Sorption isotherms of trichloroethylene to sand at varying moisture contents
Hashimoto, Yemia TurnageIssue Date
Conklin, Martha H.
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The University of Arizona.Rights
Copyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author.Abstract
The sorption of trichloroethlyene (TCE) vapors to low foe silica sand wetted at five moisture contents (approximately 5.3, 9.2, 13.2, 17.2 and 21.2%) in stainless steel columns was studied using three techniques: complete breakthrough curves, step-wise desorption, and adsorption pulses. Distribution coefficients ~) were determined and there is no trend with moisture content. ~ varied for the different techniques, with complete breakthrough curves giving the most consistent values. These results also indicate that desorption experiment protocols need further evaluation and that rate-limited aqueous diffusion can bias adsorption pulse experiments. The results are inconclusive as to whether the sorption isotherm is linear. Further research on aqueous sorption coefficients at different concentrations is necessary to accurately define the isotherm shape.Type
textThesis-Reproduction (electronic)
Degree Name
M.S.Degree Level
mastersDegree Program
Graduate CollegeHydrology and Water Resources