This digital collection of books, pamphlets, and serials representing Arizona agricultural history and rural life from the period 1820 through 1945 was made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Administered by Cornell University, the grant provided funding for land grant universities in the United States to digitize rare and fragile items from this period. Scholars and librarians at the University of Arizona identified the materials that were digitized as part of the "Preserving the History of Agriculture & Rural Life: State & Local Literature, Arizona, 1820-1945" project.

The collection consists of approximately 900 items; materials were contributed by University of Arizona Special Collections, Arizona Historical Foundation, Arizona Historical Society, Arizona State University Libraries, Arizona State University Law Library, Arizona State Library, Phoenix Public Library, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona Law Library, and the City of Mesa Library.

As of December 20th, 2024, we are in the process of migrating remaining digital content into the UA Campus Repository. We expect to have the migration completed by January 10th, 2025. If you have been redirected to this collection from the former "UAiR" website or a search engine link, please email us to inquire about specific items you need so we can send those to you if they are not yet available in the UA Campus Repository.


Contact us at repository@u.library.arizona.edu for more information about this digital collection.

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