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Recent Submissions

  • Transcribing Recipe Manuscripts Online: V.b. 380 and the “What’s in a Recipe?” Undergraduate Research Project at Penn State Abington

    Froehlich, Heather; Nicosia, Marissa; Riehman-Murphy, Christina; University of Arizona Libraries (University of Texas, Arlington English Department, 2022)
    In this paper we will discuss some of the practical concerns and successes related to teaching students about paleography, editing, and digital practice as part of the Early Modern Recipes Online Collective (EMROC) project.[1] Ultimately, we argue that large-scale digital projects, such as EMROC, afford students an opportunity for legitimate peripheral participation, to use Jean Lave and Etienné Wegner’s framework, in scholarly communities of practice.[2] This experience, in turn, fosters students’ identities as researchers. In this essay, we will show several ways students encountered and engaged with these practices during a phase of the project that ran from January 2019 until April 2021. We begin this paper by introducing the concept of a community of practice and then describe how our students come to learn about both manuscripts and paleography. Then, we shift to a discussion of Folger Shakespeare Library V.b.380 and how this particular seventeenth-century manuscript provided students with research opportunities in the fields of women’s labor, social history, and food studies.[3] Finally, we describe how the students worked with the manuscript through various hands-on and digitally mediated activities, and we conclude with a discussion of student reflections and takeaways from these experiences.
  • What Do Librarians Need to Know about Quantitative Methods in Digital Humanities?

    Froehlich, Heather; University of Arizona Libraries (Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), 2024)
  • Orchestrating the critical: Library instruction programs and our labor (BTAA Keynote)

    Pagowsky, Nicole; University of Arizona Libraries (2024-04-18)
    Conceptualizing and incorporating critical information literacy into our instruction programs at the intersections of pedagogy, campus dynamics, relationships with faculty, threats to higher education, and burnout in our labor of primarily one-shot instruction models. Discussions for more sustainable library instruction programs are brought forward with an example of UArizona Libraries' critical information literacy tutorials that engage a Teach the Teacher approach.
  • Best Practices in Data Science

    Mullarkey, Michael; Aiberry (University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2024-02-05)
  • Overcoming Technology Barriers, Particularly for Historically Underrepresented Students

    Teetor, Travis; Huff-Eibl, Robyn; University of Arizona Libraries (Association of Research Libraries, 2022-11)
    This paper describes efforts at the University of Arizona Libraries to improve access to internet and technology during the pandemic and we continue to adapt to an ongoing hybrid instructional modality. We highlight how our institution leveraged campus data and new partnerships to better meet student’ basic technology needs, particularly for underrepresented and first-generation students. The University of Arizona Libraries analyzed anonymized student demographic data, including race/ethnicity, first generation student status, and Pell grant recipients to determine how existing service utilization aligned with the campus population. The initial data analysis and establishment of new campus partnerships has been completed, and we are in process of evaluating and refining our approach. This foundational work has provided us with new ideas for ways to reach more students in need and form additional unions with groups on campus. Additionally, we are awaiting a decision on a National Telecommunications and Information Administration grant that could increase access to technology for students throughout the state while also expanding partnerships. As literature suggests, not all internet access is created equal and students often rely on outdated technology particularly when they are unaware of educational resources. Long-term goals include further linking student access to technology so that it positively impacts overall retention and success. Funding is key to providing the amount of technology needed to accommodate the hybrid learning models that students currently work in. Technology has become a basic need for students to successfully participate in learning. Thus, it is important that we continue to increase funds for technology in the form of grants, partnerships and endowments.
  • Reshaping Library IT to Support Student Success

