water from the cement used to seal the annuli. To gain an understanding as to why cement bleed -water occurs and how it can be controlled, literature from both the cement and petroleum industries are reviewed. Cement is a very alkaline material. When too much water is used to prepare the slurry, alkaline bleed -water can drain through or along the cement sheath surrounding the casing. This results in an increase in the pH measurements of groundwater samples. This bleed-water can separate from the cement in-three ways: it can move into the formation during cementing, it can accumulate within the cement forming pockets and channels behind the casing, and it can remain within the interconnected capillaries that exist throughout the cement sheath. The drainage of alkaline bleed -water from the cement can be greatly reduced by controlling the amount of water used in the preparation of the slurry. The amount of water added can be monitored during well construction by measuring the slurry density. By implementing this quality control procedure during well construction along with specifying the correct amount of mix-water for the slurry, the elevated pH levels in groundwater samples should be greatly reduced if not completely eliminated.
Seasonal Analysis of Colorado River Flows through the Grand Canyon from 1914-1985The building of the Colorado River Storage Project dams during the 1956-1976 period obviously altered the natural flow regime of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. As desired, the spring snow-melt generated flows were retarded and the annual fluctuations were considerably dampened. This paper presents an analysis of the seasonal flow changes caused by the CRSP structures and highlights some of the characteristics of historic Colorado River flows. It also suggests that a strategy for recreating the pre-dam ecosystem would be to emulate some significant characteristics of the pre-dam flows.
Analysis of Natural Ground-water Level Variations for Aquifer ConceptualizationStatistical evaluations of time-series ground-water level data can be used to infer ground-water flow concepts. Advantages of such passive methods of analysis may include relative simplicity, low cost, and avoidance of disturbances typically associated with stress testing of aquifers. In this analysis, selected statistical methods were used to draw inferences on the characteristics of an aquifer within the Columbia River basalts in the Pasco Basin of southcentral Washington. This information will be used in developing a conceptual model of ground water flow and in the planning of future hydrologic field investigations.