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dc.contributor.advisorTaylor-Piliae, Ruth E.en_US
dc.contributor.authorHoke, Tiffany Michelle
dc.creatorHoke, Tiffany Michelleen_US
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND: Stroke survivors fall 7 times more annually than same-aged healthy adults; and most fall within the first 2 to 6 months post stroke after transition of care home from the acute setting. These falls cause hip fractures and other bodily injury, further compounding post-stroke mobility, fear of falling, social isolation, and social dependence while collectively yielding poorer outcomes at greater financial burden. PROBLEM: To date, no fall prevention program has targeted stroke survivors as they prepare for transition of care home from the acute setting. PURPOSE: The purpose of this practice inquiry is to develop an evidence-based fall prevention program aimed at empowering acute stroke survivors preparing for transition of care home from the acute setting. METHODS: An extensive literature review was synthesized to assess post-stroke falls epidemiology, contributing factors, potential consequences, and the current status of ameliorative interventions. A modified conceptual framework based upon the Science of Unitary Human Beings, theories of health empowerment, cognitive plasticity, and cognitive reserve was created to synergistically inform fall prevention program development. Literature review synthesis and modified conceptual framework collectively informed subsequent construction of a mixed theory-outcome-activities approach logic model to systematically guide proposed program implementation and evaluation plans. RESULTS: A novel evidence-based empowerment-focused fall prevention program was developed for acute stroke survivors preparing for transition of care home from the acute setting. CONCLUSION: The multi-interventional Patient Empowerment at Transitions of Care Fall Prevention Program for Stroke Survivors inspires a paradigm shift in the way stroke professionals and survivors view recovery and inherent survivor potential. The proposed fall prevention program is informed by a solid theoretical foundation and rigorous literature review of high-level evidentiary support. Moreover, existing dynamic funding opportunities promote subsequent program implementation and evaluation facilitated by Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute grant pursuit.
dc.publisherThe University of Arizona.en_US
dc.rightsCopyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author.en_US
dc.subjectCare Coordinationen_US
dc.subjectFall Preventionen_US
dc.subjectTransition of Careen_US
dc.subjectAdvanced Practice Registered Nurseen_US
dc.titleImproving Outcomes Through Patient Empowerment at Transition of Care: A Fall Prevention Program for Stroke Survivorsen_US
dc.typeElectronic Dissertationen of Arizonaen_US
dc.contributor.committeememberTaylor-Piliae, Ruth E.en_US
dc.contributor.committeememberRigney, Theodore S.en_US
dc.contributor.committeememberGallek, Mathew J.en_US Collegeen_US
html.description.abstractBACKGROUND: Stroke survivors fall 7 times more annually than same-aged healthy adults; and most fall within the first 2 to 6 months post stroke after transition of care home from the acute setting. These falls cause hip fractures and other bodily injury, further compounding post-stroke mobility, fear of falling, social isolation, and social dependence while collectively yielding poorer outcomes at greater financial burden. PROBLEM: To date, no fall prevention program has targeted stroke survivors as they prepare for transition of care home from the acute setting. PURPOSE: The purpose of this practice inquiry is to develop an evidence-based fall prevention program aimed at empowering acute stroke survivors preparing for transition of care home from the acute setting. METHODS: An extensive literature review was synthesized to assess post-stroke falls epidemiology, contributing factors, potential consequences, and the current status of ameliorative interventions. A modified conceptual framework based upon the Science of Unitary Human Beings, theories of health empowerment, cognitive plasticity, and cognitive reserve was created to synergistically inform fall prevention program development. Literature review synthesis and modified conceptual framework collectively informed subsequent construction of a mixed theory-outcome-activities approach logic model to systematically guide proposed program implementation and evaluation plans. RESULTS: A novel evidence-based empowerment-focused fall prevention program was developed for acute stroke survivors preparing for transition of care home from the acute setting. CONCLUSION: The multi-interventional Patient Empowerment at Transitions of Care Fall Prevention Program for Stroke Survivors inspires a paradigm shift in the way stroke professionals and survivors view recovery and inherent survivor potential. The proposed fall prevention program is informed by a solid theoretical foundation and rigorous literature review of high-level evidentiary support. Moreover, existing dynamic funding opportunities promote subsequent program implementation and evaluation facilitated by Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute grant pursuit.

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