Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Plant Establishment in Masticated Utah Juniper Woodlands

    Young, Kert R.; Roundy, Bruce A.; Eggett, Dennis L. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Juniper (Juniperus spp.) encroachment into sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)-bunchgrass communities has reduced understory cover on millions of hectares of semiarid rangelands. Mechanical masticators shred trees to restore desirable vegetation and reduce the potential for catastrophic wildfire. Mechanical mastication where juniper density is high and perennial grass cover is low brings a risk of invasive weed dominance unless perennial species are established. To determine whether juniper mastication favors annual- or perennial-grass establishment, we compared seedling emergence, tillers, and aboveground biomass of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) and Anatone bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh] A. Löve). Comparisons were made among hand-planted rows between and under juniper canopies of masticated and adjacent untreated control areas at three locations in Utah. Bluebunch wheatgrass had 16% (95% CI: 11-21) and cheatgrass had 10% (95% CI: 5-15) fewer seedlings emerge per row in masticated than untreated areas (P<0.001). However, bluebunch wheatgrass had 3.2 (95% CI: 2.0-5.2) times more tillers and 1.9 (95% CI: 1.6-2.2) times more aboveground biomass per row in masticated than untreated areas (P<0.001). Similarly, cheatgrass had 2.3 (95% CI: 1.5-3.8) times more tillers, 2.0 (95% CI: 1.7-2.4) times more aboveground biomass, and 11.4 (95% CI: 6.3-20.7) times more spikelets per row in masticated than untreated areas (P<0.001). This increased seedling growth in masticated areas was associated with increased inorganic nitrogen and soil water compared to untreated areas. Because mastication improves the growth of both cheatgrass and bluebunch wheatgrass seedlings, it could support dominance by either annual- or perennial-life forms. To avoid cheatgrass dominance where perennial understory cover is limited and cheatgrass propagule pressure is high, mastication should be accompanied by seeding desirable perennial species such as Anatone bluebunch wheatgrass.
  • Herbicide-Assisted Restoration of Great Basin Sagebrush Steppe Infested With Medusahead and Downy Brome

    Kyser, Guy B.; Wilson, Robert G.; Zhang, Jimin; DiTomaso, Joseph M. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Downy brome or cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) are the most problematic invasive annual grasses in rangelands of the western United States, including sagebrush communities that provide habitat to sage grouse. Rehabilitation of infested sites requires effective weed control strategies combined with seeding of native plants or desirable competitive species. In this study, we evaluated the effect of three fall-applied pre-emergence herbicides (imazapic, rimsulfuron, and chlorsulfuron+sulfometuron), and one spring-applied postemergence herbicide (glyphosate) on the control of downy brome and medusahead and the response of seeded perennial species and resident vegetation in two sagebrush communities in northeastern California. All pre-emergence treatments gave >93% control of both invasive species at both sites in the first year. Glyphosate was less consistent, giving >94% control at one site and only 61% control of both species at the other site. Imazapic was the only herbicide to maintain good control (78-88%) of both species 2 yr after treatment. No herbicide caused detectible long term damage to either perennial grasses or annual forbs, and imazapic treatment resulted in an increase in resident native forb cover 3 yr after treatment. Broadcast seeding with or without soil incorporation did not result in successful establishment of perennial species, probably due to below-average precipitation in the year of seeding. These results indicate that several chemical options can give short-term control of downy brome and medusahead. Over the course of the study, imazapic provided the best management of both invasive annual grasses while increasing native forb cover.
  • Linking Phenology and Biomass Productivity in South Dakota Mixed-Grass Prairie

    Rigge, Matthew; Smart, Alexander; Wylie, Bruce; Gilmanov, Tagir; Johnson, Patricia (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Assessing the health of rangeland ecosystems based solely on annual biomass production does not fully describe the condition of the plant community; the phenology of production can provide inferences about species composition, successional stage, and grazing impacts. We evaluated the productivity and phenology of western South Dakota mixed-grass prairie in the period from 2000 to 2008 using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The NDVI is based on 250-m spatial resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery. Growing-season NDVI images were integrated weekly to produce time-integrated NDVI (TIN), a proxy of total annual biomass production, and integrated seasonally to represent annual production by cool- and warm-season species (C3 and C4, respectively). Additionally, a variety of phenological indicators including cool-season percentage of TIN were derived from the seasonal profiles of NDVI. Cool-season percentage and TIN were combined to generate vegetation classes, which served as proxies of the conditions of plant communities. TIN decreased with precipitation from east to west across the study area. However, the cool-season percentage increased from east to west, following patterns related to the reliability (interannual coefficient of variation [CV]) and quantity of midsummer precipitation. Cool-season TIN averaged 76.8% of the total TIN. Seasonal accumulation of TIN corresponded closely (R2>0.90) to that of gross photosynthesis data from a carbon flux tower. Field-collected biomass and community composition data were strongly related to TIN and cool-season percentage. The patterns of vegetation classes were responsive to topographic, edaphic, and land management influences on plant communities. Accurate maps of biomass production, cool- and warm-season composition, and vegetation classes can improve the efficiency of land management by facilitating the adjustment of stocking rates and season of use to maximize rangeland productivity and achieve conservation objectives. Further, our results clarify the spatial and temporal dynamics of phenology and TIN in mixed grass prairie.
  • The Drought Calculator: Decision Support Tool for Predicting Forage Growth During Drought