    Chang, Steven J.; Mayhew, David; University of Arizona (2023-10-11)
    Student success at the University of Arizona is supported by several departments. Previously these units were scattered across campus. Students who used services from more than one department would often have to go to multiple locations. The Student Success District was largely conceived to make it more convenient for students to access the services that they need. Construction began in 2019 to transform a nine-acre section of campus into a district that included three existing buildings, the Main Library, the Albert B. Weaver Science-Engineering Library, and Bear Down Gym. The addition of the new Bartlett Academic Success Center would round out the concept. As described on its website, "Outdoor patios and walkways become more than connections between buildings; they provide unique spaces for everything from collaboration to meditation...the Student Success District is the place that drives students’ 24/7 development through an array of student support services and spaces based on collaborative, hands-on learning with deep technological engagement" (https://successdistrict.arizona.edu/home/about-project). Today, students at the University of Arizona can go to a one-stop shop to seek advising (A Center), get tutoring (Think Tank), learn success strategies (Thrive), and prepare for employment (Student Engagement and Career Development). They can also work with classmates at any of the multitude of study spaces, get a quick workout at the newest Campus Recreation facility, or grab a bite to eat at the local micro-market. For the University of Arizona Libraries (UAL) the nascence of the Student Success District provided an opportunity to reimagine its role in student success. It has resulted in major renovations and a significant expansion in services. Students can use state-of-the-art training facilities, borrow technology for their course work, and work on group projects in rooms equipped for remote collaboration. UAL’s transformation into a hub for student success resources has brought it national recognition. Recently, the District and UAL were featured in EdTech Magazine. This October, UAL will be hosting the Designing Libraries X conference. To keep pace with the UAL’s rapid evolution, UAL’s Technology Strategy and Services department (TeSS) is undergoing its own transformation. The District introduced new technologies to the UAL which requires TeSS staff to rapidly become proficient with new skill sets. An expanded and growing portfolio requires TeSS to grow its own department, both to support the additional work as well as to onboard new expertise. As the UAL’s portfolio changes, TeSS is working with stakeholders to introduce user-centric tools that support the technology.
  • Applications of Psychological Clinical Science in Industry

    Lee, Lauren A.; Headspace Health (University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2023-03-24)
  • Teaching from the Outside: Inclusive Pedagogy and the Adjunct Instructor

    Pagowsky, Nicole; Freundlich, Shanti; Gammons, Rachel; Drabinski, Emily; University of Arizona Libraries; Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; University of Maryland Libraries; CUNY Graduate Center (Association of College & Research Libraries, 2023)
    Excerpt from Introduction: The Syllabus as a Lens through Which We Analyze Our Practice: A master’s degree in library and information science (MLIS) represents more than the credentials needed to become a librarian. It is often the point of entry into the profession, when graduate students are introduced to the cultural values, expectations, norms, and standards of behavior for librarians. What and how we teach students in our programs has much to do with the frames of mind new librarians bring to their work in the information literacy classroom and beyond. MLIS programs, like much of higher education, are increasingly reliant on adjunct instructors to teach courses on topics such as academic librarianship, teaching and pedagogy, discipline-focused searching, and many others. An aspect of equitable and inclusive pedagogy that can often be overlooked is the role of librarian adjunct instructors in MLIS programs and the influence they will also have on the pedagogy of future librarians. We four coauthors are academic librarians who serve as adjunct instructors in MLIS programs, and each of us has varying levels of agency within our associated programs and with course design. We explore how our positionality within the MLIS program impacts our abilities to integrate inclusive pedagogies into our adjunct teaching. We consider inclusive pedagogy paramount to our teaching philosophies. Although each of us endeavors to use inclusive teaching practices as we do in our work as full-time librarians, our ability to actualize these pedagogies is often curtailed by our tenuous position as adjunct instructors. We authors chose to collaborate together through community and a collective sense of joy in engaging with this work, when typically our experiences would be siloed teaching different courses at different campuses.
  • Demonstrating the Literature Search Process Through Innovative Role Play Instruction for Pharmacy Students

    Martin, Jennifer R.; Kramer, Sandra S.; Slack, Marion K.; Arizona Health Sciences Library, The University of Arizona; Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science, College of Pharmacy, The University of Arizona (2010)
  • Information Literacy Skills of Incoming First-Year Pharmacy Students: Survey Results

