Flooding Effects On Tree-Ring Formations Of Riparian Eastern White-Cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.), Northwestern Quebec, Canada
Département des sciences appliquées, Université du Québec en Abitibi-TémiscamingueCentre Eau, Terre et Environnement, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
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DendrochronologyTree Rings
Basal Area Increment
Lake Duparquet
Eastern White Cedar
Tree Growth Phenology
Water table
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This item is part of the Tree-Ring Research (formerly Tree-Ring Bulletin) archive. For more information about this peer-reviewed scholarly journal, please email the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at editor@treeringsociety.org.Publisher
Tree-Ring SocietyJournal
Tree-Ring ResearchCitation
Denneler, B., Bergeron, Y., Bégin, Y., 2010. Flooding effect on tree-ring formation of riparian eastern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.), northwestern Quebec. Tree-Ring Research 66(1):3-17.Abstract
Tree-ring formation of eastern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) at a boreal lake in northwestern Quebec, Canada, was monitored using manual band dendrometers to (i) retrace cambial activity phases, (ii) evaluate the effects of flooding on radial growth, and (iii) analyze the relationships with meteorological factors. The daily circumferential activity of four trees at each of two sites, a riparian and an upland site, was recorded during the growing season of 1996, a year with an extreme spring flood. First cambium cell divisions occurred near June 9, followed by a distinct and sustained upward trend in the stem basal area until mid-July that reflected the earlywood formation. The strongly synchronous circumferential activity at both sites suggests no adverse flooding effect on growth of the riparian trees, which is explained by the rapid retreat of the water just before growth initiation in early June. The following month until mid-August was characterized by strong short-term fluctuations caused by alternating drought and rain periods and a slight downward trend of the basal area for six of the eight banded white-cedars. The dendrometers of two trees, the closest to the lake, showed a slight upward trend probably reflecting latewood formation. Pearson correlation with meteorological data indicated that precipitation was positively related to the daily changes in basal area of all trees except during the period of earlywood formation, which probably resulted from the high soil moisture after spring snow-melting. Mean and minimum air humidity were positively related and maximum temperature negatively related to the daily variations in stem circumference during the whole monitoring period, emphasizing the importance of the internal water status on stem size.ISSN