Welcome to the Rangeland Ecology & Management archives. The journal Rangeland Ecology & Management (RE&M; v58, 2005-present) is the successor to the Journal of Range Management (JRM; v. 1-57, 1948-2004.) The archives provide public access, in a "rolling window" agreement with the Society for Range Management, to both titles (JRM and RE&M), from v.1 up to five years from the present year.

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Print ISSN: 0022-409x

Online ISSN: 1550-7424


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Recent Submissions

  • Winter Foods of Mule Deer in Piceance Basin, Colorado

    Hansen, R. M.; Dearden, B. L. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Fecal samples were examined to estimate the foods of mule deer on winter range in the Piceance Creek Basin in northwestern Colorado. The deer were assumed to be under extreme hardship because of the cold temperatures, the amounts and duration of snow on the ground, and a winter die-off. Pinyon pine and Utah juniper comprised 83% of the total foods eaten between December and March. Big sagebrush, antelope bitterbrush, and Utah serviceberry contributed about 13%. Ten other species of plants occurred in small quantities.
  • What's in a Plant Name?

    Gould, F. W. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    First described in 1803 as a species of Chloris, sideoats grama has been given 18 scientific names (Latin binomials) and 10 common names. The valid name combination, Bouteloua curtipendula, was published by Torrey in 1848.
  • Treating Forb-dominated Subalpine Range With 2,4-D: Effects on Herbage and Cattle Diets

    Thilenius, J. F.; Brown, G. R.; Kaltenbach, C. C. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Treatment of forb-dominated summer cattle range in the Bighorn Mountains with 2,4-D changed the mean grass to forb ratio of the herbage from 27:73 to 81:19, but had no influence on total herbage production. The grass content of the diet of yearling steers was significantly greater only the first 2 years after herbicide treatment. Steers grazing sprayed units gained an average of 2.5 lb/day; those grazing unsprayed units 2.4 lb/day.
  • Toxicity of Nitro-containing Astragalus to Sheep and Chicks

    Williams, M. C.; James, L. F. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Several species of Astragalus that contain organic nitro compounds were tested for toxicity to sheep and 1-week-old chicks. Methemoglobin analyses in sheep indicated that nitro compounds in A. diversifolius, A. convallarius, and A. pterocarpus resembled 3-nitro-1-propanol in toxicity and rate of absorption from the digestive tract. Nitro compounds in A. cibarius and A. canadensis were more closely related to 3-nitropropanoic acid in toxicity and rate of absorption. A. pterocarpus, A. convallarius, and A. diversifolius have been categorized as "Class I" species because they produce acute oral toxicity in sheep at less than 100 mg NO2/kg of body weight. "Class II" Astragalus (A. canadensis and A. cibarius) produce acute toxicity in sheep only if oral dosage exceeds 100 mg NO2/kg. Class I species are more likely to cause livestock losses on the range.
  • The Effect on the Brewer's Sparrow of Spraying Big Sagebrush

    Schroeder, M. H.; Sturges, D. L. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Three sagebrush plants containing Brewer's sparrow nests with eggs were sprayed with 2,4-D. Comparison of these to three nests in unsprayed brush showed no evidence that the herbicide spray reduced nest success during the year of application. Brewer's sparrow use of a sprayed sagebrush stand 1 and 2 years after spraying was 67% and 99% lower, respectively, than use on an unsprayed stand, and no evidence of nesting was found on the sprayed stand.
  • Spring Population Responses of Cottontails and Jackrabbits to Cattle Grazing Shortgrass Prairie

    Flinders, J. T.; Hansen, R. M. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Spring population densities of black-tailed jackrabbits, white-tailed jackrabbits, and desert cottontail rabbits were estimated on pastures under four different grazing treatments by cattle on the shortgrass prairie of northeastern Colorado. Black-tailed jackrabbits were most abundant on pastures with light-summer and moderate-summer grazing treatments. White-tailed jackrabbits showed no strict preference for any grazing treatments but preferred all upland pastures. Desert cottontail rabbits were most abundant in pastures under moderate-summer and moderate-winter grazing treatment. The ratio of abundance between the three species of leporids is, in part, a function of the different levels of grazing intensity. Any future long-term changes in vegetational management in the area could be expected to affect populational ratios.
  • Severe Mechanical and Chemical Range Renovation in Northeastern Wyoming