    Dunn, Gale H.; Gutwein, Megan; Green, Timothy R.; Menger, Ashley; Printz, Jeff (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    The Drought Calculator (DC), a spreadsheet-based decision support tool, was developed to help ranchers and range managers predict reductions in forage production due to drought. Forage growth potential (FGP), the fraction of historical average production, is predicted as a weighted average of monthly precipitation from January through June. We calibrated and evaluated the DC tool in the Great Plains of the United States, using FGP and precipitation data from Colorado (CO), North Dakota (ND), and Wyoming (WY). In CO, FGP was most sensitive to precipitation in April and May, in ND to precipitation in April and June, and in WY to precipitation in April, May, and June. Weights in these months ranged from 0.16 to 0.52. Prediction was better for CO and WY than for ND. When January-June precipitation was used, the tool correctly predicted 83% of the years with FGP reduced by drought for CO, 82% for WY, and only 67% for ND. Positive values of the True Skill Statistic (0.53 for CO, 0.42 for WY, and 0.17 for ND) indicate that FGP was classified as above or below average better than random selection. Predicting FGP earlier than April in CO and WY will require accurate forecasts of April-June precipitation. Use of the DC is most limited by insufficient forage data to determine the site-specific relationships between FGP and monthly precipitation. Even so, the decision tool is useful for discriminating drought effects on FGP classification being above or below the long term average, and it provides a quantitative prediction to producers for their destocking decisions in drought years.
  • Grazing Method Effect on Topographical Vegetation Characteristics and Livestock Performance in the Nebraska Sandhills

    Stephenson, Mitchell B.; Schacht, Walter H.; Volesky, Jerry D.; Eskridge, Kent M.; Mousel, Eric M.; Bauer, Dennis (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    A study was conducted on upland range in the Nebraska Sandhills to determine differences in plant species frequency of occurrence and standing crop at various topographic positions on pastures grazed with short-duration grazing (SDG) and deferred-rotation grazing (DRG). Pastures within each grazing treatment were grazed at comparable stocking rates (SDG=1.84 animal unit months (AUM) ha-1; DRG=1.94 AUM ha-1) by cow-calf pairs from 1999 to 2005 and cow-calf pairs and spayed heifers from 2006 to 2008. Plant frequency of occurrence data were collected from permanently marked transects prior to, midway through, and at the conclusion of the study (1998, 2003, and 2008, respectively) and standing crop data were collected annually from 2001 to 2008 at four topographic positions (dune top, interdune, north slope, and south slope). Livestock performance data were collected during the last 3 yr of the study (2006 to 2008). Positive change in frequency of occurrence of prairie sandreed (Calamovilfa longifolia [Hook.] Scribn.) was 42% greater on DRG pastures than SDG after 10 yr. Total live standing crop did not differ between DRG and SDG except in 2001 when standing crop was 23% greater on DRG pastures. Standing crop of forbs and sedge was variable between grazing methods on interdune topographic positions depending on year. Average daily gain of spayed heifers (0.8+0.05 kg d-1 SE) did not differ between SDG and DRG. Overall, SDG was not superior to a less intensively managed grazing method (i.e., DRG) in terms of vegetation characteristics and livestock performance.
  • Fire and Nitrogen Effects on Purple Threeawn (Aristida purpurea) Abundance in Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie Old Fields

