Journal of Range Management, Volume 35 (1982)
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Print ISSN: 0022-409x
Online ISSN: 1550-7424
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Journal of Range Management, Volume 35, Number 6 (November 1982)Society for Range Management, 1982-11-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 35, Number 4 (July 1982)Society for Range Management, 1982-07-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 35, Number 5 (September 1982)Society for Range Management, 1982-09-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 35, Number 2 (March 1982)Society for Range Management, 1982-03-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 35, Number 3 (May 1982)Society for Range Management, 1982-05-01
Journal of Range Management, Volume 35, Number 1 (January 1982)Society for Range Management, 1982-01-01
Woody Plant Control in the Post Oak Savannah of Texas With HexazinoneHexazinone, applied as spheres or pellets (1.27 cm in diameter) in grid patterns (1.5 or 3 m spacings) at 2 or 4 kg/ha effectively controlled post oak and blackjack oak in east central Texas. The herbicide also appeared promising for control of water oak, American elm, and downy hawthorne. Willow baccharis and winged elm appeared to be moderately susceptible to 2 kg/ha of the herbicide and were controlled by 4 kg/ha. Yaupon canopies were initially reduced by the herbicide but had begun to recover by the second or third growing season after application and replaced the oaks as the primary limitation to range improvement following treatment, regardless of hexazione rate applied. Saw greenbrier, mustang grape, southern dewberry, American beautyberry, and woolly-bucket bumelia were not controlled by hexazinone.
Vegetative Response to Clearcutting and Chopping in a North Florida Flatwoods ForestSelected naturally regenerated flatwoods forests were clearcut and chopped in preparing a large, long-term study of the effects of several multiple-use management practices on forest vegetation and wildlife. Early effects of clearcutting and chopping on understory vegetation are reported here. Clearcutting and chopping reduced woody understory coverage from 66 to 18% of surface area. Common gallberry and saw-palmetto were reduced by 75 and 89%, respectively. Herbaceous species frequency was increased: Panicums by over 3,000%; bluestems by 173%; grasslikes by over 2,000%; and forbs by 308%. Graphical analyses show an increase in herbaceous species diversity as a result of mechanical site disturbance. Comparing these graphs with those reported on the effects of prescribed burning suggests that the collective vegetative response to mechanical site disturbance is qualitatively similar to the response to fire. Quantitatively the response to mechanical disturbance is more pronounced.
Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Bluebunch Wheatgrass in Interior British ColumbiaVegetative and reproductive growth of bluebunch wheatgrass in interior British Columbia has been documented for a 3-year period. Plants began growing immediately after snow melt in the spring, with measurable growth occurring where soils had warmed to 6 +/- 0.5 degrees C at 10-cm depths. Growth ceased from 7 May to 15 July and plants fully matured from 7 July to 10 August with actual dates for each particular site being dependent upon the local microclimate. Fall regrowth was not predictable, occurring only during 1973. Seed production was erratic, unpredictable from our data, and not of sufficient magnitude to sustain the grass population if improper grazing is allowed.
Vegetation Response to Prescribed Fire in a North Florida Flatwoods ForestSelected naturally regenerated flatwoods forests were burned in preparing a large, long-term study of the effects of several multiple use management practices on forest vegetation and wildlife. Early effects of burning on understory vegetation are reported here. Fire reduced woody understory coverage (from 72 to 66% of surface area), and increased herbaceous species frequency (from 60 to 81%) and herbaceous standing biomass (from 124 to 245 kg/ha). Graphical analyses show an increase in herbaceous species diversity as a result of burning.
Using Blue Grama Sod for Range RevegetationBlue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) is often difficult to establish by direct seeding, but in many cases it can be established on some critical areas by sodding. Best results were obtained by: (1) transplanting the sod early in the season (May or June), (2) cutting the sod about 5 cm thick and keeping it flat in transit, (3) pre-wetting the sod before cutting if the soil was not already wet, and (4) irrigating the sod immediately after laying and preferably an additional two times during the following week. Establishment depended mainly on development of new adventitious roots which were produced only on recently developed tillers. Sod transplanted in May and June produced the most new adventitious roots; sod transplanted in June and July had the greatest rate of adventitious root elongation; and sod transplanted in June produced the greatest total length of new adventitious roots per sample.