    Rauzi, F. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Range renovation using a moldboard plow, disc plow, rotovator, blade, and strip spraying with atrazine was evaluated on a clayey and a sandy range site 35 miles south of Gillette, Wyoming. Herbage yields and vegetative composition were influenced by the individual renovation treatment, range site, and distribution and amount of April, May, and June precipitation. The amount of total perennial grass was significantly increased on the plots treated with the rotovator and strip spraying with atrazine on the clayey site, and on plots treated with atrazine on the sandy site. The 5-year average yield of blue grama from the atrazine treatments averaged 872 and 939 lb/acre on the clayey and sandy range sites, respectively, as compared with 237 and 229 lb/acre, respectively, on the check. The blue grama on plots sprayed with atrazine produced a profusion of seed heads and remained green later in the season than on any of the other treatments. The disc plow and the rotovator appear to have a greater potential than the moldboard plow or blade for range renovation. Annual grasses may become a problem with any range renovation, and should be controlled.
  • Secondary Succession Following Extended Inundation of Texas Coastal Rangeland

    Scifres, C. J.; Mutz, J. L. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Periodic tropical storms may cause large areas of Texas coastal rangeland to be inundated for several years. The range sites usually support Acacia-Prosopis communities prior to flooding with herbaceous vegetation dominated by several species of Setaria. Following extended inundation with fresh water, secondary succession proceeds from a sedge-sodgrass stage through a sodgrass-bunchgrass stage to a bunchgrass stage. Longtom (Paspalum lividum Torr.) initially stabilizes the areas as free-standing water withdraws, followed by common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) as the surfaces dry. Sprangletops (Leptochloa spp.) are among the earliest desirable species to appear during succession, followed by species of Trichloris and Eragrostis. In many cases, spike dropseed (Sporobolus contractus Hitchc.) forms a stable vegetation stage on the areas. Although highly productive, periodic prescribed burning is required for effective utilization of the spike dropseed.
  • Ranch Decision-Making under Uncertainty—an Illustration

    Whitson, R. E. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Risk and uncertainty were explicitly included in a ranch decision model by the use of quadratic programming. Alternative ranch organizations are presented for a typical ranch firm in the Rolling Plains of Texas. These organizations illustrate the trade-offs between increasing net ranch income and the annual stability of income. To increase profits, the typical rancher was required to assume increasing amounts of risk. Incorporation of risk in the decision model improved understanding of the decision-making process of ranchers and the reasons why two similar ranchers could be "optimally" organized and operate with completely different ranch plans.
  • Growth Characteristics of Squirreltail Seedlings in Competition with Medusahead

    Hironaka, M.; Sindelar, B. W. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    A competition study between several densities of medusahead (Taeniatherum asperum (Sim) Nevski) and a constant number of squirreltail (Sitanion hystrix Scribn.) seedlings was conducted over an 85-day period in the greenhouse. At the end of experiment the average root weight of squirreltail was greater than that of medusahead even though the average shoot weight of medusahead was greater in all treatments where the two species were grown together. Squirreltail contributed only a small proportion of the total leaf length produced in containers with high densities of medusahead, but the proportion remained relatively constant throughout the experiment. In treatments where medusahead densities were low to moderate, the proportion of total leaf length produced by squirreltail decreased steadily over time.
  • Forest-Range Resources of Southwest Louisiana

    Sternitzke, H. S.; Pearson, H. A. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Findings of the first forest-range inventory of southwest Louisiana conducted as part of the nationwide Forest Survey are described and evaluated. Measurements indicate that the grazing potential of the region's forest ranges is not being fully used. Little competition with wildlife populations and timber stands is indicated at existing levels of understory utilization by livestock.
  • Forecasting Forage Yield from Precipitation in California's Annual Rangeland

    Duncan, D. A.; Woodmansee, R. G. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Total forage yield from 1936 to 1970 and yields of grasses, legumes, and forbs other than legumes for 24 years on the same area of annual rangeland on the San Joaquin Experimental Range in central California were correlated with total annual precipitation and precipitation during the most important month, the most important 2 months, and most important 3 months. Total peak forage yield and yield of components of the vegetation were only poorly correlated with any 1 month's, combination of months', or annual rainfall. Early-season precipitation appear to be of little value for predicting forage yield, yield of grasses, legumes, or forbs other than legumes under the conditions studied.
  • Fall Application of Herbicides for Common Broomweed Control

