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Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Ytterbium-Labeled forage as a Marker for Estimation of Cattle Fecal Output

    Musimba, N. K. R.; Galyean, M. L.; Holechek, J. L.; Pieper, R. D. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    This study evaluated the accuracy of a once daily dose of ytterbium (Yb)-labeled forage as a marker to estimate fecal output of cattle grazing at the National Range Research Station, Kiboko, Kenya. Ytterbium-labeled forage was administered daily to 15 zebu steers for 10 consecutive days for each of 3 trials. During the last 5 days of each trial, fecal grab samples were collected at 6-h intervals. During this same 5-day period, total fecal output was collected from 9 of the steers. Ytterbium estimates of fecal output were 114%, 104%, and 144% of actual fecal output for March, April, and July trials, respectively. Dry matter and organic matter intake estimates between Yb and total collection procedures differed (P<.05) in the July trial, but not the March and April trials. Compared with total fecal collection, Yb overestimated organic matter intake by 20, 2, and 40%, respectively for March, April and July trials. Based on our results, daily dosing of Yb-labeled forage will provide reasonable estimates of fecal output when relative estimates of intake between range management treatments are needed.
  • Vegetation Trends within Rest-Rotation and Season-long Grazing Systems in the Missouri River Breaks, Montana

    Watts, C. R.; Eichhorn, L. C.; Mackie, R. J. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Trends in canopy-coverage of vegetation and bare ground were measured inside and outside exclosures on recent burns within three-pasture rest-rotation and season-long grazing systems over a 10-year period. Results suggested that rest-rotation grazing may maintain vegetation and soil cover somewhat comparable to ungrazed cattle exclosures on rough breaks-type range in north-central Montana. Season-long grazing may not maintain satisfactory vegetation and soil cover in the area.
  • The Effect of Agriculture on Ferruginous and Swainson's Hawks

    Schmutz, J. K. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Raptors are an important component of prairie ecosystems. I examined the effects of grassland conversion to agricultural fields on densities of nesting prairie hawks. Densities of Swainson's hawks were recorded for comparison. The 2 species of congeneric hawks responded differently to habitat loss despite considerable overlap in their use of resources. As cultivation on study plots increased, ferruginous hawks declined. Swainson's hawks were more abundant in areas of moderate cultivation than in grassland or in areas of extensive cultivation. Differences in the hawks' responses were attributed to differences in their ecology, primarily prey utilization. There was no evidence that soil quality affected hawk abundance.
  • Steer and Vegetation Response to Short Duration and Continuous Grazing

    Pitts, J. S.; Bryant, F. C. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Comparisons were made over a 4-year period between 1-herd, 16-pasture short duration grazing (SDG) and continuous grazing (CG) on the Texas High Plains. Animal performance, vegetation response, and diet quality were evaluated. Stocking rate on SDG was equal to that on CG the first year (13.3 ha/AU), double that on CG in the second year, and 1.5 times that on CG the third and fourth years. Average daily gain (ADG) of steers was the same (0.33 kg/day) between SDG and CG the first year. When stocking was doubled on SDG the second year, steers on SDG gained 0.15 kg/day compared to 0.25 kg/day under CG. In the third and fourth years, with stocking under SDG at 1.5 times that on CG, gains were similar. Standing crop biomass on SDG fell below that on CG after 1 year of grazing. In the second year standing crop was greater (P<0.05) on SDG than on CG, but in years 3 and 4, standing crop on the SDG was less than on CG. Changes in species composition were the same on both CG and SDG. Steer diet composition and quality were evaluated during the growing season (May to October) of year 4. Steers on SDG consumed 15% more forbs (39% vs 24%) than steers on CG. No differences (P>0.05) between CG and SDG were observed for dietary crude protein or in vitro digestible organic matter. SDG did not improve animal performance, diet quality, or forage availability over CG when evaluated over 4 years.
  • Soil Seed Banks Associated with Individual Broom Snakeweed Plants