    Martin, Jennifer R.; Slack, Marion K.; Kramer, Sandra S.; Arizona Health Sciences Library, The University of Arizona; Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science, College of Pharmacy, The University of Arizona (2012)
    Objective: To assess the information literacy of entering first-year professional pharmacy students to obtain a baseline measurement of library knowledge. Students with a bachelor’s degree on entry were compared to students without a bachelor’s degree.
  • Information Literacy Skills of First Year Pharmacy Students: Focus Group Results

    Martin, Jennifer R.; Kramer, Sandra S.; Slack, Marion K.; Arizona Health Sciences Library, The University of Arizona; Department of Pharmacy Practice & Science, College of Pharmacy, The University of Arizona (2011)
    To assess the information literacy skills of incoming first year pharmacy students using focus groups. The findings from the focus group will be used to develop a tool for assessing information literacy skills of all entering students. Two focus group sessions were held with a total of fourteen student volunteers in the second semester of their first professional year. A series of nine open-ended questions were given with follow-up probing questions. Each session was fifty-five minutes and was held during lunch. Both sessions were audio recorded for accuracy, transcribed, and analyzed. These students had skill levels ranging from low to high. The typical search strategy was first using Wikipedia, then PubMed and then MD Consult. Students indicated they did not use physical resources, but relied on electronic resources. If an article was not available electronically, they would not retrieve it. They also had trouble understanding the difference between types of databases and how to search them and would often rely on Google. Insights provided by the students will allow both the librarians and the instructors to make adjustments in their instruction of information seeking skills and will help in creating a survey tool for incoming first year students prior to starting fall courses to determine their information literacy skills. Being able to address deficiencies and strengths in their skills through effective instruction will benefit future students in their competency skills as they enter rotations and ultimately professional practice.
  • Crafting the Internship: An Empathy-Driven Approach

    Blakiston, Rebecca; University of Arizona Libraries, University of Arizona (Association of College & Research Libraries, 2022)
    At their core, internships are for student learning and career preparation. Students aim to get hands-on experience in a professional environment, building specific competencies and skills and deepening their understanding of a particular field and potential career path after graduation. At the University of Arizona, students are encouraged and often required to complete real-world experiences as part of their degree programs. The 100% Engagement initiative, an outcome of the university’s strategic plan in 2013, called for “100 percent of our students to have the opportunity to engage in integrating and applying their knowledge through real-world experiential learning.” 1 In response to this initiative, the School of Information added an internship requirement for its master’s in library and information science degree in 2015.2 The school has approximately two hundred students in its program, with the majority being distant students who are seeking local or remote opportunities. Even students who aren’t required to complete an internship as part of their program often seek one out as a way to supplement course instruction and strengthen their qualifications and future job prospects. 184 Chapter 11 Most graduate-level internships hosted at the University of Arizona Libraries are designed as structured learning experiences, so they are unpaid and compensated through academic credit. The time and effort required for a student to complete an internship is equivalent to a three-credit course, which is nine hours per week during a regular (fall or spring) semester. Departments across the library host interns regularly, including Student Learning and Engagement, Research Engagement, the Health Sciences Library, and the University of Arizona Press. The majority of library interns are graduate students seeking master’s degrees from the School of Information, though interns have come from a range of disciplines and have also included high school students, undergraduate students, and PhD students. Some of our library internships are publicly posted, competitive positions, whereas others are individually tailored to specific students. This book chapter focuses on those tailored experiences.
  • UAL ODI Conformance Checklist 2021

    Hazen, Teresa; University of Arizona Libraries (The University of Arizona Libraries (Tucson, AZ), 2021-07-01)
  • Librarian Contributions in Launching a New Veterinary Medicine College

