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dc.contributor.advisorHall-Lipsy, Elizabethen
dc.contributor.authorRust, Jennifer
dc.contributor.authorHeideman, Kalie
dc.descriptionClass of 2012 Abstracten
dc.description.abstractSpecific Aims: The purpose of this study is to assess rural community members in Cochise County, Arizona, to determine if healthcare screenings and informational sessions are desired by the community members for chronic disease states, and from which healthcare providers the community members prefer to obtain these services. Identify which health professional rural members are most likely to seek for healthcare screening. Identify which health professional rural members are most likely to seek for healthcare informational sessions. Determine if rural community members are willing to pay for healthcare screening and informational sessions. Methods: This descriptive study obtained data through 350 questionnaires distributed during selected Cochise County community events in late 2011. Main Results: 341 surveys were completed. The majority of results favored physicians with 47.7% of the people stating they would very likely attend a health care screening conducted by a physician. 34.5% responded they would very likely attend an informational session conducted by a physician. Of the respondents willing to pay for health screenings, 63.9% would pay $30 or less. 70.9% stated they would not be willing to pay for an informational session. However, the majority of participants, 61.3%, indicated they would utilize pharmacists for OTC questions. Regarding questions about prescription medications, 43.4% would go to pharmacists, and similarly, 44% indicated they use physicians. Conclusions: As seen from the results, pharmacists are underutilized by rural community members; except for OTC questions. Respondents with higher levels of education were also more likely to prefer and attend events held by pharmacists.
dc.publisherThe University of Arizona.en
dc.rightsCopyright © is held by the author.en
dc.subjectRural Communitiesen
dc.subjectScreening Servicesen
dc.subjectInformation Sessionsen
dc.subjectSouthern Arizonaen
dc.subject.meshRural Health Servicesen
dc.subject.meshDelivery of Health Careen
dc.subject.meshHealth Educationen
dc.titleAssessing the Factors Involved in Provider Preference and Willingness to Pay for Informational and Screening Servicesen_US
dc.typeElectronic Reporten
dc.contributor.departmentCollege of Pharmacy, The University of Arizonaen
dc.description.collectioninformationThis item is part of the Pharmacy Student Research Projects collection, made available by the College of Pharmacy and the University Libraries at the University of Arizona. For more information about items in this collection, please contact Jennifer Martin, Librarian and Clinical Instructor, Pharmacy Practice and Science,
html.description.abstractSpecific Aims: The purpose of this study is to assess rural community members in Cochise County, Arizona, to determine if healthcare screenings and informational sessions are desired by the community members for chronic disease states, and from which healthcare providers the community members prefer to obtain these services. Identify which health professional rural members are most likely to seek for healthcare screening. Identify which health professional rural members are most likely to seek for healthcare informational sessions. Determine if rural community members are willing to pay for healthcare screening and informational sessions. Methods: This descriptive study obtained data through 350 questionnaires distributed during selected Cochise County community events in late 2011. Main Results: 341 surveys were completed. The majority of results favored physicians with 47.7% of the people stating they would very likely attend a health care screening conducted by a physician. 34.5% responded they would very likely attend an informational session conducted by a physician. Of the respondents willing to pay for health screenings, 63.9% would pay $30 or less. 70.9% stated they would not be willing to pay for an informational session. However, the majority of participants, 61.3%, indicated they would utilize pharmacists for OTC questions. Regarding questions about prescription medications, 43.4% would go to pharmacists, and similarly, 44% indicated they use physicians. Conclusions: As seen from the results, pharmacists are underutilized by rural community members; except for OTC questions. Respondents with higher levels of education were also more likely to prefer and attend events held by pharmacists.

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