Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Technical Notes: Separating leaves from browse for use in nutritional studies with herbivores

    Gallagher, J. F.; Barnes, T. G.; Varner, L. W. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    A technique has been developed that facilitates removal of green leafy material from stems of shrub species using a thresher. Use of this technique makes possible the rapid removal of leaves from woody species that would otherwise require excessive hand labor.
  • Stocking rate effects on intensive-early stocked Flint Hills bluestem range

    Owensby, C. E.; Cochran, R.; Smith, E. F. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
  • Stability of grazed patches on rough fescue grasslands

    Willms, W. D.; Dormaar, J. F.; Schaalje, G. B. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Continuous stocking usually leads to the formation of grazed patches. However, the effect of patches on the grassland community is related to their stability. Therefore, we studied the spatial stability of grazed patches on Rough Fescue Grasslands by mapping forage removal classes on 10 sites over a 4-year period, testing stability using the Kappa index (K), and characterizing the soils and vegetation of overgrazed and undergrazed patches. Spatial stability of grazed patches between consecutive years was good (K is greater than or equal to 0.26) on sites experiencing low grazing pressure. However, on sites having high grazing pressure, spatial stability was less consistent between consecutive years (0>K is lesser than or equal to 0.45) and low over a 4-year period (K is lesser than or equal to 0.10). Overgrazed patches were dominated by grazing-resistant seral species, but undergrazed patches were dominated by climax species. Rough fescue (Festuca scabrella) and Parry oat grass (Danthonia parryi) plants were 50% shorter, and forage production was about 35% less, on overgrazed than on undergrazed patches. Soil organic matter, carbohydrates, and depth of Ah horizon were significantly greater on undergrazed patches but urease activity, NO3-N, NH4, and available phosphorus were greater on overgrazed patches. Overgrazed and undergrazed patches were stable in the long term, although patch boundaries fluctuated.
  • Stability of African pastoral ecosystems: Alternate paradigms and implications for development

    Ellis, J. E.; Swift, D. M. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    African pastoral ecosystems have been studied with the assumptions that these ecosystems are potentially stable (equilibrial) systems which become destabilized by overstocking and overgrazing. Development policy in these regions has focused on internal alterations of system structure, with the goals of restoring equilibrium and increasing productivity. Nine years of ecosystem-level research in northern Kenya presents a view of pastoral ecosystems that are non-equilibrial but persistent, with system dynamics affected more by abiotic than biotic controls. Development practices that fail to recognize these dynamics may result in increased deprivation and failure. Pastoral ecosystems may be better supported by development policies that build on and facilitate the traditional pastoral strategies rather than constrain them.
  • Species diversity and diversity profiles: concept, measurement, and application to timber and range management

    Lewis, C. E.; Swindel, B. F.; Tanner, G. W. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    The concepts and use of several diversity assessments are presented and applied to a practical situation. Burning, mechanical methods of site preparation, and cattle grazing are common disturbances in forests of the South. Their influence on plant diversity indices are examined in a longleaf-slash pine forest of north Florida. Species richness, Shannon's index, and Simpson's index showed increases in diversity shortly following burning and site preparation and a trend toward pre-treatment conditions after 6 years. Deferred-rotation grazing systems had no influence. Comparative diversity profiles showed similar trends but were more informative by providing both qualitative and quantitative information. These techniques are useful for assessing community responses to management practices, that is, they are effective methods for understanding the impacts of forest management and range management practices on plant community structure and succession.
  • Season of cutting affects biomass production by coppicing browse species of the Brazilian caatinga

