International Telemetering Conference Proceedings, Volume 38 (2002)
The International Telemetering Conference/USA (ITC/USA) is dedicated to the promotion and stimulation of technical growth in telemetering and its allied arts and sciences. It is the premier annual forum and technical exhibition providing telemetry specific short courses, technical papers from professionals and students, and exhibits of the industry’s leading companies. ITC/USA is sponsored by the International Foundation for Telemetering (IFT), a non-profit corporation dedicated to serving the technical and professional interests of the telemetering community.
This collection contains the proceedings of the thirty-eighth International Telemetering Conference, October 21, 2002. The conference, sponsored by the International Foundation for Telemetering, was held at the Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center in San Diego, California.
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Recent Submissions
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings, Volume 38 (2002)International Foundation for Telemetering, 2002-10
ENTERPRISE FLIGHT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EFDMS) AND STORAGE INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY DISCUSSIONThis paper presents efforts in developing a data management system and storage infrastructure for assisting test engineers in achieving information superiority and maintaining vital up-to-date information. The focus of this Paper is to generate support for a technology refresh, upgrading the major data centers that share in the responsibility of processing telemetry information. We illustrate how our efforts fit into this goal and provide an overview of our concept for a revolutionary transformation in data management systems. We present the significance of this new technology and suggest a path to implementing the solution.
WHO MOVED MY TAPE RECORDER FLAVORED CHEESEFor the last 30 years Magnetic Tape Systems have been the primary means of recording data from airborne instrumentation systems. Increasing data rates and harsh environmental requirements have often exceeded the ability of tape-based systems to keep pace with platform technology. This paper examines operational and data reduction benefits when employing the IRIG 106 Chapter 10 Solid State Recorder Standard introduced by the Range Commanders Council (RCC) Telemetry Group (TG). The Standard and this paper address media formatting, data formatting for a variety of different data types, data downloading, and data security, along with serial command and control and discrete command and control of the recorder. This paper also addresses software data processing and raw data reconstruction of Chapter 10 data.
MAGNETIC TAPE CARE & RESTORATIONFor the past thirty years, many people around the world have been engaged in studies to determine how long tape will last. We have learned how to extend the life of tapes but no one has come up with a method for predicting the life of a tape. This paper will summarize the present-day recommended practices for tape care and storage and will also describe the most common tape problems and how to overcome them. The most common problem with playing an old tape is finding a machine to play it. Machine obsolescence is probably a bigger problem than tape degradation.
NETWORKABLE TELEMETRY DATA RECORDERS BASED ON COTS COMPUTER TECHNOLOGYAdvances in several related technologies have brought together the previously incompatible goals of incorporating as much COTS technology as possible into the telemetry data recording architecture, providing operators with the kinds of real-time graphical data displays that they are accustomed to, and allowing these same data display systems to share data across a network and write to common database files accessible from centralized workstations.
HARDWARE SYSTEM DESIGN FOR VEHICLE NAVIGATORThis paper introduces the essential points for designing a navigating system, and describes the modules of a typical vehicle navigator. This paper also gives a practical navigator example. Some experience for design is also mentioned.
THE VEHICLE MONITORING SYSTEM BASED ON GPRSThe Vehicle Monitoring System based on GPRS is a system using GPRS network to transmit data, including location data, time data and so on .It has many advantages compared with those systems based on other communication modes. The key of the system lies in how to build up the connection with exterior data network. In this paper, the constitution of the system is introduced, and the course of building up connection with exterior data network is described in detail.
EMBEDDED GIS IN INTELLIGENT NAVIGATION SYSTEMEmbedded GIS in Intelligent Navigation System is a special information system. This paper puts forward several basic principles and constraints during design for Embedded GIS at first, and then analyzes the feature of embedded platform and the function of Intelligent Navigation System, and presents a realization scheme of Embedded GIS.
THE STUDY OF EMBEDDED INTELLIGENT VEHICLE NAVIGATION SYSTEM*The intelligent vehicle navigation system is the multifunctional and complex integrate system that involved in auto positioning technology, geography information system and digital map database, computer technology, multimedia and wireless communication technology. In this paper, the autonomous navigation system based on the embedded hardware and embedded software platform is proposed. The system has advantages of low cost, low power consumption, multifunction and high stability and reliability.
