Radiocarbon is the main international journal of record for research articles and date lists relevant to 14C and other radioisotopes and techniques used in archaeological, geophysical, oceanographic, and related dating.

This archive provides access to Radiocarbon Volumes 1-54 (1959-2012).

As of 2016, Radiocarbon is published by Cambridge University Press. The journal is published quarterly. Radiocarbon also publishes conference proceedings and monographs on topics related to fields of interest. Visit Cambridge Online for new Radiocarbon content and to submit manuscripts.

ISSN: 0033-8222


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Recent Submissions

  • Tentative Conference Sessions

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Second Announcement

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Radiocarbon Announces the Forthcoming Publication of the Following Special Issues:

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Price List

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Professor of Geosciences Purdue University

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Participants

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Associate Editors

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Announcement

    Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01
  • Time-Resolved Liquid Scintillation Counting

    Kessler, Michael (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    Historically, scientists who perform low-level measurements of 14C for age dating, and 3H2O for environmental contamination, have purchased or constructed highly specialized instruments to quantitate low-level radionuclides using a general-purpose liquid-scintillation analyzer (LSA). The LSA uses special time-resolved 3-D spectrum analysis (TR-LSC) to reduce background without substantially affecting sample counting efficiency. This technique, in combination with a special slow fluor scintillating plastic, further reduces the minimal detectable limit for the TR-LSC liquid scintillation counter.
  • Systematic Biases in Results of the International Collaborative Study and Their Probable Sources

    Pazdur, Mieczysław F.; Awsiuk, Romuald; Goslar, Tomasz; Pazdur, Anna (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    Results of the International Collaborative Study show an unexpectedly large scatter of individual dates as well as systematic biases. Very high values of linear correlation coefficients are observed for all results of Stage 2 and for benzene samples of Stage 1. We observed moderate correlations for carbonate samples and the lowest for natural samples of wood and peat of Stage 3. The correlation is practically negligible among results obtained in different stages. The probable reasons for such effects are seen in medium-term changes in the calibration of the counting systems.
  • Statistical Quality Control Graphs in Radiocarbon Dating

    Switsur, Roy (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    I describe here the establishment and use of statistical control graphs based on the analysis of variance for monitoring the stability of operation of radiocarbon dating counting systems.
  • Sources of Random Error in the Debrecen Radiocarbon Laboratory

    Hertelendi, Ede (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    A new high-pressure methane-filled counter system for 14C dating was installed in 1986 when the first stage of the International Collaborative Study (ICS) started. Random errors in the new measuring system and in the process of chemical pretreatment and preparation were checked during the three years of intercomparison. Results show that the most important source of error in our laboratory is gas contamination. This causes variation of the count rate to exceed the statistically expected variability. Other sources of error are also discussed and limits of their contributions are given.
  • Routine Checks in the Uppsala Conventional 14C Laboratory to Achieve Reliable Results

    Olsson, Ingrid U. (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    I describe here a series of routine self-checks that the Uppsala 14C laboratory performs with all measurements. We estimate all uncertainties in the physical measurement of a sample. We study long-term stability, calculate mean values for oxalic acid and background and compare expected and real statistical distributions of uncertainties. To reduce the risk of bias, the samples from each series are almost exclusively run on the same counter. Some samples are, however, run on two or more counters to check the possible bias to achieve reliable activity comparisons with other laboratories. It is always possible to trace which counter is used, since different number series are used for different counters.
  • Report on Stage 3 of the International Collaborative Program

    Aitchison, T. C.; Scott, E. Marian; Harkness, D. D.; Baxter, M. S.; Cook, G. T. (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    This report on the third and final stage of the International Collaborative Program concentrates on the analysis of internal and external variability of 14C dates obtained from samples involved in the full 14C dating process. Thirty-eight laboratories took part in this stage with most producing 8 14C dates from 3 sets of duplicate material (eg, wood, shell and peat) and 2 single samples of wood of known ages 190 yr BP apart. From the 3 sets of duplicates for each laboratory, the internal precision of most laboratories was adequate; 6 labs grossly underestimated their internal reproducibility. From the 14C determinations from the 5 distinct samples for each laboratory, we discovered significant systematic biases, often greater than 100 years, in 15 laboratories and even accounting for bias, 12 laboratories had significantly greater external variability than explained by their quoted errors. In total, 23 out of the 38 laboratories in this stage of the study, FAILED to meet these 3 basic criteria for an adequate performance in the production of 14C dates.
  • Report of the International Workshop of Intercomparison of Radiocarbon Laboratories: A Summary of the Meeting

    Baxter, M. S. (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
  • Radiocarbon Dating Reproducibility at the Museo de la Plata Radiocarbon Laboratory

    Figini, Anibal J.; Huarte, Roberto; Carbonari, Jorge (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    We discuss here the variability, for our laboratory, in counting for radiocarbon dating of replicate measurements of background and secondary modern standard, duplicate measurements of samples provided by the International Collaborative Study, and replicate measurements of the dilution of the 14C-labeled benzene standard. The variability in the measurements of the International Collaborative Study samples suggest the existence of systematic bias.
  • Radiocarbon Dating Problems Using Acetylene as Counting Gas

    Geyh, Mebus A. (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    An investigation of inconsistent Hannover results in the International Collaborative Study (ICS) led to the conclusion that the main reason was contamination of the acetylene used as counting gas with recent and/or fossil carbon by the lithium used for its preparation. Despite the high level of purity of the lithium guaranteed by the producer and storage under argon in cans, different charges were partly covered with contemporary lithium carbonate and fossil oil sometimes was used to preserve the metal. Thorough cleaning of the surface of the lithium rods decreased the contamination but did not remove it entirely, which is evidenced in the wider scatter of the counting rates of various background gases than that of radiocarbon-free tank acetylene. As a result of the high risk of contamination with fossil and/or recent carbon from the acetylene counting gas, the high price of lithium, and the time-consuming preparation, the Hannover 14C Laboratory will use carbon dioxide instead of acetylene as counting gas in the future.
  • Radiocarbon Dating of Intercomparison Samples at the Zagreb Radiocarbon Laboratory

    Horvatinčić, Nada; Srdoč, Dušan; Obelić, Bogomil; Krajcar Bronić, Ines (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    The Radiocarbon and Tritium Laboratory of the Rudjer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, participated in the International Collaborative Study (ICS) in all three stages. All measurements were made by proportional counting of methane. We present here a statistical analysis of our results. A comparison with the mean or median values of reported ICS values showed that our results are generally slightly younger.
  • International Collaborative Study: Structuring and Sample Preparation

    Cook, G. T.; Harkness, D. D.; Miller, B. F.; Scott, E. Marian; Baxter, M. S.; Aitchison, T. C. (Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, 1990-01-01)
    The success of any intercomparison exercise depends largely on participation and cooperation of a sufficient number of laboratories and the selection of a suitable suite of samples. Unless the latter is satisfactorily devised, the former cannot be guaranteed. The hierarchical nature of this study has necessarily resulted in a far more comprehensive set of sample types than has previously been employed. The exercise was structured to satisfy the following criteria: 1) to enable the participating laboratories to assess the experimental precision and accuracy of the component stages of the dating process; 2) samples should be typical of those routinely dated by the laboratories. This takes on a particular significance in Stage 1 where they should resemble as closely as possible the counting medium; 3) an objective statistical analysis of the results at each component stage of the study.

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