    Hardesty, L. H.; Box, T. W.; Malechek, J. C. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    This paper reports the effect of season of cutting on coppice biomass production by 5 tree species common in the semiarid caatinga woodlands of northeast Brazil. Trees were cut early and late in the wet and dry seasons and coppice biomass production was monitored for 2 growing seasons after cutting. No mortality occurred as a result of cutting in any season. The effect of season of cutting on subsequent coppice production was most pronounced in the first year but differences persisted into the second year. Production by trees cut late in the wet season lagged behind that of trees cut at any other time. This was true for all species except marmeliero (Croton hemiargyreus Muell. Arg.) during both years. Pau branco (Auxemma oncocalyx Taub.) production was maximized by cutting late in the dry season. Jurema preta (Mimosa acutistipula Benth.) and catingueira (Caesalpinia pyramidalis Tul.) production was maximized by cutting early in the dry season. The season of cutting does not affect marmeliero stem production. Except for the late wet season, no treatment significantly affected sabiá Mimosa caesalpinifolia production. Stem biomass production is affected more by season of cut than is leaf biomass production. The different patterns of response among these species could be the basis of a selective cutting scheme to achieve objectives such as browse and wood production.
  • Plant responses to pine management and deferred-rotation grazing in north Florida

    Lewis, C. E.; Tanner, G. W.; Terry, W. S. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Responses of herbaceous and woody plants to combinations of 4 pine management and 4 grazing management systems were tested on a wet-flatwoods site in the pine-wiregrass vegetation type of north Florida. Frequency of occurrence of herbaceous species and foliar cover of woody species were determined in natural stands of 50-year-old slash and longleaf pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. and P. palustris Mill.) and compared to similar forest sites that were harvested and site prepared by double-chopping and not replanted with slash pine, or replanted to 1,112 trees/ha in single- and double-row configurations. In addition, these sites were ungrazed or grazed using 3 deferred-rotation systems. Prescribed burning in the natural stands increased occurrence of most herbs and stimulated new species to occur, but had little effect on woody plant composition. However, harvesting of pines and double-chopping resulted in the occurrence of many new herbaceous species and increased occurrence of most initially present. Pineland threeawn (Aristida stricta Michx.), the major herb, initially decreased in occurrence with intensive site disturbance. Six years after disturbance, most herbaceous species were declining in occurrence. Grazing or growth of replanted pines had little influence on occurrence of herbaceous species. Both burning and mechanical disturbances initially reduced foliar ground cover of most woody species; however, few species were eliminated from the community. Most woody species were recovering within 6 yr from treatment, but succession was somewhat slower on mechanically treated areas. Survival and growth of planted pines were not affected by grazing, nor did planting configuration affect pine growth.
  • Habitat selection and activity patterns of female mule deer in the Front Range, Colorado

    Kufeld, R. C.; Bowden, D. C.; Schrupp, D. L. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Twenty-two adult, female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) were radio-collared with activity sensors and monitored with ground triangulation from mid-November through March, for 3 years (1982-1985) in the foothills west of Fort Collins, Colorado, to test 4 general hypotheses about habitat selection and activity: (1) The proportion of time deer spend feeding and resting varies with time of day. (2) Deer alter their activity patterns in response to environmental influences. (3) Selection of specific vegetation types for feeding and resting varies with time of day. (4) Ecotones are preferred habitats. Deer were monitored during 6-hr sampling periods: sunrise, daytime, sunset, and night. Deer fed most during sunset, night, and sunrise periods and least during the day. Feeding occupied similar proportions of an average deer's time during sunset, night, and sunrise periods. They preferred the grassland type for feeding and resting at night and the mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus) type for both activities during all other periods. Preference deer showed for the ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) type for feeding activity was inversely related to canopy cover. Deer rested most during daytime and night periods. During periods of daylight, deer using the grassland type showed preference for ecotones with certain types offering escape cover. No such preference was observed at night. Deer fed less and rested more when snow depth exceeded 36 cm. No significant differences (P>0.05) in the proportion of time deer devoted to feeding were found in the following comparisons: clear versus cloudy full-moon nights (-50 vs. + 50% cloud cover), full-moon versus new-moon, low versus high wind speeds (0-32 vs. 32-56 km/hr), and warm versus cold temperatures (+18 to -15 vs. -15 to -23 degrees C). No significant relationships were found for the same comparisons in proportion of time devoted to resting.
  • Grazing effects of the bulk density in a Natraquoll of the flooding pampa of Argentina

