The International Telemetering Conference/USA (ITC/USA) is dedicated to the promotion and stimulation of technical growth in telemetering and its allied arts and sciences. It is the premier annual forum and technical exhibition providing telemetry specific short courses, technical papers from professionals and students, and exhibits of the industry’s leading companies. ITC/USA is sponsored by the International Foundation for Telemetering (IFT), a non-profit corporation dedicated to serving the technical and professional interests of the telemetering community.

This collection contains the proceedings of The Fifty-Fourth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition, Reliable and Secure Data, Links and Networks, November 5-8, 2018. The conference, sponsored by the International Foundation for Telemetering, was held at Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa, Glendale, AZ.


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Recent Submissions

  • International Telemetering Conference Proceedings, Volume 54 (2018)

    International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11
  • Real-time Processing and Integrated Monitoring Technology for Telemetry Multi-channel Digital Video

    Yang, Zhe; Guo, Pingfan; Huo, Zhaohui; Chinese Flight Test Establishment (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    In flight test telemetry digital video real-time monitoring, some technical problems about single function of the video playback software, needing a dedicated player software (poor extensibility) and lacking the necessary fault diagnosis methods are analyzed.Intelligent playback technology, component video playback plug-in, ground full-link real-time status monitoring and fault diagnosis technology are adopted to realize real-time monitoring telemetry multi-channel digital video under different airborne acquisition systems.Multi-channel video images can be on-demand inserted in any flight test subjects monitoring software.At the same time, it can realize visual real-time status monitoring of the video links of each aircraft.The flight test results show that this technology fully meets the new requirements of the new model test flight for real-time monitoring of video, and greatly improves the quality and efficiency of real-time monitoring of telemetry digital video of the flight test.

    Prabhu, M.; Sinha, Prateek Kumar; Ghosh, Sayantan; Aeronautical Development Agency, National Flight Test Centre (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    This Paper is intended to assess the handling quality of LCA-Tejas during air to air attack mission. In this paper handling quality of LCA in air-to-air attack mode is being assessed using image processing techniques. As a part of flight test program of LCA Tejas we have presented a methodology to assess the handling quality of LCA by detecting the target aircraft in every frame of the HUD video of the chase aircraft during an air-to-air attack mission. Based on the detection of the aircraft in every frame of the HUD video, percentage of time the aircraft is being targeted during a given test point is arrived at. This percentage is an indicator of the handling quality of the aircraft and is used to assess the ease with which the pilot can aim at the enemy aircraft while in close combat.

    Hightower, Paul; Instrumentation Technology Systems (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    Each 1080 video frame requires 6.2 MB of storage; archiving a one minute clip requires 22GB. Playing a 1080p/60 video requires sustained rates of 400 MB/S. These storage and transport parameters pose major technical and cost hurdles. Even the latest technologies would only support one channel of such video. Content creators needed a solution to these road blocks to enable them to deliver video to viewers and monetize efforts. Over the past 30 years a pyramid of techniques have been developed to provide ever increasing compression efficiency. These techniques make it possible to deliver movies on Blu-ray disks, over Wi-Fi and Ethernet. However, there are tradeoffs. Compression introduces latency, image errors and resolution loss. The exact effect may be different from image to image. BER may result the total loss of strings of frames. We will explore these effects and how they impact test quality and reduce the benefits that HD cameras/lenses bring telemetry.

    Liaghati, Amir; Chang, Nick; Liaghati, Mahsa; The Boeing Company (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    The telemetry system designed for the space vehicle requires to provide constant data output, including video and instrumentation to the telemetry/transmitter box through the mission. The video data captured from the space travel is always high demand for social media or mission purpose. However, the limited telemetry bandwidth for transmitting all the high quality video data to the ground station before the end of the mission drives the system level design challenges. There are operational flight instrumentation data which takes higher priority than the video data in the telemetry bandwidth allocation. A common design approach to output all the video data is to utilize the filled data or IDLE frame with many small size IPv4 datagrams of the video. As a result, there are some video data are dropped out by the ground received equipment due to an extended period of waiting time of the receiver to collect all the defragmented IPv4 datagrams and reconstruct to a large IPv4 packet. One solution to resolve this problem is to have the telemetry processing box handling the defragmented IPv4 datagram by holding fragmented IP datagrams and reconstruct a whole IP packet before sending it to the transmitter, and yet still maintaining the vehicle telemetry system performance. This paper is going to focus on this method by developing a system level simulation tool and analyze the performance of the vehicle.
  • Research on Embedded Real-time Processing Technology of ARINC429 Bus Dynamic Logic Block

