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Proceedings from the International Telemetering Conference are made available by the International Foundation for Telemetering and the University of Arizona Libraries. Visit http://www.telemetry.org/index.php/contact-us if you have questions about items in this collection.Abstract
The U.S. Army Aviation Development Test Activity at Fort Rucker, Alabama needed a real-time test data collection and processing capability for helicopter flight testing. The system had to be capable of collecting and processing both FM and PCM data streams from analog tape and/or a telemetry receiver. The hardware and software was to be off the shelf whenever possible. The integration was to result in a stand alone telemetry collection and processing system. The Test Data Processing System (TDPS) provides real-time preprocessing and display of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) aircraft test data. The FM front end equipment consists of FM demodulators, tunable filters, strip chart recorders, an array processor and a PCM encoder. PCM equipment includes a wide band demodulator, four tunable bit synchronizers and a preprocessor. The Integrated Telemetry Analysis System (ITAS), preprocessor which is Veda proprietary equipment offers functional redundancy with the HP 1000 real-time computer. This allows TDPS personnel to monitor selected real-time parameters in the event of HP 1000 system failure. All pertinent signals are routed through the system distribution panel to facilitate rapid changes in the system configuration. The HP 1000 real-time computer system provides computer control for the front end equipment, storage capability for incoming test data, data reduction algorithms for real-time data analysis, and also provides control of peripheral devices. The HP 1000 interfaces with the host computer for post test transfer of data. The host computer is the HP 3000 which will be used for post test analysis of the data. The TDPS is a collection of various vendors’ hardware and software which have been functionally integrated by Veda, Inc. of Fort Walton Beach, Florida into a real-time telemetry processing system. The system was designed and constructed for the U.S. Army Aviation Development Test Activity at Fort Rucker, Alambama. The distribution panel was custom fabricated. It was recessed into the 19 inch equipment rack and enclosed behind a plexiglas door. This approach eliminates accidental damage from bumping into the connectors, and also allows the operator to verify system connections at a glance. All associated connectors, shunts, adapters, and patch cords were provided with the panel.Sponsors
International Foundation for TelemeteringISSN