    Osman, A.; Pieper, R. D.; McDaniel, K. C. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    The influence of individual broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae [Pursh] Britt. & Rushby) plants on the distribution of buried viable seed and the distribution of plants in the field was studied in a desert grassland in southern New Mexico. Surface soil samples collected at 3 distances from a central broom snakeweed plant were watered in pots in a greenhouse and numbers of each species emerging were counted. Densities of each species were also determined in the field. Some species (Sporobolus flexuosus [Thurb.] Rybd., S. contractus Hitchc., Descurainia pinnata [Walt.] Britton, and Dithyrea wislizenii Engelm.) emerged in greatest numbers from soil collected in the zones closest and at the greatest distances from the broom snakeweed. Emergence of other species declined in relation to distance from the central snakeweed plant. In the field, grasses generally increased in relation to distance from the central broom snakeweed plant while the pattern for forbs was not consistent.
  • Ranch Values and the Federal Grazing Fee

    Lambert, D. K. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Past analysis of the impacts of higher federal grazing fees on ranch values have been purely speculative due to the absence of observations on sales of Western cattle ranches under a wide range of fee levels. An income approach to ranch value determination is described here in which numerous parameters affecting value can be varied. Solutions attained under different grazing fees are capitalized into the net present value of a potential ranch investment. Substantial decreases in ranch revenues and ranch values can occur with large fee increases in cases where public land forage comprises a large share of a ranch's annual forage supply.
  • Rainfall Interception by Midgrass, Shortgrass, and Live Oak Mottes

    Thurow, T. L.; Blackburn, W. H.; Warren, S. D.; Taylor, C. A. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Interception, as a function of simulated rainfall intensity and duration, was determined for a midgrass [sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.)] and a shortgrass [curleymesquite (Hilaria belangeri (Steud.) Nash)]. In addition, the redistribution of natural precipitation via plant interception was determined for live oak (Quercus virginiana Mill.) mottes. Interception storage capacity for sideoats grama and curleymesquite was 81 and 114% of dry weight, respectively. This difference was attributed to physical characteristics of the species and their respective growth forms. However, because sites dominated by sideoats grama had more standing biomass (3,640 kg ha-1) than sites dominated by curleymesquite (1,490 kg ha-1), it was estimated that a sideoats grama dominated site had an interception storage capacity of 1.8 mm compared to curleymesquite dominated site with an interception storage capacity of 1.0 mm. Based upon precipitation event size and distribution for the study site at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station near Sonora, Texas, the estimated interception loss for curleymesquite dominated sites was 10.8% of annual precipitation, compared to 18.1% interception loss for sideoats grama dominated sites. Only 54% of the annual precipitation reached mineral soil beneath the oak mottes as throughfall or stemflow. The remainder of the precipitation was intercepted by the motte canopy or litter layer and evaporated. Due to the water concentrating effect of stemflow, soil near the base of trees received about 222% of annual precipitation. Soil at a distance greater than approximately 100 mm from a tree trunk received only 50.6% of annual rainfall. Individual tree canopy width, height and depth measurements were insignificant predictors of stemflow and throughfall. Interception, throughfall and stemflow, expressed as percent of storm precipitation, were well-defined curvilinear functions.
  • Nitrogen Concentration in Blood and Rumen Liquor of Cattle Fed Low Protein Diets

    Hinnant, R. T.; Kothmann, M. M. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Crude protein determination of a grazing animal's diet is difficult and expensive. Traditional methods include forage sampling (usually not representative of the diet selection process) and the use of fistulated animals for direct diet collections. Indirect methods were tested to provide a rapid estimate of diet protein at less cost. Concentration of blood serum urea N (BUN) and the concentration of total nitrogen (N), protein N, microbial protein N, and non-protein N (NPN) in rumen liquor were determined in 4 cows and 4 steers fed diets at maintenance (7.1%) and 3 sub-maintenance levels of crude protein (CP) (4.3, 5.2, and 6.2%). Cottonseed hulls constituted the basal diet, with cottonseed cubes added to vary the CP content and molasses added to provide isocaloric diets. However, diet CP affected the in vivo digestibility of the diets and hence their caloric values. Concentrations of BUN did not differ (P<.05) with changes in dietary CP. The concentration of total N, protein N, microbial protein N, and nonprotein N (NPN) in the rumen liquor (P<.05) increased as diet CP increased. The percentage of NPN in the total N was reduced when diet CP was below 5.2%, but it did not differ significantly when diet CP was between 5.2 and 7.1%. The ratio of microbial nitrogen to total protein nitrogen was not affected by level of dietary crude protein. Total N was a sensitive indicator of the CP content of the diet and was the easiest and quickest method tested.
  • Nitrogen and Energy Budgets of Free-Roaming Cattle

