Low-cost, short-term development or high-data-rate, multi-stream, mulit-data type telemetry acquisition/processing system using an off-the-shelf integrated Telemetry Front End.
Copyright © International Foundation for TelemeteringCollection Information
Proceedings from the International Telemetering Conference are made available by the International Foundation for Telemetering and the University of Arizona Libraries. Visit http://www.telemetry.org/index.php/contact-us if you have questions about items in this collection.Abstract
This paper explores the effects the new breed of off-theshelf integrated telemetry front end (TFE) packages have on the cost and schedule of the development cycle associated with real-time telemetry acquisition/processing systems. A case study of an actual project involving replacement of the Holloman AFB sled track telemetry processing system (TPS) with a system capable of simultaneously supporting up to twenty (20) asynchronous data streams is profiled. Notable among the capabilities of the system are; support for PCM, PAM, FM, IRIG and Local time streams; incoming data rates up to 10 Megabits/sec/stream; data logging rates over 16 MegaBytes/sec and the use of local area networks for distribution of data to real-time displays. To achieve these requirements within a manageable cost/schedule framework, the system was designed around an integrated TFE sub-system. Comparisons are drawn between several aspects of this projects development and that of an earlier developmental system which was completed by PSL within the last 16 months.Sponsors
International Foundation for TelemeteringISSN