    Beck, D. L.; Sosebee, R. E. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Common broomweed periodically infests large acreages of Texas rangeland. Spring applications of 1 lb of 2,4-D per acre is currently recommended for control. Fall (1972) applications of either 2,4,5-T low volatile ester, 2,4,5-T amine, or Tordon 225 Mixture applied to individual stumps of shredded honey mesquite trees concomitantly controlled common broomweed infestations during 1973.
  • Effects of Clipping on Dry Matter Yields of Basin Wildrye

    Perry, L. J.; Chapman, S. R. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Total seasonal dry matter yields of individual spaced basin wildrye plants clipped to three heights and reclipped at three time frequencies declined drastically each successive year from 1970 through 1973. Dry matter yields of plants clipped to 15 cm or at 3-week time frequencies declined the greatest with each successive year of clipping. Time of clipping during the growing season had less influence on total seasonal dry matter yields than did clipping height and frequency. This suggests that grazing basin wildrye during the growing season may be possible on a limited basis only.
  • Cool Season Grass Seed Germination as Affected by Storage Time in Fertilizer

    Senter, W. R.; Loveland, R. W.; McMurphy, W. E. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Investigations were carried out with a blended starter fertilizer (20-20-0) mixed with seed of 'Kentucky 31' tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), Jose tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauv.), and Vinall Russian wildrye (Elymus junceus. Fish.). The mixture was stored for a period of time in which the fertilizer had attracted some hygroscopic moisture. After 9 days in storage during which the fertilizer solidified, seed germination was not significantly affected. However, after 63 days in storage the germination was significantly reduced from 91 to 64%.
  • Competition of Erodium botrys and Trifolium subterraneum for Phosphorus

    Guerrero, F. P.; Williams, W. A. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Differential response to phosphorus by broadleaf filaree (Erodium botrys) and subclover (Trifolium subterraneum) in competition was studied in a phosphorus-deficient soil and in sand culture in pots. The data show the superior competitive ability of filaree, a resident annual forb, over subclover, an introduced annual legume, both at high fertility levels including abundant nitrogen, and in soils low in N, P, and S. Under high fertility, the rapid growth of filaree enables it to develop considerable leaf area and interfere with the light reception of subclover. Since most of the range soils in California are nitrogen-deficient, however, subclover, with its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, is able, when P and S are adequate, to outcompete filaree and assume a dominant role. In order to maintain a proper balance among grasses, legumes, and filaree, most California range soils must be topdressed periodically with superphosphate; otherwise, subclover soon becomes subordinate or disappears.
  • Carbohydrate Concentrations in Honey Mesquite Roots in Relation to Phenological Development and Reproductive Condition

    Wilson, R. T.; Dahl, B. E.; Krieg, D. R. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    Lower concentrations of total available carbohydrates were found throughout the growing season in roots of honey mesquite trees with many flowers and pods than in trees with a low reproductive potential. Following bud burst, during the period of pod elongation, mesquite trees with few reproductive organs replenished the root issue with carbohydrates faster than did trees bearing many reproductive organs. During the seed development phase of growth, a second decline in root carbohydrate concentrations occurred. This decline began approximately 1 week later in the heavily fruited trees compared to the trees with few pods. Variation in carbohydrate storage among trees differing in reproductive potential largely explains why it is difficult to consistently kill mesquite roots with growth regulating herbicides. When carbohydrates are no longer accumulating in the roots of trees with few flowers or seed pods, those trees with many reproductive organs may be accumulating carbohydrates. Since herbicides such as 2,4,5-T move to the roots when carbohydrates are accumulating, little herbicide would get to the roots in the one case. Optimum herbicide application dates for West Texas would generally occur from May 15 to June 15 and from July 1 to July 15.
  • Availability of Nitrogen and Other Nutrients on Four Fertilized Range Sites during the Active Growing Season

    Goetz, H. (Society for Range Management, 1975-07-01)
    The course of available soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and water were followed during the 1964-1969 growing seasons on four range sites in western North Dakota. Available nitrogen and potassium demonstrated regular high and low peaks of availability on three of the four sites studied. Available soil water does not appear to be the major factor in determinging the time and magnitude of the cyclic phenomena; rather differences in site characteristics play a greater role. Phosphorus showed little fluctuation throughout the growing season. The magnitude of the fluctuations between high and low points represents between 25 and 50% of the amount present with respect to nitrogen and potassium. The timing of the fluctuations is associated with major phenological events of the native vegetation on each site. Lag periods of about 15 days were observed between the 0-6 and 12-24 inch soil depths in nutrient availability. A consideration of the major periods and characteristics of activity and range site with respect to available soil nutrients is necessary to realize optimum production from native rangeland soils ecosystems.

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