    Taboada, M. A.; Lavado, R. S. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    The influence of grazing by cattle on soil bulk density was studied in a typic Natraquoll of the Flooding Pampa of Argentina for a period of 33 months, by comparing a grazed situation to an enclosure deferred from grazing for 7 years. Floods took place in this period as usual. Bulk density (BD) at -33.3 kPa of water retention varied from 1.00 to 1.11 Mg m-3 in the ungrazed soil and in the grazed soil from 1.04 to 1.16 Mg m-3. Environmental factors were the primary agent controlling BD; only in some periods were there significant differences between treatments. Slight increases in BD occurred under grazing after the recession of the flood water, and significant decreases occurred in the ungrazed soil during the large and sudden falls in water content. In this case the effect of trampling, therefore, would consist mainly of impeding the decrease in BD. No compaction was observed in periods when no flood occurred or while soil remained submerged in water. The results indicated that the variations of bulk density caused by cattle trampling were superimposed on those produced by floods and showed an interaction between the effects of land-use and the particular environmental conditions of the region.
  • Germination of green and gray rubber rabbitbrush and their establishment on coal mined land

    Romo, J. T.; Eddleman, L. E. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    The objectives of this study were to: (1) determine the effects of temperature and water stress on germination, and; (2) evaluate effects of seeding date on emergence and survival of green and gray rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britt. subsp. graveolens (Nutt.) Piper. and Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britt. subsp. nauseosus (Nutt.) Piper.). Seeds of both shrubs were incubated at 10, 20, and 30 degrees C in a gradient of osmotic potentials ranging from 0.0 to -1.5 MPa. Seedings were also made in the field on seeding dates over a period of 3 years. Total germination and germination rate declined as temperatures and osmotic potentials decreased; they were highest for both shrubs at 20 and 30 degrees C and lowest at 10 degrees C. Under field conditions seedling populations were limited by low emergence and survival relative to viable seed planted. Emergence and survival of seedlings were highest in an exceptionally wet year, declining in subsequent years that were drier. Emergence ranged from 0 to 6.9% and 0 to 7.1% and survival of emerged seedlings ranged from 6.6 to 55% and 0 to 60% for green and gray rubber rabbitbrush, respectively. Survival of green rubber rabbitbrush was highest from mid-spring plantings, but no distinctively favorable seeding date was found for gray rubber rabbitbrush. Results suggest that seeds of these shrubs should be planted prior to or during periods when seedbed temperatures are in the 20 to 30 degrees C range and soil moisture is expected near its seasonal high.
  • Floristic changes induced by flooding on grazed and ungrazed lowland grasslands in Argentina

    Chaneton, E. J.; Facelli, J. M.; Leon, R. J. C. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Changes in community composition of 2 grassland sites exposed to a flood of unusual intensity and duration were investigated in the Flooding Pampa. These grasslands are subject almost annually to floodings of lesser magnitude. The study sites were adjacent to each other, and differed in vegetation structure and composition. One had been grazed continuously by cattle and was showing signs of intense deterioration. The other had remained ungrazed during 15 years. Basal cover by species was measured in summer, before and after the flooding event. Compositional difference between sites decreased with flooding from 68.9 to 39.1%. In the grazed site the cover of alien forbs was reduced by 48%. After the flooding native graminoids represented 99.7 and 86.7% of the cover, inside and outside the exclosure respectively. Total basal cover was not affected but was redistributed among species already present before the flood. Floristic changes would have led to an improvement of the forage source. We conclude that plant community response to the event was influenced by the previous grazing history of the site. The large flood acted as an overriding environmental factor which partially reverted the effects of grazing upon grassland composition.
  • Effects of phenology, site, and rumen fill on tall larkspur consumption by cattle