A PARALLEL -SEQUENTIAL SEARCH ALGORITHM IN A HIGH DYNAMIC GPS RECEIVERIt is need to design acquisition and tracking for code loop and carrier loop to detect the high dynamic Global Position System (GPS) signal. Acquiring signal quickly and shortening acquisition time in the cold case are key technology of a high dynamic GPS receiver. Moreover, fast acquisition of C/A code is the base of code tracking and carrier acquisition and tracking. This paper describes elements and implementation of a new parallel-sequential search Algorithm to acquire C/A code of the high dynamic GPS signal. And combined with a 12-channel correlator named GP2021 produced by GEC Co., the arithmetic implementation to acquire C/A code of the high dynamic GPS signal used sequential search based on DSP technology is also given.
EXTENDING THE RANGE OF PCM/FM USING A MULTISYMBOL DETECTOR AND TURBO CODINGIt has been shown that a multi-symbol detector can improve the detection efficiency of PCM/FM by 3 dB when compared to traditional methods without any change to the transmitted waveform. Although this is a significant breakthrough, further improvements are possible with the addition of Forward Error Correction (FEC). Systematic redundancy can be added by encoding the source data prior to the modulation process, thereby allowing channel errors to be corrected using a decoding circuit. Better detection efficiency translates into additional link margin that can be used to extend the operating range, support higher data throughput, or significantly improve the quality of the received data. This paper investigates the detection efficiency that can be achieved using a multisymbol detector and turbo product coding. The results show that this combination can improve the detection performance by nearly 9 dB relative to conventional PCM/FM systems. The increase in link margin is gained at the expense of a small increase in bandwidth and the additional complexity of the encoding and decoding circuitry.
FQPSK-B Baseband Filter AlternativesDesigners of small airborne FQPSK-B (-B) transmitters face at least two significant challenges. First, many U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) test applications require that transmitters accommodate a continuum of data rates from 1, to at least 20 Mb/s in one design. Another challenge stems from the need to package a high-speed digital baseband signal generator in very close proximity to radio frequency (RF) circuitry required for 1.4 to 2.4 GHz operation. The -B baseband filter options prescribed by Digcom/Feher [2] are a major contributor to variable data rate design challenges. This paper summarizes a study of -B filter alternatives and introduces FQPSK-JR (JR), an alternative to -B that can simplify digital baseband transmitter designs. Very short impulse response digital filters are used to produce essentially the same spectral efficiency and nonlinear amplifier (NLA) compatibility as -B while preserving or improving detection efficiency (DE). In addition, a strategy for eliminating baseband shaping filters is briefly discussed. New signaling wavelets and, modified wavelet versus symbol sequence mapping rules associated with them, can be captured from a wide range of alternative filter designs.
BANDWIDTH AND POWER EFFICIENCY TRADE-OFFS OF SOQPSKShaped Offset QPSK (SOQPSK), as proposed and analyzed by Terrance Hill, is a family of constant envelope waveforms that is non-proprietary and exhibits excellent spectral containment and detection efficiency. Results for two variants, defined as SOQPSK-A and -B, have previously been presented. However, it remains to be seen whether or not even more attractive choices exist. This paper explores the bandwidth and power efficiency trade-offs of the entire SOQPSK family using computer simulations and analytical performance bounds.
PERFORMANCE STUDY OF ENHANCED FQPSK AND CONSTRAINED ENVELOPE MODULATION TECHNIQUESThis paper investigates the spectral properties and the bit error rate (BER) performance of enhanced FQPSK (EFQPSK) and constrained envelope modulation (CEM) techniques. Both the techniques are found to provide good spectral efficiencies. The EFQPSK signals are found to generate spectral lines for unbalanced data. An analytical spectral study for the spectral lines is presented. While the performance of CEM techniques has been presented in [6] for an ideal nonlinear amplifier, we present results for more realistic amplifiers with AM/AM and AM/PM effects. It is shown that such an amplifier generates spectral regrowth and a predistorter is required to reduce the adverse effects. A BER performance study with/without channel coding is also presented for the two techniques.