Understory Herbage Production as a Function of Rocky Mountain Aspen Stand DensityThe effects of aspen overstory basal area on herbaceous understory production on the Bears Ears District of the Routt National Forest in northwest Colorado were investigated. Using regression, a coefficient of determination of .61 was found between herbage production and overstory basal area. For overstory basal areas less than 10.0 meter2}/hectare, herbaceous understory production varied considerably and was often double that found at higher densities of overstory basal area. Herbage production at higher densities (10.0 to 18.9 $m2/ha) showed less variation with an average production of 1100 kilograms/hectare. The best opportunities for herbaceous understory production in unmanaged, pure aspen stands occur at overstory basal areas less than 10.0 m2/ha.
The Relative Impact of Various Grasshopper Species on Stipa-Agropyron Mixed Prairie and Fescue Prairie in Southern AlbertaSweep-net samples of grasshoppers were taken annually in late August at Stavely (1970-78) on Festuca scabrella prairie and at Coalhurst (1971-79) on Stipa-Agropyron prairie. Mean catches of grasshoppers were higher (170 vs 112 per 50 sweeps) and more species were sampled (27 vs 13) at Coalhurst. Melanoplus dawsoni (Scudder) was the dominant grasshopper at Stavely while Encoptolophys sordidus costalis (Scudder) and Melanoplus infantilis (Scudder) were codominants at Coalhurst. Grasshoppers were also sampled at two other sites in 1971 and one in 1971 and 1972 on Stipa-Agropyron prairie. Mean catches per 50 sweeps were 122, 164, and 234, respectively, at these sites with 14, 12, and 11 species of grasshoppers sampled. The dominant species were Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder), M. infantilis, and M. dawsoni. Of the 35 species collected at the study sites, 21, those forming at least 1% of the grasshoppers collected at one or more sites, were evaluated for their potential impact on rangeland. Population counts and published data on phenology, damage to rangeland, and feeding preferences were considered. The per capita feeding rate of adults-assumed to be proportional to the 0.68 power of body weight-was also assessed. Using these criteria, all but two species-Melanoplus femurrubrum femurrubrum (DeGeer) and M. dawsoni-were considered potentially damaging. Adult weights varied such that an adult M. infantilis, the smallest species, would feed at 28% the rate of an adult Metator pardalinus (Saussure), the largest species. Published data on habitat preferences of the 21 species show that most of the damaging species prefer sparsely vegetated habitats and thus would be favored where range is overgrazed by cattle.
The Persistence of Fenitrothion Insecticide In Red Maple (Acer rubrum L.) and White Birch (Betula papyfifera (Marsh.)) Deer BrowseFrom May 15 to November 15, 1977, vegetation plots were monitered on a constant basis in order to obtain the concentration of fenitrothion in red maple and white birch deer browse. The data obtained indicates that the concentrations tend to be as high as 21.413 ppm for the red maple and 19.371 ppm for the white birch immediately following the spray application. However, the concentrations are below 0.010 ppm 120 days following the application. Fenitroxon was detected in two of the samples taken from the sprayed plots. None was detected within the control plots. There is no evidence in the literature that a concentration of fenitrothion of the magnitude detected would have obvious effects on deer populations during their winter yarding.
The Occurrence of Anagyrine in a Collection of Western American LupinesThe alkaloid anagyrine found in some Lupinus species has been shown to cause the teratogenic condition known as "crooked calf disease." A collection of western American lupines held by the Western Regional Plant Introduction Station was grown at Pullman, Washington, to determine the extent and levels of anagyrine in these accessions. The plants were field grown on Tucannon soil, a fine-silty, mixed, mesic pachic Haploxerolls. Anagyrine determinations were made by gas/liquid chromatography. Accessions that were positive for anagyrine in June 1977 were resampled and verified in 1978. Anagyrine and total alkaloids were higher in April and markedly diminished by July. Seeds were higher in total alkaloids and anagyrine, when present, than was mature vegetation.