    Pfister, J. A.; Manners, G. D.; Ralphs, M. H.; Hong, Z. X.; Lane, M. A. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Tall larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi) is a major cause of livestock death on mountain ranges. The influence of plant phenology, grazing site, and rumen fill on tall larkspur consumption was evaluated during July and August, 1987. Livestock consumption of larkspur was determined using bite counts during 4 phenological stages: bud, early flower, flower, and pod. Further, we examined larkspur ingestion in a shaded tree site and in an open sun site at 0, 50, and 100% rumen fill levels using ruminally cannulated steers. Steers on the 0, 50, and 100% fill levels consumed 9, 15, and 17% larkspur, respectively (P=0.15). There was a site effect (P=0.06) with steers eating 17 and 11% larkspur in the shade and sun sites, respectively. Over the summer, larkspur comprised 6% of cattle diets. No larkspur was consumed during the bud stage. Larkspur consumption peaked at 10% of cattle diets during the pod stage. Leaves of tall larkspur contained >3% total alkaloids (dry weight) in early July, but declined greatly with maturation. Larkspur was very nutritious, with crude protein levels 12 to 20%, and fiber levels <20% during most of the summer. Cattle diets, as determined with esophageally fistulated animals, were also high in crude protein and low in fiber during the summer. We propose a toxic window hypothesis relating larkspur palatability and toxicity. This hypothesis predicts that most cattle losses will occur during the flowering stage. We found that tall larkspur was unpalatable to cattle from the bud stage until the flowering racemes had elongated, and then consumption generally increased with plant maturation. Even though palatability and consumption increase during the grazing season, cattle can graze tall larkspur with a much lower risk of toxicosis when toxicity is low later in the grazing season.
  • Effects of dormant-season herbage removal on Flint Hills rangeland

    Auen, L. M.; Owensby, C. E. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Stocking rate effects on intensive-early stocked Kansas Flint Hills range were studied from 1982 through 1987. Rates were 2X, 2.5X, and 3X normal season-long stocking rates for 200-225 kg steers. Study design was a randomized complete block with 2 replicates. Grass and forb standing crop (kg/ha) were estimated at the time of livestock removal (mid July) and again in early October. Plant basal cover and composition were taken in early June the year prior to the study and annually thereafter. Overall growing season precipitation during the study period was below normal, with late-summer precipitation much below normal in the second and third years of the study. Grass standing crop (GSC) in mid July decreased with increased stocking rate, but by early October GSC was similar under the 2.5X and 3X stocking rates, but continued to be lower than that under the 2X rate. There was no consistent response in mid July forb standing crop (FSC) with respect to stocking rate. In early October, FSC was either not affected by stocking rate (1983, 1986, and 1987) or was greater under the highest stocking rate (1982, 1984, and 1985). The major changes in botanical composition and basal cover were a reduction in Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans Nash) and an increase in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) as stocking rate increased. Botanical composition of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) increased under the 2X rate but did not change under the higher rates. Individual steer gains were similar under the different stocking rates, but livestock breed appeared to affect magnitude of the gain. Since individual gains did not differ, gains per ha were substantially increased by the higher stocking rates.
  • Determination of root mass ratios in alfalfa-grass mixtures using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy

    Rumbaugh, M. D.; Clark, D. H.; Pendery, B. M. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Hand separation of roots of 2 or more plants species from soil cores is a tedious and labor-intensive task. Our objective was to determine whether near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) could be employed to estimate root biomass proportions in binary mixtures of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) with each of 4 grasses. Grasses chosen for experimentation were crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), intermediate wheatgrass [Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey], an intergeneric hybrid [Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski × Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Love], and Russian wildrye [Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski]. In the first experiment, roots from single-species field plots were washed from soil cores, dried, ground, and mechanically mixed in preselected alfalfa-grass ratios in which the percentage of grass varied from 0 to 100. Equations to measure the proportion of alfalfa or grass were developed from near infrared reflectance data using 84 randomly selected samples. In the second experiment, the 5 plant species were grown in greenhouse pots in pure stands and in binary mixtures that included all combinations of the grasses. Root systems were separated while attached to the topgrowth, dried, and ground. Tissues from single species treatments were mixed and calibration equations developed from these mixtures were used to estimate the proportion of alfalfa and the proportion of grass in samples. Samples contained either one type of root or a mixture of roots in proportions similar to those that occurred naturally in the pots. Coefficients of determination (r2) between the estimated and the actual root mass ratios ranged from 0.92 to 0.99. Determination of the proportion of grass in the samples was more accurate and precise than determination of the proportion of alfalfa. After the appropriate calibration equations have been developed, NIRS is more efficient than hand separation for estimating alfalfa-grass root mass ratios. The utility of the techniques can be increased by developing equations that encompass more complex mixtures and a wider range of environmental circumstances.
  • Defoliation of Thurber needlegrass: herbage and root responses

    Ganskopp, D. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Thurber needlegrass (Stipa thurberiana Piper) is an important component of both forested and shrub-steppe communities of the Pacific Northwest and Great Basin regions, and little is known of its tolerance to defoliation. A study was conducted on the Squaw Butte Experimental Range to determine the response of containerized Thurber needlegrass to single defoliations (2.5-cm stubble) throughout the growing season. Dates of treatment spanned vegetative through quiescent stages of phenology. Response variables included: summer regrowth, number of reproductive stems, fall growth, and subsequent spring herbage production, change in basal area, and root mass. Vigor of Thurber needlegrass was reduced most by defoliation during the early-boot stage of development. Impacts were successively less severe from vegetative, late-boot, and anthesis treatments, respectively. Cumulative herbage production the year of treatment was reduced from 38 to 64% by defoliation at the early-boot stage. The same treatment reduced subsequent spring growth by 46 to 51% and root mass the next spring by 34 to 45%. Treatment effects were somewhat reduced when temperature and moisture regimes allowed substantial regrowth after defoliation. Defoliation during or after anthesis had little effect on plant response. Managers should be aware that a single defoliation, particularly during the boot stage, can significantly reduce subsequent herbage production and root mass and possibly lower the competitive ability of Thurber needlegrass.
  • Control of threadleaf rubber rabbitbrush with herbicides

    Whisenant, S. G. (Society for Range Management, 1988-11-01)
    Foliar sprays of 2,4-D [(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid]), picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid), dicamba (3,6-dichloro-2-methoxy benzoic acid), or clopyralid (3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid) were applied in 30 or 150 L of total spray solution ha-1 to threadleaf rubber rabbitbrush [Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. consimilis (Greene) Hall & Clem] in Garfield County, Utah. Additional herbicide treatments were applied in 150 L ha-1 in Sevier County, Utah. Herbicides were less effective when applied in 30 L ha-1 than when applied in 150 L of total spray solution ha-1. Mortality was 74 to 87% following applications of 4.4 kg a.e. (acid equivalent) 2,4-D ha-1. Dicamba applied at 3.3 kg ha-1 resulted in 70 to 87% mortality, and picloram applied at 0.8 kg ha-1 resulted in 56 to 79% mortality. The greatest mortalities (84 to 97%) occurred on areas treated with 2.2 kg clopyralid ha-1. Mortality of threadleaf rubber rabbitbrush increased an average of 28, 17, 33, and 27% following applications of 2,4-D, dicamba, picloram, and clopyralid respectively, by using 150 L spray volume. Greatest increases were at the lowest herbicide rates. Applying herbicides in greater amounts of carrier (water) significantly increased both mortality and canopy reduction of threadleaf rubber rabbitbrush for at least 39 months.