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dc.contributor.authorBian, Fuyan
dc.contributor.authorFan, Xiaohui
dc.contributor.authorMcGreer, Ian D.
dc.contributor.authorCai, Zheng
dc.contributor.authorJiang, Linhua
dc.identifier.citationHigh Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction in a Lensed Young Compact Dwarf Galaxy at z=2.5 2017, 837 (1):L12 The Astrophysical Journalen
dc.description.abstractWe present the HST WFC3/F275W UV imaging observations of A2218-Flanking, a lensed compact dwarf galaxy at redshift z approximate to 2.5. The stellar mass of A2218-Flanking is log(M-*/M-circle dot) = 9.14(-0.04)(+0.07) and SFR is 12.5(-7.4)(+3.8) M-circle dot yr(-1) after correcting the magnification. This galaxy has a young galaxy age of 127. Myr and a compact galaxy size of r(1/2) = 2.4 kpc. The HST UV imaging observations cover the rest-frame Lyman continuum (LyC) emission (similar to 800 angstrom) from A2218-Flanking. We firmly detect (14s) the LyC emission in A2218-Flanking in the F275W image. Together with the HST F606W images, we find that the absolute escape fraction of LyC is f(abs,esc) > 28%-57% based on the flux density ratio between 1700 and 800 angstrom (f(1700)/f(800)). The morphology of the LyC emission in the F275W images is extended and follows the morphology of the UV continuum morphology in the F606W images, suggesting that the f(800) is not from foreground contaminants. We find that the region with a high star formation rate surface density has a lower f(1700)/f(800) (higher f(800)/f(1700)) ratio than the diffused regions, suggesting that LyC photons are more likely to escape from the region with the intensive star-forming process. We compare the properties of galaxies with and without LyC detections and find that LyC photons are easier to escape in low-mass galaxies.
dc.description.sponsorshipNASA through Space Telescope Science Institute [13349]; NASA [NAS 5-26555]en
dc.publisherIOP PUBLISHING LTDen
dc.rights© 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.en
dc.subjectcosmology: observationsen
dc.subjectdark ages, reionization, first starsen
dc.subjectgalaxies: high-redshiften
dc.subjectgravitational lensing: strongen
dc.titleHigh Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction in a Lensed Young Compact Dwarf Galaxy at z=2.5en
dc.contributor.departmentUniv Arizona, Steward Observen
dc.identifier.journalThe Astrophysical Journal Lettersen
dc.description.collectioninformationThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen
html.description.abstractWe present the HST WFC3/F275W UV imaging observations of A2218-Flanking, a lensed compact dwarf galaxy at redshift z approximate to 2.5. The stellar mass of A2218-Flanking is log(M-*/M-circle dot) = 9.14(-0.04)(+0.07) and SFR is 12.5(-7.4)(+3.8) M-circle dot yr(-1) after correcting the magnification. This galaxy has a young galaxy age of 127. Myr and a compact galaxy size of r(1/2) = 2.4 kpc. The HST UV imaging observations cover the rest-frame Lyman continuum (LyC) emission (similar to 800 angstrom) from A2218-Flanking. We firmly detect (14s) the LyC emission in A2218-Flanking in the F275W image. Together with the HST F606W images, we find that the absolute escape fraction of LyC is f(abs,esc) > 28%-57% based on the flux density ratio between 1700 and 800 angstrom (f(1700)/f(800)). The morphology of the LyC emission in the F275W images is extended and follows the morphology of the UV continuum morphology in the F606W images, suggesting that the f(800) is not from foreground contaminants. We find that the region with a high star formation rate surface density has a lower f(1700)/f(800) (higher f(800)/f(1700)) ratio than the diffused regions, suggesting that LyC photons are more likely to escape from the region with the intensive star-forming process. We compare the properties of galaxies with and without LyC detections and find that LyC photons are easier to escape in low-mass galaxies.

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