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dc.contributor.advisorLeal, Sandraen
dc.contributor.authorDunlavy, Paul
dc.contributor.authorLeal, Sandra
dc.descriptionClass of 2016 Abstractsen
dc.description.abstractObjectives: To compare the minimum vaccination age to receive an influenza vaccine of rural and urban pharmacies. Rural pharmacies are defined in all Arizona pharmacies in counties other than Pima or Maricopa, urban pharmacies are defined as all pharmacies within the Tucson city limits. Methods: Pharmacies were called for a phone interview asking what the minimum age someone needs to be to receive an influenza vaccination from their store is. Pharmacies were called during their operating hours during a 4-week period at the end of January and early February. Results: 269 pharmacies were included in the study. Pharmacies consisted of 153 rural pharmacies and 116 urban pharmacies. The median minimum vaccination age for both rural and urban pharmacies was 8. Overall, there was found to be no significant difference between the minimum vaccination age between rural and urban pharmacies (p = 0.242). Conclusions: The minimum age to receive an influenza appears to be similar between rural and urban pharmacies.
dc.publisherThe University of Arizona.en
dc.rightsCopyright © is held by the author.en
dc.subjectMinimum Ageen
dc.subjectInfluenza Vaccinationen
dc.subject.meshInfluenza Vaccines
dc.titleA Comparison of the Minimum Age to Receive an Influenza Vaccination Between Rural and Urban Pharmaciesen_US
dc.typeElectronic Reporten
dc.contributor.departmentCollege of Pharmacy, The University of Arizonaen
dc.description.collectioninformationThis item is part of the Pharmacy Student Research Projects collection, made available by the College of Pharmacy and the University Libraries at the University of Arizona. For more information about items in this collection, please contact Jennifer Martin, Librarian and Clinical Instructor, Pharmacy Practice and Science,
html.description.abstractObjectives: To compare the minimum vaccination age to receive an influenza vaccine of rural and urban pharmacies. Rural pharmacies are defined in all Arizona pharmacies in counties other than Pima or Maricopa, urban pharmacies are defined as all pharmacies within the Tucson city limits. Methods: Pharmacies were called for a phone interview asking what the minimum age someone needs to be to receive an influenza vaccination from their store is. Pharmacies were called during their operating hours during a 4-week period at the end of January and early February. Results: 269 pharmacies were included in the study. Pharmacies consisted of 153 rural pharmacies and 116 urban pharmacies. The median minimum vaccination age for both rural and urban pharmacies was 8. Overall, there was found to be no significant difference between the minimum vaccination age between rural and urban pharmacies (p = 0.242). Conclusions: The minimum age to receive an influenza appears to be similar between rural and urban pharmacies.

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