    Pfander, Jeanne; Cuillier, Cheryl; University of Arizona Libraries (2021-06-16)
    In this presentation we will describe the different roles we have played in working with faculty and administrators through the accreditation and launch of the new College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at the University of Arizona. The liaison librarian played a key role, beginning with gathering information for the Library & Information Resources chapter (Standard 5) of the self-study report for the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education accreditation team’s site visit. Once the college received the Letter of Reasonable Assurance in the accreditation process, the Vet Med liaison librarian and the Open Education Librarian began working in earnest with newly hired faculty. We did multiple onboarding sessions about library services and resources, including free-to-use course materials. CVM wanted to keep course material costs as low as possible, so we provided extensive support in identifying open educational resources and multi-user ebook titles. For Fall 2020, the library was able to provide free access to 38 of 41 required textbooks to CVM students. As the first cohort of students began their studies, we embedded a Library Resources Community in the CVM’s Elentra platform to share resources and to communicate directly with faculty and students.
  • CEnR Community Engaged Research

    Frazier, Stacy; Florida International University (University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2021)
  • Social Determinants of Latina/o Sleep Health: Insights and Implications for Behavioral Interventions

    Alcántara, Carmela; Columbia University (University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2019-01-25)
    Sleep is increasingly recognized as an important behavioral and public health issue for all in the United States (US). Yet, Latina/o sleep health is understudied despite the fact that Latina/os compose 16.3% of the US population, and that sleep problems are prevalent among Latina/os. Additionally, racial/ethnic and language-based disparities in access to safe and effective behavioral health interventions for prevalent sleep-wake disorders persist. In this talk, I will draw from frameworks in psychology, public health, social work, and medicine to discuss recent evidence from my program of research on the relative association of sociocultural stressors and general psychosocial stress with various dimensions of subjectively- and objectively-measured sleep among Latina/os, and discuss implications for behavioral sleep intervention science. Second, I will describe formative work behind an ongoing mixed-methods Hybrid effectiveness-implementation randomized controlled trial that tests a culturally adapted self-guided digital version of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia versus usual care in Spanish-speaking Latina/o primary care patients. Finally, I will conclude by discussing future mechanistic and ecological research on the bi-directional relationships between sleep, stress, and self-regulatory processes among Latina/os.
  • Is Cancer Diagnosis Really A "Teachable Moment" for Smoking Cessation?

    Burriss, Jessica L.; University of Kentucky (University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2020-01-31)
    Most people assume cancer diagnosis functions as a “teachable moment,” that is, a major life event that triggers a significant increase in people’s motivation to adopt healthy behaviors (e.g., regular exercise, diet high in fresh fruits/veggies) and cease unhealthy behaviors (e.g., heavy alcohol use, medication noncompliance). Conceivably, the power of cancer diagnosis to serve as a “teachable moment” should extend to smoking behavior wherein cancer patients would be expected to quit smoking immediately upon diagnosis and remain abstinent for the balance of their lives. In reality, however, cancer survivors are estimated to smoke at a rate that is equal to or greater than the general population, with subgroups of cancer survivors smoking at much higher rates (40-50%). In my work, I aim to determine if, how, and for whom cancer diagnosis does indeed function as a “teachable moment” for smoking, with a central goal of more fully understanding the naturalistic process by which smoking cessation occurs after a new cancer diagnosis. In this talk, I will examine the interplay between cancer diagnosis and smoking behavior through several different, but complementary research methods, including intensive longitudinal data collection, concurrent mixed methods, randomized clinical trials, and implementation science. Ultimately, this line of research has the goal of promoting smoking cessation among the most vulnerable cancer survivors, including those who report little to no intention to quit and those who are faced with high levels of unmet social support needs.
  • Stewarding Indigenous Data: Resolving Tensions between Open Data and Indigenous Data Sovereignty

    Rainie, Stephanie Carroll; University of Arizona; Native Nations Institute; Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Center for Indigenous Environmental Health Research (University of Arizona, 2018-10-31)
  • Reconfiguring Access When Open is the Default

    Knott, Cheryl; University of Arizona; School of Information (University of Arizona, 2018-10-31)
  • Voices Unheard: Access to Oral History Interview about Hazardous Contamination

    Moreno Ramírez, Denise; University of Arizona; Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science; School of Anthropology (University of Arizona, 2018-10-31)

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