    Strong, Dustin J.; Vermeire, Lance T.; Ganguli, Amy C. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Purple threeawn (Aristida purpurea Nutt. varieties) is a native grass capable of increasing on rangelands, forming near monocultures, and creating a stable state. Productive rangelands throughout the Great Plains and Intermountain West have experienced increases in purple threeawn abundance, reducing overall forage quality. Our objectives were to 1) reveal the effects of prescribed fire and nitrogen amendments on purple threeawn abundance and 2) assess nontarget plant response posttreatment. Season of fire (no fire, summer fire, fall fire) and nitrogen addition (0 kg N ha-1, 46 kg N ha-1, and 80 kg N ha-1) were factorially arranged in a completely randomized design and applied to two similar sites in southeastern Montana. We evaluated fire and nitrogen effects on purple threeawn basal cover, relative composition, and current-year biomass one growing season postfire at two sites treated during different years. Spring weather following fire treatments was very different between years and subsequently impacted community response. Initial purple threeawn biomass at both sites was 1 214+46 kg ha-1 SEc. When postfire growing conditions were wet, current-year biomass of purple threeawn was reduced 90% and 73% with summer and fall fire, respectively. Under dry postfire growing conditions, purple threeawn current-year biomass was reduced 73% and 58% with summer and fall fire, respectively. Nitrogen additions had no effect on purple threeawn currentyear biomass at either site. Current-year biomass of C3 perennial grass doubled with nitrogen additions and was not impacted by fire during a wet spring. Nitrogen additions and fire had no effect on C3 perennial grass current-year biomass following a dry spring. Prescribed fire appears to be a highly effective tool for reducing purple threeawn abundance on semiarid rangelands, with limited detrimental impacts to nontarget species.
  • Tick Abundance and Levels of Infestation on Cattle in Response to Patch Burning

    Polito, Victoria J.; Baum, Kristen A.; Payton, Mark E.; Little, Susan E.; Fuhlendorf, Samuel D.; Reichard, Mason V. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Patch burning (PB) uses frequent, spatially discrete fires throughout a pasture to create variation in the composition and structure of the plant community. The complex vegetation changes incurred from this type of burning regimen in addition to the focal grazing of cattle induced by PB should reduce tick populations by creating less favorable microhabitats. To determine if a reduction in tick populations occurred on PB pastures, three PB-treated pastures and three control pastures were used. PB pastures were divided into six subplots with one burned rotationally each spring and summer. Control pastures and each PB subplot had a burn interval of 3 yr. Pastures were dragged with 1-m2 flannel cloth panels to estimate tick abundance for 4 yr. (2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010). Infestation levels with ticks (i.e., tick burden) and weight for five calves and three cows per pasture were recorded once a month from April to October in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Differences in tick abundance between PB pastures and control pastures were not significant except in 2006 when fewer adult ticks were detected in PB pastures. A total of 13 609 ticks were observed on cattle. Animals on PB pastures had 4 028 (29.6%) ticks whereas 9 581 (70.4%) ticks were on cattle from control pastures. Tick burden was significantly reduced on animals in PB pastures compared to animals in control pastures in 4 out of 6 mo. Significant differences in average daily weight gain of calves in PB and control pastures were not detected. Although differences were not detected in questing tick abundance on pastures, significant reductions of tick burden on cattle in PB-treated pastures indicates that PB can be used to help control ticks in pastures.
  • Wolf (Canis lupus) Predation Impacts on Livestock Production: Direct Effects, Indirect Effects, and Implications for Compensation Ratios

    Steele, Jordan R.; Rashford, Benjamin S.; Foulke, Thomas K.; Tanaka, John A.; Taylor, David T. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Growing wolf (Canis lupus L.) populations in the US Rocky Mountain Region have increased conflicts between livestock production and wolf conservation. Given that the costs of large carnivore conservation are disproportionately borne by local livestock producers, the United States uses compensation for wolf damage to reduce conflicts and mediate negative attitudes toward the predators. Current compensation programs, however, only consider the direct effects of wolf predation. Indirect effects, such as wolf effects on weaning weights, and conception rates, may also reduce profitability. By not including indirect wolf effects, compensation programs may systematically undercompensate ranchers. We use a stochastic budget model of a representative cow-calf ranch in northwest Wyoming to estimate the economic impact of both direct (death loss and injured calves) and indirect effects (decreased weaning weights, decreased conception rates, and increased cattle sickness) of wolf predation. Our results suggest that short-run (i.e., year-to-year) financial impacts of wolf indirect effects may be as large as or larger than the direct effects. Including indirect effects implies that the compensation ratio (i.e., number of calves compensated per confirmed depredation) necessary to fully offset the financial impacts of wolves would need to be two to three times larger than current 7:1 compensation ratio used in Wyoming.
  • Contrasting Preference for Grassland Landscapes Among Population Groups in the Central and Southern Great Plains