    Senft, R. L.; Stillwell, M. A.; Rittenhouse, L. R. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Energy and nitrogen (N) budgets of free-roaming yearling heifers were quantified. Energy and N retention were estimated from liveweight gains. Intake and excretion of N and energy were measured directly. Dry matter intake per unit metabolic body weight (MBW = Bwkg.75) varied seasonally, peaking in late growing season. Fecal dry matter output, which was related to dry matter intake, also peaked late in the growing season. Urine volume, however, peaked early in the growing season. Urinary N excretion per MBW was correlated with dietary N concentration (r = .79). Fecal N excretion per MBW was relatively constant while fecal N concentration varied. Partitioning of N losses between feces and urine varied seasonally, with 54% excreted in urine during the growing season (April through October) and 45% in urine during the dormant season (November through March). On a year-round basis, 8% of ingested N was incorporated into body tissue. Fecal energy excretion trend followed that of gross energy intake. Digestible energy intake per MBW was relatively high throughout the growing season and steadily declined after onset of the dormant season. Urinary energy output was closely related to urinary N output and peaked early in the growing season. Metabolizable energy (ME) followed dynamics similar to those of digestible energy. Net energy for liveweight gain accounted for about 8% of gross energy intake on a year-round basis. ME and crude protein intake were above maintenance requirements during the growing season, but were inadequate during the dormant season. ME intake apparently limited growth early in the growing season; protein intake was limiting late in the growing season.
  • Influence of Watering Frequency on forage Consumption and Steer Performance in Southeastern Kenya

    Musimba, N. K. R.; Pieper, R. D.; Wallace, J. D.; Galyean, M. L. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Forty-five zebu steers (avg wt 311 kg) were allotted to 3 watering frequency treatments with 15 steers/treatment. The treatments involved watering once every day (1/1), watering once every 2 days (1/2) and watering once every 3 days (1/3) to investigate the effect of watering frequency on forage consumption and steer performance. Three steers/treatment were used to quantify fecal output and estimated forage consumption. All steers were grazed together in a 100-ha paddock for 10 hours daily and confined in a corral overnight. Steers were allowed ad libitum access to water only in the evenings according to the watering schedule. The study was conducted over 6 months, during which time total fecal collections were made in March, April, June, and July. All steers were weighed approximately every 2 weeks. Forage consumption was reduced (P<0.01) for steers watering (1/2) and (1/3), compared with the (1/1) watered group. Forage intake was highest (P<0.01) in April when herbage was green and growing. Steer performance followed a seasonal pattern reflecting changes in forage quality. Watering frequency did not influence steer performance. Reducing watering frequency from daily to once ever 2 or 3 days may enhance utilization of available range and save on cost of providing water for cattle under certain pastoral conditions.
  • Influence of Frequency of Drinking on Particulate Passage Rate and Dry Matter Disappearance in Grazing Zebu Cattle

    Musimba, N. K. R.; Galyean, M. L.; Whittington, D. L.; Pieper, R. D. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Three ruminally cannulated zebu steers were used in a water restriction study. Three drinking frequencies were imposed on the steers: watered daily, once in 2 days, and once in 3 days. Particulate rate of passage was estimated by dosing steers with Yb-labeled forage and collecting fecal grab samples for a 5-day period. Steers were grazed from 0700 h to 1800 h, then brought back to drink, and penned overnight. Particulate passage rate decreased (P<0.05) from 3.8 to 2.5 and 2.1%/h, while total mean retention time increased (P<0.01) from 54.0 to 65.2 and 80.2 h for steers watered once daily, once in 2 days, and once in 3 days, respectively. In situ dry matter disappearance in the rumen was increased (P<0.01) and dry matter intake decreased by one-third to two-thirds (P<0.01) by water restriction.
  • Indifference of Mountain Big Sagebrush Growth to Supplemental Water and Nitrogen

    Carpenter, A. T.; West, N. E. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    The responses of mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle) to small annual additions of water and/or nitrogen were investigated in southwestern Wyoming. A factorial field experiment with 2 levels of water (0 or 4 liters per plant in May) and 2 levels of ammonium nitrate fertilizer (0 or 31 kg N ha-1) was conducted with mountain big sagebrush tubelings from 1981 through 1984. End-of-season aboveground biomass and relative growth rate were not affected during 1982-84. Twig growth, ephemeral leaf survival, plant phenology, plant water potential and its components were likewise unaffected by the water and nitrogen treatments during the 1983 and 1984 growing seasons. Lack of a supplemental water main effect or a water × nitrogen fertilizer interaction probably were not evident because of above-average precipitation at the research site during the experimental period. The most likely explanation for the observed lack of nitrogen effect is that the nitrogen additions were small in relation to the total amount available to the plants.
  • Improving Germination Rate of the Florida Legume Galactia Elloittii

