Restoring monarch butterfly habitat in the Midwestern US: ‘all hands on deck’
Thogmartin_2017_Environ._Res._ ...
FInal Published Version
Thogmartin, Wayne ELópez-Hoffman, Laura
Rohweder, Jason
Diffendorfer, Jay
Drum, Ryan
Semmens, Darius
Black, Scott
Caldwell, Iris
Cotter, Donita
Drobney, Pauline
Jackson, Laura L
Gale, Michael
Helmers, Doug
Hilburger, Steve
Howard, Elizabeth
Oberhauser, Karen
Pleasants, John
Semmens, Brice
Taylor, Orley
Ward, Patrick
Weltzin, Jake F
Wiederholt, Ruscena
Univ Arizona, Sch Nat Resources & EnvironmIssue Date
agricultureAsclepias syriaca
conservation design
Danaus plexippus
strategic habitat conservation
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Restoring monarch butterfly habitat in the Midwestern US: ‘all hands on deck’ 2017, 12 (7):074005 Environmental Research LettersJournal
Environmental Research LettersRights
© 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence.Collection Information
This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at
The eastern migratory population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus plexippus) has declined by >80% within the last two decades. One possible cause of this decline is the loss of >= 1.3 billion stems of milkweed (Asclepias spp.), which monarchs require for reproduction. In an effort to restore monarchs to a population goal established by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and adopted by Mexico, Canada, and the US, we developed scenarios for amending the Midwestern US landscape with milkweed. Scenarios for milkweed restoration were developed for protected area grasslands, Conservation Reserve Program land, powerline, rail and roadside rights of way, urban/suburban lands, and land in agricultural production. Agricultural land was further divided into productive and marginal cropland. We elicited expert opinion as to the biological potential (in stems per acre) for lands in these individual sectors to support milkweed restoration and the likely adoption (probability) of management practices necessary for affecting restoration. Sixteen of 218 scenarios we developed for restoring milkweed to the Midwestern US were at levels (>1.3 billion new stems) necessary to reach the monarch population goal. One of these scenarios would convert all marginal agriculture to conserved status. The other 15 scenarios converted half of marginal agriculture (730 million stems), with remaining stems contributed by other societal sectors. Scenarios without substantive agricultural participation were insufficient for attaining the population goal. Agricultural lands are essential to reaching restoration targets because they occupy 77% of all potential monarch habitat. Barring fundamental changes to policy, innovative application of economic tools such as habitat exchanges may provide sufficient resources to tip the balance of the agro-ecological landscape toward a setting conducive to both robust agricultural production and reduced imperilment of the migratory monarch butterfly.Note
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