    Becerra, Terrie A.; Engle, David M.; Elmore, R. Dwayne; Fuhlendorf, Samuel D. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Recent opposition to the rangeland management paradigm of achieving uniform, moderate grazing across entire landscapes has emerged because heterogeneity is recognized as the foundation of biodiversity, ecosystem resilience, and multifunctionality of agricultural landscapes. Agriculture production goals appear to drive the traditional rangeland management focus on homogeneity and uniformity. To determine if preference for homogeneity is a broadly applicable social construct or one limited to agricultural producers, we determined preferences for heterogeneous grassland landscapes expressed by three study populations—managers of working lands (ranchers), natural resource professionals (grassland/rangeland specialists), and the general population living in rangeland regions within the US Great Plains. We distributed surveys that included photographs of landscapes and patterned images to assess preference. Preference for heterogeneous landscapes among ranchers, natural resource professionals, and the general population in our study area were generally consistent with the central paradigm of managing rangeland for homogeneity. However, we discovered that people, across geographic location and population group, clearly prefer heterogeneous patterned images to homogeneous patterned images. This suggests that preference for homogeneity is acquired.
  • Climate Change and North American Rangelands: Assessment of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

    Joyce, Linda A.; Briske, David D.; Brown, Joel R.; Polley, H. Wayne; McCarl, Bruce A.; Bailey, Derek W. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    Recent climatic trends and climate model projections indicate that climate change will modify rangeland ecosystem functions and the services and livelihoods that they provision. Recent history has demonstrated that climatic variability has a strong influence on both ecological and social components of rangeland systems and that these systems possess substantial capacity to adapt to climatic variability. Specific objectives of this synthesis are to: 1) evaluate options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and future climate change; 2) survey actions that individuals, enterprises, and social organizations can use to adapt to climate change; and 3) assess options for system transformation when adaptation is no longer sufficient to contend with climate change. Mitigation for carbon sequestration does not appear economically viable, given the small and highly variable carbon dioxide fluxes of rangeland ecosystems and the high transaction costs that would be incurred. In contrast, adaptation strategies are numerous and provide a means to manage risks associated with climate change. Adaptation strategies are diverse, including altered risk perception by individuals, greater flexibility of production enterprises, and modifications to social organizations that emphasize climatic variability, rather than consistency. Many adaptations represent ‘‘no regrets’’ actions because their implementation can be justified without emphasis on pending climate change. Adaptations specific to livestock production systems can include flexible herd management, alternative livestock breeds or species, innovative pest management, modified enterprise structures, and geographic relocation. Social-ecological systems in which adaptation is insufficient to counter the adverse consequences of climate change might undergo transformative change to produce alternative ecosystem services, production enterprises, and livelihoods. The rangeland profession is in a pivotal position to provide leadership on this global challenge because it represents the intersection of management and scientific knowledge, includes diverse stakeholders who derive their livelihoods from rangelands, and interacts with organizations responsibl3e for rangeland stewardship.
  • Climate Change and North American Rangelands: Trends, Projections, and Implications

    Polley, H. Wayne; Briske, David D.; Morgan, Jack A.; Wolter, Klaus; Bailey, Derek W.; Brown, Joel R. (Society for Range Management, 2013-09-01)
    The amplified ‘‘greenhouse effect’’ associated with increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases has increased atmospheric temperature by 1 degreesC since industrialization (around 1750), and it is anticipated to cause an additional 2 degreesC increase by mid-century. Increased biospheric warming is also projected to modify the amount and distribution of annual precipitation and increase the occurrence of both drought and heat waves. The ecological consequences of climate change will vary substantially among ecoregions because of regional differences in antecedent environmental conditions; the rate and magnitude of change in the primary climate change drivers, including elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), warming and precipitation modification; and nonadditive effects among climate drivers. Elevated atmospheric CO2 will directly stimulate plant growth and reduce negative effects of drying in a warmer climate by increasing plant water use efficiency; however, the CO2 effect is mediated by environmental conditions, especially soil water availability. Warming and drying are anticipated to reduce soil water availability, net primary productivity, and other ecosystem processes in the southern Great Plains, the Southwest, and northern Mexico, but warmer and generally wetter conditions will likely enhance these processes in the northern Plains and southern Canada. The Northwest will warm considerably, but annual precipitation is projected to change little despite a large decrease in summer precipitation. Reduced winter snowpack and earlier snowmelt will affect hydrology and riparian systems in the Northwest. Specific consequences of climate change will be numerous and varied and include modifications to forage quantity and quality and livestock production systems, soil C content, fire regimes, livestock metabolism, and plant community composition and species distributions, including range contraction and expansion of invasive species. Recent trends and model projections indicate continued directional change and increasing variability in climate that will substantially affect the provision of ecosystem services on North American rangelands.