    Qi, Shengyuan; Wang, Zhongjie; Shi, Fenglei; Qi, Xiaopeng; China Flight Test Establishment (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    ARINC429 bus is widely used. In a new type of logic block communication method, the logic layer of the application layer is composed of a plurality of ARINC429 messages, and the message length and content dynamically change. The telemetry monitoring needs real-time analysis of the application layer communication protocol to correctly interpret the user-defined message content. This paper proposes an embedded real-time processing scheme, which integrates real-time processing hardware and software in data acquisition unit. It can dynamic analysis the application layer protocol of the logic block, extract user-defined information according to the telemetry for downloading, the problems encountered in telemetry monitoring of the type of communication are solved. At the same time, this solution is also applicable to real-time analysis of other avionics bus in the application layer protocols.
  • The Design and Application of C-band Base Station Based Multi-target Telemetry Network System

    Shiwei, Guo; Zhongjie, Wang; Xin, Zhang; Zhaohui, Huo; Chinese Flight Test Establishment (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    A C-band base station based multi-target telemetry network system for flight test is designed in this paper. The requirements of multi-target transmission are realized by TDMA and TDD technology. And the transmission rate of up to 50 Mbps is provided by the high efficient modulation method. An integrated air-to-ground telemetry network is built with C-band wireless two-way link. The telemetry signals of super large airspace are covered seamlessly through multiple base stations, therefore the shortage of current telemetry is solved, and the demand of multi-target and mass date transmission for flight test is satisfied. The development of the system provides technical support for the high speed data transmission of the flight test, which will lay a foundation for the construction of integrated air-to-ground test and the test network system.

    Feng, Can; Liu, Tao; Mao, Wei; Wang, Wei; Flight Test Center of the COMAC, Instrumentation Department (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    The flight test telemetry real-time monitoring system is an indispensable part of civil aircraft flight test. With the current trend of network system, the traditional real-time monitoring model has difficulties in satisfying the requirements of increasing number of parameters, diversified types, large-scale system and high concurrency data streams. In response to the above issues, this paper proposes a monitoring system based on a three-tier architecture (data layer, business logic layer and presentation layer). The system uses TMoIP technology and Best Data Engine (BDE) to complete the selection of the best data source of multi-site flight test data streams. At the same time, the use of portability and rapid integration enables hundreds of terminals to work simultaneously. The system has been used successfully in China’s developing large civil aircraft C919 flight test program. The preparation time of the system has been greatly reduced, and the system performs stably.

    Hoffman, Richard W. III; GDP Space Systems (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    As an increasing number of telemetry range architectures move toward a TMoIP-centric distribution system, operators are being confronted with another evolving requirement to ensure future IPv6 capability and a migration path from an IPv4-based system design. In order to facilitate a better understanding of some of the challenges and opportunities that IPv6 migration presents the modern range operator, this paper endeavors to present the past decade’s experience of range TMoIP implementation in the context of the emergent IPv6 technology and requirements. An overview of a myriad of concepts such as address space allocation, device-specific implementation differences, management protocol handling, and the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 versions, will provide opportunities to discuss the implications of these issues on the successful implementation of high-availability telemetry delivery systems in an IP-based environment.

    Keshmiri, Shawn; Hauptman, Dustin; Shukla, Daksh; Blevins, Aaron; University of Kansas, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department; University of Kansas, Department of Aerospace Engineering (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    Swarms of autonomous unmanned aerial systems (UASs) are becoming increasingly popular as efficient replacement for manned aircraft. The major component that makes the swarm of UASs possible is an efficient exchange of aircrafts states (e.g. position & velocity) for all agents and the ground station. Advanced communication technologies are required to be implemented on each agent to enable real-time communication at high frequencies (e.g. 20 Hz) to avoid inter collisions and holding formations. To assess mesh network limitations and to identify bottlenecks, a series of simulations are carried out using actual hardware that is used for swarms of UASs, which are: (1) Amount of bandwidth that can be guaranteed given the communication system being used (XBee-900HP), each plane that the KU team uses, transmits 127 variables, 4 bytes each, at 20 Hz which means each plane needs 10 KBps and the mesh network might be able to support 53 UASs theoretically (2) Range limitations (3) Latency issues.

    Brown, Jason R.; Rohrer, Justin P.; Naval Postgraduate School, Department of Computer Science (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    Drone swarms pose a particular challenge to telemetry networks, due to the number of airborne nodes involved, and their potential to overwhelm the available bandwidth on the communications channel with simultaneous telemetry streams. Previously, we saw that mobile ad-hoc (MANET) routing protocols could exacerbate this issue by flooding the network with routing-control packets. In this work we model the Naval Postgraduate School fixed-wing drone swarm and compare the performance of several disruption-tolerant networking (DTN) routing protocols designed to address these challenges.
  • The Fly-Over Terabyte Offload (FOTO) Concept

    Thomason, Michael; Bevilacqua Research Corp. (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)

