Nuñez, P. D.Scott, N. J.
Mennesson, B.
Absil, O.
Augereau, J.-C.
Bryden, G.
ten Brummelaar, T.
Ertel, S.
Coudé du Foresto, V.
Ridgway, S. T.
Sturmann, J.
Sturmann, L.
Turner, N. J.
Turner, N. H.
Univ Arizona, Steward ObservIssue Date
circumstellar matterbinaries: close
planets and satellites: detection
techniques: interferometric
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A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris-disc stars 2017, 608:A113 Astronomy & AstrophysicsJournal
Astronomy & AstrophysicsRights
© ESO, 2017.Collection Information
This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at
We report the results of high-angular-resolution observations that search for exozodiacal light in a sample of main sequence stars and sub-giants. Using the "jouvence" of the fiber linked unit for optical recombination (JouFLU) at the center for high angular resolution astronomy (CHARA) telescope array, we have observed a total of 44 stars. Out of the 44 stars, 33 are new stars added to the initial, previously published survey of 42 stars performed at CHARA with the fiber linked unit for optical recombination (FLUOR). Since the start of the survey extension, we have detected a K-band circumstellar excess for six new stars at the similar to 1% level or higher, four of which are known or candidate binaries, and two for which the excess could be attributed to exozodiacal dust. We have also performed follow-up observations of 11 of the stars observed in the previously published survey and found generally consistent results. We do however detect a significantly larger excess on three of these follow-up targets: Altair, v And and kappa CrB. Interestingly, the last two are known exoplanet host stars. We perform a statistical analysis of the JouFLU and FLUOR samples combined, which yields an overall exozodi detection rate of 21.7(-4.1)(+5.7) %. We also find that the K-band excess in FGK-type stars correlates with the existence of an outer reservoir of cold (less than or similar to 100 K) dust at the 99% confidence level, while the same cannot be said for A-type stars.Note
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