    Muir, J. P.; Pitman, W. D. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    The perennial legume, Galactia elliottii Nuttal, is widely distributed in the Spodosol soils (flatwoods) of the Southeastern United States and could have potential as a component of plant mixtures for revegetating deteriorated flatwoods rangeland and other disturbed sites. Seeds of this legume were collected from a peninsular Florida flatwoods site as they developed during the fall of 1983. Since a range in seed development was obtained, seeds were grouped according to maturity and fill. Seed treatments as well as seed development effects on germination were evaluated. Seed treatment by seed development interactions were obtained (P<0.05) indicating that seed of the 3 development groups (mature full seed, mature partially filled seed, and green seed) responded differently to the seed treatments. Mechanical scarification with sandpaper and treatment with sulfuric acid effectively increased (P<0.05) both total germination and rate of germination compared to the untreated control for the 2 mature seed groups. Mechanical scarification and sulfuric acid treatment also increased rate of germination of green seed. However, final (day 52) total germination of sandpaper-scarified green seed did not differ (P>0.05) from the control. Hot water treatment was effective in increasing total germination of green seed but did not produce a response (P<0.05) until after the first week of incubation. Mature seeds from a number of sites were collected in the winter of 1986-87 and composited for germination studies. Sandpaper scarification, sulfuric acid, and a control were evaluated. Initial germination of 84% for sandpaper-scarified seeds from this trial was greater than germination of similar seeds from 1983, while sulfuric acid-treated seeds did not germinate as well. Effectiveness of mechanical seed coat disruption at increasing germination of mature seed indicates that the primary limitation to germination of mature seed of this legume is seed coat impermeability. Differential responses among seed of differing development indicates that seed fill occurred in the green seed before complete development of seed coat impermeability, thus, allowing less severe treatments than seed coat disruption to affect germination.
  • Habitat Selection, Foraging Behavior, and Dietary Nutrition of Elk in Burned Aspen Forest

    Canon, S. K.; Urness, P. J.; DeByle, N. V. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Prescribed burning is frequently used to enhance regeneration of aspen. The effects of burning aspen on wild ungulates are poorly understood. We used free-ranging tame elk to assess diet composition and quality on a site containing a 40-ha aspen burn, pure unburned aspen, mixtures of aspen and conifers, and other habitats. Foraging preferences of elk among the habitats were also investigated. Overall, no dietary nutritional differences were found between burned and unburned aspen habitats. Diet composition by forage class varied somewhat, due primarily to an abundance of very palatable post-fire forbs on the burn. Time spent feeding was significantly different among habitats. The burn was substantially more attractive for foraging probably because preferred forages were consistently available and greater foraging efficiency was possible than in other habitats.
  • Frequency Sampling and Type II Errors

    Whysong, G. L.; Brady, W. W. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Probabilities of detecting frequency differences based on data obtained by random sampling were determined by computer simulation. Artificial, monotypic populations of known frequency were generated and sampled. Sample sizes of 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 plots were used to compare baseline populations of 20, 50, and 80% frequency to populations having progressively larger or smaller frequencies. Probabilities of detecting a difference in frequency from baseline populations were empirically estimated from 10,000 comparisons using a test of proportions (P<0.05). Results indicated that the power of the test was substantially reduced at lower sample sizes. Equating the probability of Type I and Type II errors at 0.05 resulted in sample sizes of approximately 500 plots being needed to statistically distinguish between differences of plus or minus 10% frequency.
  • Forage Maturity Effects on Rumen Fermentation, Fluid Flow, and Intake in Grazing Steers

