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dc.contributor.authorTucker, Tommy N.
dc.contributor.authorKelley, Arthur L.
dc.descriptionInternational Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 14-16, 1980 / Bahia Hotel, San Diego, Californiaen_US
dc.description.abstractThe requirement for real-time decisions during flight testing of Helicopters at Edwards AFB, and remote test sites has placed a tremendous burden on the telemetry processing system. The Telemetry Processor not only has to have sufficient computer power to give real-time data read outs for the test conductor to make these decisions, but also must be portable to support remote sites. This type of support normally requires two distinctly different systems. The one system for remote support would be a small computer controlled system that digitizes the data, formats all data to digital tape, and gives some limited quick look capability. The data processor would be a large batch processor centrally located in a laboratory, where the digital tapes are returned and the data processed into a meaningful format for the Test Conductor. This does not allow for very many real-time decisions at remote sites, while tests are being conducted. This paper describes the Real-Time Data Acquisition and Processing System (RDAPS) which EMR is delivering to the Army for quick look and processing of the data at remote sites. This is a computer controlled Telemetry System that is portable, while having sufficient power to convert all data (up to 50K word rate) to engineering units, and process and display on CRT's and in graphic form selected parameters that are essential for inflight decisions. This same system will be used to process all of the data between maneuvers and after a flight. Two identical systems support two tests simultaneously.
dc.description.sponsorshipInternational Foundation for Telemeteringen
dc.publisherInternational Foundation for Telemeteringen
dc.rightsCopyright © International Foundation for Telemeteringen
dc.titleAdvanced Medium Scale Real-Time Systemen_US
dc.contributor.departmentU.S. Armyen
dc.identifier.journalInternational Telemetering Conference Proceedingsen
dc.description.collectioninformationProceedings from the International Telemetering Conference are made available by the International Foundation for Telemetering and the University of Arizona Libraries. Visit if you have questions about items in this collection.en
html.description.abstractThe requirement for real-time decisions during flight testing of Helicopters at Edwards AFB, and remote test sites has placed a tremendous burden on the telemetry processing system. The Telemetry Processor not only has to have sufficient computer power to give real-time data read outs for the test conductor to make these decisions, but also must be portable to support remote sites. This type of support normally requires two distinctly different systems. The one system for remote support would be a small computer controlled system that digitizes the data, formats all data to digital tape, and gives some limited quick look capability. The data processor would be a large batch processor centrally located in a laboratory, where the digital tapes are returned and the data processed into a meaningful format for the Test Conductor. This does not allow for very many real-time decisions at remote sites, while tests are being conducted. This paper describes the Real-Time Data Acquisition and Processing System (RDAPS) which EMR is delivering to the Army for quick look and processing of the data at remote sites. This is a computer controlled Telemetry System that is portable, while having sufficient power to convert all data (up to 50K word rate) to engineering units, and process and display on CRT's and in graphic form selected parameters that are essential for inflight decisions. This same system will be used to process all of the data between maneuvers and after a flight. Two identical systems support two tests simultaneously.

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