FLIGHT TERMINATION COMMAND AUTHENTICATION USING BLOCK ENCRYPTIONNext generation flight termination systems (FTSs) will use digital technologies to verify the authenticity of range safety commands by command receiver-decoders located on each vehicle. This paper will discuss the general principles behind simplex message authentication using a block encryption cipher, and presents examples for demonstration.
FLIGHT SAFETY SYSTEM FOR UNMANNED AIRBORNE VEHICLES (UAVs)This paper presents a Flight Safety System (FSS) for multiple, reliable Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV’s) capable of flying Over-the-Horizon (OTH) and outside test range airspace. Expanded uses beyond flight safety, such as UAV Air Traffic Control, are considered also. This system satisfies the operational requirement for a Hazard Control Communication Channel as well as providing a reverse communications channel to provide Safety Critical Information to the Range Safety Officer (RSO). Upon examining 60 communications candidates, IRIDIUM accessed through a Data Distribution Network (DDN), with ARINC being a potential service provider, is recommended.
ENHANCED FLIGHT TERMINATION SYSTEM PROGRAM - PART TWOThe Air Force Flight Test Center in association with the Range Commanders Council (RCC) Range Safety Group is conducting a program that will explore the next generation of ground-based flight termination technology, known as the Enhanced Flight Termination System (EFTS) program. The first part of the program was successfully concluded in May 2002. The Government is leading this program with support from contractors, academia, and other RCC groups including the Telemetry Group, Frequency Management Group, and Telecommunications and Timing Group. Additionally, the National Security Agency is providing key support along with vendors who design, build and test range safety systems. This paper will discuss details of the design validation and development phases (part two) of the EFTS program. Redesign of flight termination receivers and ground system modification plans will be discussed as well as flight and ground hardware testing objectives.
LOW BUDGET APPROACH TO ACCURATE TIME TAGGING OF SATELLITE DATAThe GEOSAT Follow-On (GFO) Time Tag Correlation System (TTCS) was implemented as a ground-based time correlation system for precision time tagging of satellite data. This system uses simple ground hardware and software to convert satellite time to UTC, resulting in time tagging of payload data to within +/- 20 microseconds. The technique described in this paper eliminates the need for an on-board satellite Ultra-Stable Oscillator (USO) to achieve precision time tagging of satellite data and, therefore, can result in a significant cost savings to future missions.
USING MDP FOR TELEMETRY DATA TRANSFERSThe current challenge has been to develop and adapt commercial Internet protocols for usage in space communications. Commercialized solutions, rather than Customized ones are cheaper, have low turnaround time and offer higher flexibility in deployment and operation. The focus of the study was to modify and develop UDP/IP based protocols commonly used in commercial Internet for reliable data transfers in space environment. Multicast Dissemination Protocol was designed by Naval Research Laboratory to provide reliable multicast data and file transfer delivery on the top of general UDP/IP platform. It is very suited for bulk data transfer over the Internet. We have extended its usage in space channels and evaluated it as a solution to meet key challenges in space communications like high bit error rates and asymmetric channels. We have also tried to optimize the performance of the protocol in the terms of throughput, reliability, integrity and security of data. The evaluation test were carried on our Space to Ground Link Simulator which uses PPP to model point to point satellite links and correspond to low capacity systems as found in small satellite systems.
Making All The Data Available Some Of The Time In Very Large Telemetry Volume Space ApplicationsWhat do you do when your downlink telemetry needs outstrip your downlink bandwidth capability? The telemetry needed to support construction and operation of the largest, most complex engineering project ever undertaken, the International Space Station (ISS), already requires utilization of the full capacity of the downlink S-band capacity, yet there are additional systems and capabilities still to be added by NASA and the International Partners. The ISS Command and Telemetry Team has developed a method of swapping packets of telemetry that are intended for special operations, while simultaneously sending essential systems telemetry and less critical telemetry that is needed on a continuous basis. To support this attempt to “make available all of the data at least some of the time” the team developed concepts for grouping telemetry into families that would always be selected as a group and then created a set of metadata associated with these groups. This metadata is pre-defined to support automated selection and scrubbing of telemetry to correspond to major upgrades in the command and control software for the ISS. The new process will at least double the effective S-band downlink bandwidth. It will also provide automated selection, scrubbing, reporting and verification of telemetry selections.