Copyright © International Foundation for TelemeteringCollection Information
Proceedings from the International Telemetering Conference are made available by the International Foundation for Telemetering and the University of Arizona Libraries. Visit http://www.telemetry.org/index.php/contact-us if you have questions about items in this collection.Abstract
An innovative digital approach to analog noise synthesis is described. This method can be used to test bit synchronizers and other communications equipment over a wide range of data rates. A generator has been built which has a constant RMS output voltage and a well-defined, closely Gaussian amplitude distribution. Its frequency spectrum is flat within 0.3 dB from dc to an upper limit which can be varied from 1 Hz to over 100 MHz. Both simulation and practical measurement have confirmed that this generator can verify the performance of bit synchronizers with respect to the standard error rate curve.Sponsors
International Foundation for TelemeteringISSN