The Nutritional Basis for Food Selection by UngulatesA conceptual framework is outlined for understanding the reasons why ungulates select the kinds of foods that they do. It consists of four morphological parameters: (1) body size and (2) type of digestive system (cecal or ruminant) determine the overall time-energy constraints within which the ungulate may forage selectively; (3) rumino-reticular volume to body weight ratio determines the type of food the ruminant is most efficient in processing; and (4) mouth size determines the ability of the ungulate to harvest selectively plant parts of individuals. Principal premises are the following: (1) large ungulates and cecal digestors are more limited by time than are small ungulates and ruminant digestors; (2) high rumino-reticular volume to body weight ratio is an adaptation to exploiting thick cell-walled, high cellulose diets (i.e., graminoids); and (3) low rumino-reticular volume to body weight ratio is an adaptation to exploiting thin but lignified cell-walled diets (i.e., browse).
The Effects of Burning on Mineral Contents of Flint Hill Range ForagesThe mineral status of Flint Hills bluestem forage was assessed monthly between 1975 and 1976. Results indicated that magnesium, potassium, and manganese were adequate for optimum performance of range cattle during spring and summer, but that magnesium and potassium were low in late fall and winter. Concentrations of calcium, iron, and zinc, highest in spring, were higher throughout the year than established nutrient requirements. Burning significantly decreased phosphorus and iron and increased magnesium. The low levels of phosphorus and potassium during fall and winter do not affect animal performance.
Summer Grazing of Sagebrush-Grass Range by SheepSagebrush-grass range normally grazed in the spring and fall can be grazed in the summer to provide a maintenance ration for ewes if their lambs are weaned early. Moderate grazing (57-99 sheep days/ha) in early or late summer did not change vegetative composition or yields. Heavy grazing (185-198 sheep days/ha) in the early summer decreased yields of grasses and the cushion-forb Hoods phlox. Late summer grazing did not change the grass or forb yields. Sagebrush yields increased in the sagebrush subtype where balsamroot was abundant under early summer grazing.
Soil Loss, Runoff, and Water Quality of Seeded and Unseeded Steep Watersheds Following Prescribed BurningSeeding of steep slopes (37 to 61%) after burning on the Edwards Plateau in central Texas reduced soil losses 78 to 93%. Moreover, the major impact of burning on soil losses was significantly reduced in 3 months on burned and seeded watersheds, but not for 15 to 18 months on unseeded watersheds. Stability (soil losses comparable to pretreatment levels) was reached in 6 months on burned and seeded watersheds. Soil loss rates stabilized when cover (live vegetation plus litter) reached 64 to 72% during normal to wet years or 53 to 60% during dry years. Thus, amount of precipitation and cover are closely tied to soil losses. Overland flow stabilized in 4 to 5 years on unseeded watershed and in 1 to 2 years on seeded watersheds. Water quality, lowered slightly by burning, returned to preburn levels within 2 years after seeding. Without seeding it took 4 years to reach preburn levels. Overall, water quality change following burning was not considered to be serious.
Small Mammal Populations in an Unburned and Early Fire Successional Sagebrush CommunitySpecies composition and total numbers of small mammals changed little in the unburned sagebrush while individual species capture rates varied considerably. Following spring burning, the number of small mammal species and abundance were slightly lower than control levels and were near unburned levels after 3 years. Species composition was greatly reduced on the fall burn in the first postburn year. Two years after burning four species were captured, although only two were caught in live-traps. Total small mammal density increased dramatically in the first two postburn years. The large increase in abundance on both burns was due primarily to Peromyscus maniculatus and Spermophilus armatus. Food use patterns on the fall burn were similar to those observed on the spring burn where small mammals utilized their preferred food types in relation to its abundance and availability.