    Adams, D. C.; Cochran, R. C.; Currie, P. O. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Eight ruminally fistulated steers were observed on native range from 4 May 1981 to 5 Nov. 1981 to determine effects of advancing forage maturity on rumen fermentation, fluid passage, fluid volume, and forage intake. Effects of these factors are poorly defined for cattle on the Northern Great Plains but are essential for developing management strategies for optimum animal production. On 6 different dates, the steers were given an intraruminal dose of cobalt ethylenediaminetetraacetate (CoEDTA), and samples of rumen fluid were drawn at 4-hour intervals over a 24-hour time period. Rumen fluid samples were analyzed for volatile fatty acid, ammonia-N, cobalt concentration, and pH. CoEDTA was used as a marker to estimate rumen fluid passage and volume. Forage intake was determined by total fecal collection and in vitro digestibility of the forage. Total ruminal volatile fatty acid, molar proportions of individual volatile fatty acid, pH, and ammonia-N concentrations varied (P<0.01) within each of the six 24-hour periods, but the changes were dependent on date. Advancing forage maturity was associated with reduction in individual and total ruminal volatile fatty acid, ammonia-N, pH, and fluid dilution rate. Rumen fluid volume increased with increasing forage maturity. Variation in organic matter intake was small (P>0.05) over the range of forage maturities studied. We concluded that variation in rumen fluid passage, volume, and fermentation depended on forage maturity, and protein supplementation may be beneficial during late summer-early fall to increase or sustain animal production.
  • Evaluation of the Forage-disk Method in Mixed-grass Rangelands of Kansas

    Karl, M. G.; Nicholson, R. A. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    The forage disk meter, a double sampling device used to predict forage biomass, has been used extensively on improved pastures, but its use on rangelands has not been investigated thoroughly. Efficiency of the forage disk meter was investigated in predicting yields of forage biomass on different range sites in western Kansas. Using least squares regression methods, resting heights (forage bulk) and dry matter yields were used to calibrate the disk meter for each site and sampling date. Highly significant regressions (P<0.0001) were obtained on all the shortgrass sites, where several factors that had unfavorable effects on the regression relationship between forage bulk and forage biomass were not apparent. These factors, although not quantified, included accumulation of litter, microrelief, lodged vegetation, and presence of broadleaf species. Regression coefficients (b) and intercepts (a) varied between sites and dates, thus the forage disk meter should be calibrated for every range site. If a forage disk meter is calibrated for a specific range site, regression coefficients and intercepts might not differ from year to year if grazing pressure and species composition are temporally consistent, which implies that recalibration might be unnecessary. The forage disk meter was useful as a double sampling device on range sites dominated by shortgrasses, but its use was limited on areas dominated by annual forbs or midgrasses.
  • Effects of Grazing on the Vegetation of the Blackbrush Association

    Jeffries, D. L.; Klopatek, J. M. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Four communities or sites dominated by blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima Torr.) were studied in the Kaiparowits Basin of southern Utah and northern Arizona. One site has been heavily grazed yearlong for about 100 years; the second has been lightly to moderately grazed in winter for 3 years; the third has had 10 years of recovery from heavy grazing; and the fourth is a relic, ungrazed blackbrush ecosystem. Soils were 87 to 99% sand and gravel with mean pH's 8.2 to 8.5. The relic site had significantly more herbaceous vegetation cover (composed primarily of perennial grasses) and total cover than all other sites. The relic site also had significantly more shrub and cryptogamic cover than the heavily grazed and recovery sites. The recovering site showed no significant differences than the heavily grazed site for any of the measured parameters.
  • Clearcutting Brazilian Semiarid Tropics: Observations on Its Effects on Small Ruminant Nutrition during the Dry Season

    Kirmse, R. D.; Provenza, F. D.; Malechek, J. C. (Society for Range Management, 1987-09-01)
    Small ruminant production in northeast Brazil is limited by prolonged nutritional stress during the dry season. Our study assessed the effects of clearcutting woody vegetation on the nutrition of goats and sheep during the initial dry season following clearing. Dry matter intake g day-1 was higher for animals on cleared than on uncleared areas (818 vs. 627; P<0.05). Extrusa from esophageally fistulated animals grazing cleared, as opposed to uncleared, areas was more digestible (52 vs. 47%; P<0.05), was similar in crude protein (7.1 vs. 7.1%; P<0.05), and was lower in neutral detergent fiber (49 vs. 51%; P<0.05) and lignin (14 vs. 16%; P<0.05). Intake and diet quality declined on both cleared and uncleared areas as forage availability declined. Animals on cleared areas benefitted from increased availability of herbs and of biomass from palatable trees that coppiced and retained green leaves throughout much of the dry season. Animals on uncleared areas relied heavily on leaf litter from trees, which provided a poorer quality, but persistent, source of forage throughout the dry season.

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