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dc.contributor.advisorWarholak, Terrien
dc.contributor.authorChao, Hout
dc.contributor.authorHernandez, George
dc.contributor.authorMcCracken, William
dc.contributor.authorWarholak, Terri
dc.descriptionClass of 2014 Abstracten
dc.description.abstractSpecific Aims: Assess the change in efficiency and accuracy of healthcare in provider access to HIE for medication profiles at the PCADC. Methods: Adults detainees admitted from October 22, 2012 to July 31, 2013 were enrolled in this study. A completed Intake Medical Screening form with self-reported/correction facility staff verified medication list will (the old method) be compared to the medication list obtained by querying the medication HIE (the new method). Descriptive statistics will describe the patients. Statistical significance will be calculated using the McNemar chi-square test for comparing the proportions of omissions (medications and strengths) on the 765PI to the HIE with an a priori alpha of 0.05. Main Results: In progress. Conclusion: HIE has the potential to be a valuable tool for healthcare providers operating at an adult detention facility.
dc.publisherThe University of Arizona.en
dc.rightsCopyright © is held by the author.en
dc.subjectHealth Information Exchange (HIE)en
dc.subjectPima County Adult Detention Complex (PCADC)en
dc.subject.meshHealth Information Exchange
dc.subject.meshMedical History Taking
dc.titleComparing the Efficiency and Accuracy of Health Information Exchange (HIE) to the Traditional Process of Medical History Gathering During Admission at the Pima County Adult Detention Complex (PCADC)en_US
dc.typeElectronic Reporten
dc.contributor.departmentCollege of Pharmacy, The University of Arizonaen
dc.description.collectioninformationThis item is part of the Pharmacy Student Research Projects collection, made available by the College of Pharmacy and the University Libraries at the University of Arizona. For more information about items in this collection, please contact Jennifer Martin, Librarian and Clinical Instructor, Pharmacy Practice and Science,
html.description.abstractSpecific Aims: Assess the change in efficiency and accuracy of healthcare in provider access to HIE for medication profiles at the PCADC. Methods: Adults detainees admitted from October 22, 2012 to July 31, 2013 were enrolled in this study. A completed Intake Medical Screening form with self-reported/correction facility staff verified medication list will (the old method) be compared to the medication list obtained by querying the medication HIE (the new method). Descriptive statistics will describe the patients. Statistical significance will be calculated using the McNemar chi-square test for comparing the proportions of omissions (medications and strengths) on the 765PI to the HIE with an a priori alpha of 0.05. Main Results: In progress. Conclusion: HIE has the potential to be a valuable tool for healthcare providers operating at an adult detention facility.

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