An Assessment Of The Dendroclimatic Potential Of Three Conifer Species In Northern Minnesota
Department of Geography, University of MinnesotaDepartment of Geography, University of Missouri
Department of Social Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona
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DendrochronologyTree Rings
Pinus resinosa
Pinus strobus
Thuja occidentalis
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
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This item is part of the Tree-Ring Research (formerly Tree-Ring Bulletin) archive. For more information about this peer-reviewed scholarly journal, please email the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at
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Tree-Ring ResearchCitation
Kipfmueller, K.F., Elliott, G.P., Larson, E.R., Salzer, M.W., 2010. An assessment of the dendroclimatic potential of three conifer species in northern Minnesota. Tree-Ring Research 66(2):113-126.Abstract
Ring-width chronologies from Pinus resinosa Ait., Pinus strobus L., and Thuja occidentalis L. were developed in two areas of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness to assess their growth climate response and their potential for developing reconstructions of climate. New red pine chronologies were combined with existing chronologies to extend the ring-width record both into the past and into the present. Ring-width response to climate, assessed using correlation analysis and response functions, was broadly similar among all three species with relatively significant positive relationships with June–July precipitation and significant negative (but less consistent) associations with June–July temperatures (p < 0.05). White-cedar appeared to have a broader phenological window of response with a stronger spring influence when compared to other species included in this study. Comparisons with other nearby proxies showed relatively strong coherence overall but with some important regional differences. Overall, these species may be useful for placing current climatic patterns in the Boundary Waters within a longer term perspective but care should be taken with respect to identifying appropriate climatic records for calibration.ISSN