    Budd, Chris; SMART High Reliability Solutions (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    The Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) storage interface takes advantage of the internal parallel memory architecture found in many Solid-State Drives (SSDs) to provide high performance bandwidth. While relatively new, NVMe is gaining in popularity, but most vendors do not provide the features needed by telemetry applications. Recognizing that the standard does not define these features, several vendors have collaborated on a standard pin out for the 2.5” U.2 form factor that will provide these features such as write protection, data elimination, encryption, security, and authentication. By following this pin out, both system designers and SSD designers can benefit from this compatibility.
  • Constraint Gain for Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording Channels

    Bahrami, Mohsen; Vasic, Bane; Marcellin, Michael; Univ Arizona, Dept Elect & Comp Engn (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    In this paper, we study performance gains of constrained codes in Two dimensional Magnetic Recording (TDMR) channels using the notion of constraint gain. We consider Voronoi based TDMR channels with realistic grain, bit, track and magnetic-head dimensions. Specifically, we investigate the constraint gain for two-dimensional no-isolated-bit constraint over Voronoi based TDMR channels. We focus on schemes that employ the generalized belief propagation algorithm for obtaining information rate estimates for TDMR channels.

    Budd, Chris; SMART High Reliability Solutions (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    Generally, telemetry applications are not on the cutting edge of storage technology for several reasons: they do not need the high performance, cannot provide the power for high performance, and cannot afford the instability of new technologies. While Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) might initially seem to be the opposite of those goals, it does in fact have the ability to meet them; power and performance can be matched to an application’s needs, and NVMe is gaining stability as it gains overall market share. With the overall data storage industry moving to NVMe, other storage interfaces will begin to decline and future improvements will occur only on NVMe. With the right ruggedization and customization options, NVMe can be a good fit for telemetry applications.

    Painter, Michael K.; Madanagopal, Karthic; Swaminathan, Kannan; Jones, Charles H.; Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.; C. H. Jones Consulting, LLC (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    There continues to be growing pressure to sell off spectrum currently allocated for defense purposes in favor of private sector applications, prompting concerns that we will soon reach a point where Department of Defense (DoD) needs can no longer be met. In response, the Range Commanders Council (RCC) Frequency Management Group (FMG) developed a baseline set of standard metrics to measure spectrum utilization, demand, efficiency, and operational effectiveness. Using this standard (RCC 707-14) as a foundation, a Spectrum Management Metrics Toolkit (SMMT) has been developed to calculate, plot, and display these metrics. The challenge now is leveraging these metrics to inform and construct the arguments needed to maintain access to needed spectrum. The purpose of this paper is to describe progress toward the development of a methodology and a set of analytics based on the RCC standard to build such a compelling narrative. The methodology is based on a data analytics and communication concept, called “Story Points,” which seeks to guide users in the discovery, composition, and delivery of targeted narratives and supporting graphics derived through mining available data sources.

    Madon, Phiroz H.; Young, Tom; O’Brien, Thomas; Radke, Mark; Vencore Labs Development Team; Test Resource Management Center (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    DoD test ranges are experiencing ever-expanding needs for air-to-ground telemetry bandwidth, and hence are under pressure to manage the telemetry spectrum resource with high efficiency. The Spectrum Management System (SMS) provides test range operations staff with advanced tools for frequency de-confliction and air-to-ground RF link quality prediction for upcoming test flights. Additional features of the system include: automated, algorithmbased frequency de-confliction and assignment; record-keeping and automated archiving of frequency assignments, to be used for spectrum defense; 3-D GIS terrain-based coverage maps, displaying predicted air-to-ground link quality in each part of upcoming flights; determination of opportunities for frequencies reuse. Innovations include: addressing the combinatorial NP-hard problem of frequency assignment by applying multiple real-world constraints in a specified order; using a spectrum white space closest-fit algorithm to minimize spectrum fragmentation; creating space-time-frequency quanta in the database to store RF emissions for rapidly-moving aircraft.

    Harris, Jonathan; Kopp, Brian; University of North Florida, Electrical Engineering Department (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)
    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Data Collection System (DCS) receives environmental data from approximately 28,000 Data Collection Platforms (DCPs) that transmit up to the GOES spacecraft in the Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) band between 401.7 Mega-Hertz (MHz) and 402.1 MHz. The radio spectrum around 402 MHz is also available to commercial satellite companies and several have recently begun using the spectrum. There are questions regarding whether the shared use of the spectrum by small satellites may pose an interference problem to the NOAA DCS program and if so how such issues might be mitigated. This paper discusses some of the pertinent technical issues regarding the performance of the DCS system, reviews some of the known commercial satellite systems sharing the spectrum and briefly discusses some of the issues that spectrum sharing creates.
  • Test Range Spectrum Management with LTE-A

    Picha, Bob; Nokia Corporation of America (International Foundation for Telemetering, 2018-11)

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